Hie the Badger
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  • I found the steve vs terraria thread amusing.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Meanwhile, in minecraft we have the means of turning items into energy, in one massive storage system, which can be accessed throughout a sprawling base.
    I like the description for "terraria guy" as being someone with a ridiculous hairstyle and an incredible fake tan.
    Nope. Nope. No. Nope. This :red: isn't going to happen. I'm no longer going to fix games that the devs should have fixed themselves.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    See unless you are going to pay me 26 dollars an hour to research a fix and apply it to a game I see no reason to have any tolerance for bull:red: broken games.
    When other people see $19.99, they see AN EPIC DEAL. When I see it, I see pointless change involved, and hidden cost to get it that way.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    A lot of prices tend to be *.99. And I smell a markup. Not savings.
    It's all silly mind tricks, but what I find even more ridiculous is the nine-tenths of a penny at gas stations. I almost want to cut a tenth of a penny off to see if it'll take.
    Also I am very well aware when youtube decides to randomly unsub me from people.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    And every time it happens I will take whats in their videos more seriously.
    I'm happy that YouTube hasn't done that with me... yet. At least, if it has then it was with long dead channels that I am/were subbed to.
    Its called artism now. What? You cant draw? YES YOU CAN. YOU MUST. BECAUSE ARTISM.
    Commander Crocket
    ....? I am not entirely sure I get what you're saying. Is "Artism" a sort of mental condition that allows people to do art, or are you saying that "artism" is a mental condition where people "incorrectly" believe they can't do art?
    I don't consider myself a millennial.
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    Reactions: BrusselSprouts693
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    So if you are going to categorize me with other millennials, I'm going to be that guy in the middle looking like they are about to stab someone with a salad fork. The handle end.
    I really stopped caring about generation naming conventions after the amount of overflow I saw. Kinda hard to pull apart a solid slowly changing line of humans off cultural basis. It's like trying to differentiate salt levels in the ocean, differences are there, but at times it is quite difficult to find the line of "This ends here".
    I think it's just a faster way of saying "20-29 year olds" but eh..

    I do have to say that time does exist, however we have no reference point as to when did time actually begin. We're in year 2018 but it's been at least billions of years through all existence. And.. it DOES matter, if I tell you we're meeting somewhere and you show up today, but I instead show up a billion years later. :P
    The patterns all converge at this point. If america was taken under british rule, at this date everything would be relatively the same.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    There will always be catalyst events no matter which way you go. But as "time" goes on, things stagnate and people demand new :red: and that new :red: will always end up being super civilized, lazy, and stupid.
    Either we lean toward civilization and its byproducts or we lean toward brutality and the byproducts that come with that. It's like a steep hill, you can't put a ball on the top for long without it rolling down. I try to keep some optimism about the future anyway, and humans don't react well to stagnant environments.
    Still, when it comes to the flow of the future and how humans direct it, when you think about it, everyone has hand in changing the world, it's just that they want a larger ripple. Every historical figure was one human body and a voice, the trick is getting more bodies and voices by your side. I like to consider the possibilities.
    Im going to get a :red:ing sound system for my truck so I can blast takeo ischi at excessive levels of volume as I drive to work.
    America has such a :red:ing weak government.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Apparently they are going to hold everyone hostage yet again if they do not get their :red:ing immigration bill passed RIGHT :red:ING NOW. Instead of trying to play it out like normal people would.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    It's time to invent. I cant trust a government that can be shut down on the slightest iota of a crybaby tantrum. To all: Any special snowflake human nonsense is irrelevant in the greater scheme and shall be taken as an insult and every effort will be made to elevate myself above it.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Constructive: This bill is very advanced as it has the power to make or break a country. 5 years isn't even enough to square it away so you're going to have to play the long game to get it passed. :red:ting all over the walls every time you don't get it per single year is not going to give it any favor.
    That moment when you are over 1000 meters below the ocean, trying to sneak around a massive alien monstrosity. Then get killed by a low ad.
    Apparently the smile I manage to pull off at work is not good enough.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    Let me tell you something. I should not under any circumstances have a legitimate grin on my face. Because if I do, I've done something. I've caused some kind of shenanigans or have set up some kind of shenanigans. And thats a legit grin, I cant control that.
    Hie the Badger
    Hie the Badger
    If I am deadpan, you can rest assured that everything is normal and un-messed with.
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