Flameofice Nov 12, 2017 Seems like the entire internet is dead today. Nothing to do except... homework. Bluh.
Flameofice Nov 11, 2017 Pleasantly surprised to see Battlerite doing so well. I was expecting it to flop, even though I enjoy the hell out of it.
Pleasantly surprised to see Battlerite doing so well. I was expecting it to flop, even though I enjoy the hell out of it.
Flameofice Nov 11, 2017 So, people are already getting excited about Niantic's Harry Potter game. Suckers born every minute.
Flameofice Nov 10, 2017 Watching Twitch streams of "Getting Over It" is so nerve wracking that it's almost painful.
Flameofice Nov 8, 2017 Hey, guys. Initial observation. Bunch of irrelevant and insignificant connections. Thing confirmed.
Flameofice Nov 7, 2017 "Planet Healer" from Homestuck Vol.5 is ing magical. It's like a lullaby for daydreams or something.
Flameofice Nov 6, 2017 Somobody started passing around Dwarf Fortress in my Comp Sci class today. Laptops are, surprisingly, still fine, but nobody got very far.
Somobody started passing around Dwarf Fortress in my Comp Sci class today. Laptops are, surprisingly, still fine, but nobody got very far.
Flameofice Nov 1, 2017 Spookyween is over. Candy bowl still has plenty of Tootsie Pops left. Welp... *rummages, unwraps*
Flameofice Nov 1, 2017 To clarify on the previous status: it's almost eight, and our candy bowl is not even close to empty.
Flameofice Nov 1, 2017 Boy, Halloween sure is a disappointment this year. Not a single group of trick-or-treaters on my street right now.
Boy, Halloween sure is a disappointment this year. Not a single group of trick-or-treaters on my street right now.
Flameofice Oct 29, 2017 Bought Doom. I am up to my goddamn neck in darkness and particle effects. Send aid immediately.
Flameofice Oct 26, 2017 So, I trimmed my pinky toe down too far. It is now bleeding slightly. Ow-ish.
Flameofice Oct 24, 2017 I seem to be coming here a lot more than usual these days- almost as much as my usual stomping grounds, even though there's less to do here.
I seem to be coming here a lot more than usual these days- almost as much as my usual stomping grounds, even though there's less to do here.
Flameofice Oct 22, 2017 So, most significant things I own have been decorated with some portrayal of Earth. I've only recently noticed this. Marginally interesting.
So, most significant things I own have been decorated with some portrayal of Earth. I've only recently noticed this. Marginally interesting.
Flameofice Oct 20, 2017 HK's Greenpath theme on a loop is probably the best homework music I've had so far.