Hie the Badger Feb 14, 2018 Nope. Nope. No. Nope. This isn't going to happen. I'm no longer going to fix games that the devs should have fixed themselves.
Nope. Nope. No. Nope. This isn't going to happen. I'm no longer going to fix games that the devs should have fixed themselves.
Hie the Badger Feb 13, 2018 When other people see $19.99, they see AN EPIC DEAL. When I see it, I see pointless change involved, and hidden cost to get it that way.
When other people see $19.99, they see AN EPIC DEAL. When I see it, I see pointless change involved, and hidden cost to get it that way.
Hie the Badger Feb 9, 2018 I kinda want to hate the space x car thing but its kinda like the opening to heavy metal.
Hie the Badger Feb 8, 2018 I got out of the cart a long time ago. Now I'm just here to watch the idiots still inside the cart. And the track leads off a cliff ahead.
I got out of the cart a long time ago. Now I'm just here to watch the idiots still inside the cart. And the track leads off a cliff ahead.
Hie the Badger Feb 8, 2018 Also I am very well aware when youtube decides to randomly unsub me from people.
Hie the Badger Feb 8, 2018 Its called artism now. What? You cant draw? YES YOU CAN. YOU MUST. BECAUSE ARTISM.
Hie the Badger Feb 7, 2018 Is it just me or does npr always report things before the regular news does?
Hie the Badger Feb 7, 2018 The patterns all converge at this point. If america was taken under british rule, at this date everything would be relatively the same.
The patterns all converge at this point. If america was taken under british rule, at this date everything would be relatively the same.
Hie the Badger Feb 6, 2018 Im going to get a ing sound system for my truck so I can blast takeo ischi at excessive levels of volume as I drive to work.
Im going to get a ing sound system for my truck so I can blast takeo ischi at excessive levels of volume as I drive to work.
Hie the Badger Feb 4, 2018 I hope you know that football is a lie. And you're going to get deals for 2 weeks after the superbowl is over.
I hope you know that football is a lie. And you're going to get deals for 2 weeks after the superbowl is over.
Hie the Badger Feb 2, 2018 That moment when you are over 1000 meters below the ocean, trying to sneak around a massive alien monstrosity. Then get killed by a low ad.
That moment when you are over 1000 meters below the ocean, trying to sneak around a massive alien monstrosity. Then get killed by a low ad.