Hie the Badger Mar 8, 2018 Flying around in a dargyn is great fun. Until a grineer throws a rock at it.
Hie the Badger Mar 7, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMLQ3fTRXhc This seems to go well with sniping in plains of eidolon.
Hie the Badger Mar 6, 2018 I'd like to take this moment to say. Nickelback sucks. Come at me. That is all.
Snickerbobble Mar 3, 2018 Sorry for all that alert spam, but I think I have some more common ground for us: I much prefer the old brick textures too Old ebonstone as well. And I like both the new and old dungeon bricks (bright versions, not the dull), so not sure on them.
Sorry for all that alert spam, but I think I have some more common ground for us: I much prefer the old brick textures too Old ebonstone as well. And I like both the new and old dungeon bricks (bright versions, not the dull), so not sure on them.
Hie the Badger Feb 28, 2018 The new "Beta" games. They are infinitely beta so they can work on them whenever they feel like it and then at you if you say anything
The new "Beta" games. They are infinitely beta so they can work on them whenever they feel like it and then at you if you say anything
Hie the Badger Feb 25, 2018 When you are watching a stream make sure you click on "Top Chat" and switch to Live Chat.
Hie the Badger Feb 24, 2018 I won't buy much into the gun control thing this year, or how they seem to have a shooting every time they need to bring it up.
I won't buy much into the gun control thing this year, or how they seem to have a shooting every time they need to bring it up.
Hie the Badger Feb 23, 2018 Remember Fighting is Magic and how hasbro set it on fire? Well now theres Thems Fighting Herds.
Hie the Badger Feb 22, 2018 If you have to ask how to mod a game I think it's best you kept to using other people's mods. They are already finished.
If you have to ask how to mod a game I think it's best you kept to using other people's mods. They are already finished.
Hie the Badger Feb 20, 2018 Whats more insulting than doctors blarghing all over your ? A doctor trying to get you to buy his book for natural cures even though
Whats more insulting than doctors blarghing all over your ? A doctor trying to get you to buy his book for natural cures even though
Hie the Badger Feb 18, 2018 My supervisor always asks me where so and so bagger is. Yeah I don't know or care.
Hie the Badger Feb 18, 2018 I get all kinds of comments about my looks, how I act, and how I do my job. I hear them, but I do not answer. I don't work for them.
I get all kinds of comments about my looks, how I act, and how I do my job. I hear them, but I do not answer. I don't work for them.
Hie the Badger Feb 18, 2018 Its a quiet night. Perfect time for a smoke. Coyotes start screaming. the.gif
Hie the Badger Feb 16, 2018 Anti-arguments: When neither party is mad but both spend the next 30 minutes insulting eachother.