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  • Well so much for Youtube, it appears the experiment went just about nowhere.
    Sitting at single digit views right now, I'm probably not going to take this any further than that. Recording myself is mildly stressful anyways.
    Aahhhh there's like a week left and I still don't have any idea what to do for the Halloween contest aaahhhh
    Didn't you mention something about a build that you could use as a submission? `:confused:
    Wondering if I have the time and patience to run the Creation Compendium, it seems it's been a hot while since that has had any updates....

    Would hate to see it all shriveled up.
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    On a complete side note, I have no idea what to do for the Halloween Contest...
    Attempt 1 at Daytime EoL: Got Lanced by one of the swords.
    Attempt 2 at Daytime EoL: She spawned on top of me.
    Attempt 3 at Daytime EoL: She Spawned on top of me.
    Attempt 4: Got Lanced by one of the swords.
    Attempt 5: Got Frustrated and Built 6 parallel minecart tracks spanning the width of my world. Get her under Half Health. Got Lanced by the Non-Predicting Swords.
    Attempt 6: Get her under Half Health. Jumped too late to Dodge the Predicting Swords.
    Attempt 7: SUCCESS.

    All around a great fight. Reminds me of my time fighting the twins during 1.1.2. Died to them ALL THE TIME back then.
    Don't know why I decided to fight her during the day for my first time beating her, but I had fun, and now have some shiny new sword minions.
    Oooh, Prismatic Dye? Is this a new item?? It looks FUNKY. Imma get Critter shampoo and pimp my swords with it.
    Anyone who knows No-Hit boss fights and how to dodge: Is this enough for daytime Empress of Light?
    All accessories reforged to Menacing.
    I have the Rudolph mount to compensate for lack of wings.
    Yes, both scopes do stack apparently.

    Using Unreal Snowman Cannon with Mini Nuke 1s

    Taking arena suggestions, too. Rudolph (and all other mounts) doesn't benefit from asphalt/speed buffs so I'll probably just use a number of really long lines of platforms. Possibly with teleporters on each end?
    Will be using literally any potion that adds attack power. Ammo Res, Greater Luck, Inferno (Prolly won't help much), Rage, Wrath. I thought about thorns, but IDK.
    And of course Bacon.
    No Dodge accessories because those don't work anymore.

    I suspect I will quickly learn how to dodge, as up until now my solution for boss fights has been to face-tank them in an arena with as many potions and heart statues as possible. Maybe some meager attempts at stepping out of the way. All of those are USELESS now. Normally I'd have a summon or 3 and some sentries out, but I suspect they won't help
    Did Life Fruit change? I've beaten 2 of the mech bosses so far, and I have yet to find any. Have I just not waited long enough or something??
    Reminds me that I should make more horizontal shafts in the Jungle to hopefully make finding Life Fruit easier in the future. That said, I think you're just being very unlucky.
    Yes you must beat all of them now.
    I'm finding myself in the awkward state of wanting to progress in the game not just to get stronger and get better loot and weapons... but to get access to more furniture sets!
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    In Terraria, I'm in that awkward spot where I want to dig shafts to make cleansing and containing the corruption easier... but making progress into Hardmode would grant me access to better tools for an easier time digging.
    Imagine a Terraria x Slime Rancher crossover. I wouldn't mind a town cat slime...
    On the topic of Town pets: Can there be some sort of end-game item that lets me have ALL the Dogs, Cats, and Bunnies like with the Town Slimes? Please?
    Is it just me or does my Drunk world have ONLY Argon moss in it? How and where do I get the other Noble Mosses?
    Dear sweet Redigit, can we please PLEASE reduce the NPC Overcrowding search radius? Like, down to 90 or even 60? The intention I believe was to discourage building box hotels, right? I feel like having no more than 3 other NPCs in a 60 block radius should really be sufficient to discourage the compacted boxes.
    Aaaannndd the Desert town got Hallowed. Surprised the Desert Monolith still worked, lol. Gonna have to demo this and move these weirdos elsewhere. Oh well.

    Capture 2022-10-04 21_39_45.png

    (See my builds thread for the Unhallowed version)
    • Wow
    Reactions: Daikonradish
    An underground hollow can use either a Caverns or a Hollow pylon. :D

    Same applies to Desert Hollow, Snow Hollow, Caverns Snow, and Caverns Jungle. Mushroom and Purity are considered their own biomes, however.
    Damn Train
    Damn Train
    I think you can simply remake the town in space so that it won't get inhabitable. You'll need a lot of blocks for artificial desert though.
    Ok, I think TEdit is working well for 1.4.4 which is great. I've successfully moved the entire desert town to a different desert in this world. As a bonus, I now have easy access to the dungeon...
    Does anyone know if the directions of the biome "V" shape for Hardmode are random or predetermined? Will the Hallow ALWAY be on one side or another, or can I save scum until I get what I want? Wiki wording was confusing.
    I recall they were random in past experience.
    Well at any rate, first time beating the WoF this world, and the stripes went the way i wanted them to, so that's good.
    Gotta love it when the odds are in your favor! `:D
    TIL Smashing altars no longer spawns the single random block of evil somewhere else in the world. Big if true. I've always been super hesitant to break them because of that. Would waste hours on crates instead.
    Why can't the Lilith's Necklace wolf actually be this cute?
    I get it's supposed to be based off the Wolf enemy in the snow biome, so not a critique to the artist for it, but here's hoping Steam Workshop makes something along these lines for it.


    Closest I found was Zacian from Pokemon
    The Immortal Smoke!
    The Immortal Smoke!
    I thought the wolf was a reference to twilight princess `:D
    Oooh, I wouldn't mind the wolf looking a bit more like Wolf Link. I wonder if someone's made a texture pack of that yet? That seems like something someone would do.
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