Hie the Badger
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  • "Eidolon Vomvalyst" means "You aren't mining until morning, scrub."
    There is no mining when Vomvalysts are near, yup. But Vomvalysts will not get in between me and my fishing.
    I'd like to take this moment to say. Nickelback sucks. Come at me. That is all.
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    I'm dearly sorry, but it's a bit hard to "come at you" when Nickelback does, indeed, suck.
    Water Filter Salesman
    Water Filter Salesman
    that's not a very controversial opinion
    Golden Heretic Snakeboat
    Golden Heretic Snakeboat
    I Actually Don't Hate Nickelback. I Think More People Should Listen To "When We Stand Together" And "Someday". But Some Of Their Songs Are Just... Blech. Like "Shaking Hands". But Some Of The Other Songs That I've Heard Are Pretty Uplifting And Hopeful.
    Sorry for all that alert spam, but I think I have some more common ground for us: I much prefer the old brick textures too :P

    Old ebonstone as well. And I like both the new and old dungeon bricks (bright versions, not the dull), so not sure on them.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    What I hate is when I get in and see like 50 alerts and be like. Oh hey something to read. I check and their all gone.
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I suppose it's difficult for me to hold my tongue when I see something deeply disagreeable. Misinformation and misconceptions need to be corrected.
    What "man up" means in my experience:
    Golden Heretic Snakeboat
    Golden Heretic Snakeboat
    (:red: You, I'm Not Sorry)
    To me, it means "be decent." But "woman up" would mean the same thing as well. But with no reason to point out gender, I prefer to use "BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER!"

    "Man up" is almost always used poorly tho, as it seems to imply men should be a certain way, when a man should be himself. Or a better version of himself.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    @Rune of Severance I have plenty of friends. I just don't have too many on the terraria forums because I don't really do anything on here. I don't really contribute all that much. Also a lot of them are not online kinds of people.
    I won't buy much into the gun control thing this year, or how they seem to have a shooting every time they need to bring it up.
    The Left does not want to repeal 2nd amendment, but to improve background checks and work out loopholes like gunshows. And some Repubs like Paul Ryan say it's "not the time" to talk about this after a shooting, but it's ALWAYS not the time apparently. Because a mass shooting happens almost every day. When is enough time? And why must "enough" time pass before action happens?
    I side much more on the Left side, but there are some leftist ideas I can't get behind too. But I think we need to stop thinking about this issue as Left vs Right, but instead Right vs Wrong. You CAN be a republican and agree with a democrat, and vice versa. Maybe not on everything, but some things. And I think we can all agree that killing innocents is wrong.
    And that we shouldn't just hand out mass-murdering guns to just anyone. Rather than play politics, common ground needs to be found. That is the only way progress can be made. The second amendment will stay. But we need to keep in mind that gunpower is more than 10x advanced now, and that the amendment does state "A WELL-REGULATED militia."
    Only law abiding citizens will follow a gun law.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Now if i said "Only law abiding citizens will follow gun laws. If you take away their guns they will just get shot." Then I'd have some explaining to do. Lets wait and see what forms other responses take.
    But you can also say only law abiding citizens will follow any laws, right? While it is true that you cannot stop all criminals, you can make it harder. There has been this frustrating strawman argument for ages now that "they wanna take our guns!" or "they wanna repeal the second amendment!" which is not the case. The second amendment was written in the era of muskets, that fired a shot every 20 seconds.
    You could much more easily stop a mad person who used a musket than one today who can shoot several dozen rounds a minute. A handgun or shotgun to protect yourself, sure, that sounds perfectly reasonable. But not a gun designed for war. Not one specifically designed for mass murder. These military grade guns need to be harder to obtain, not easier.
    If you have to ask how to mod a game I think it's best you kept to using other people's mods. They are already finished.
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    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Typically people with the talent would have found out how without making a brand new thread about it.
    Whats more insulting than doctors blarghing all over your :red:? A doctor trying to get you to buy his book for natural cures even though
    My supervisor always asks me where so and so bagger is. Yeah I don't know or care.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    On the other hand i find it hard to respect a cashier who never did any bagging work. They don't know the store and they didn't have the opportunity to watch the cashier work. Cause thats where you are going to learn that and see the amazing things customers say to try and get one over on you.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    I heard all kinds of crazy :red: just helping customers outside and they are freaking out about things that have logical explanations.
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    Are you sure he wasn't asking where the badger, (i.e. you) is?
    I get all kinds of comments about my looks, how I act, and how I do my job. I hear them, but I do not answer. I don't work for them.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Thats another thing. Don't try to distract me from counting money. What you are doing or saying is not being registered until I am done with that. If I do make a mistake, I will count again. Slowly.
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    But on the other hand, you can pretend to work, as long as your boss pretends to pay you. :)
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    I do work relative to the rate I'm being paid. Plus my own internal work ethic. I cant change that. But at 10 an hour I don't give a :red: about anything thats not in the immediate vicinity of my register. I will not help supers track baggers because that's not my problem. Pay me enough though and I can pinpoint them on a paper map at any given moment.
    Its a quiet night. Perfect time for a smoke. Coyotes start screaming. the:red:.gif
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    I guess there always has to be noise out here. If the profligates arent shooting at eachother or arguing, they are ripping up and down the road in excessively loud cars. Failing that. Coyotes make up for it.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    There is a term for the hours between 7pm and 6 am. Its called shut the :red: up o clock.
    Anti-arguments: When neither party is mad but both spend the next 30 minutes insulting eachother.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    And one side always speaks like a cheap anime villian. Thems the rules. If they arent talking like a cheap anime villian, you have to.
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