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  • so can you explain to me what do ants do in birthday parties
    do they decorate the nest of the birthday ant and bring tiny chips pieces as food
    im actually quite curious to know
    We don't really party, just continue about getting work done like the industrious creatures that we are. Though I will get a few extra drops of honeydew from the aphid herd as a reward for another year of diligent service to the colony. ;)
    I think I see. You have gotten bigger! As a larger Ant, you should get a very good *hug* Because today is your birthday! So, umm. I'll say it. Happy Birthday Jeckel!
    Hey man... I know I've had a long time as is, but I got stuck out in Spain without any connection due to some lousy strike, so I've only really had today to try and stitch together what turned out to be 80%+ of the work required on the RP Archive.

    In fact, right now I'm regretting that I started from the bottom rather than the top, as I'm worried that the stuff I could miss out on would be the most important lot.
    I can't give you any extra time, but by virtue of me being a night person, I'd say you have 20 to 24 hours from the time of this posting before I start processing the roleplay section. Hopefully that will be sufficient for you. :)
    Alright thanks man that's a relief, realistically I figured you wouldn't be starting on the dot of the 11th, but I had to be sure. That should be more than enough, thank you.
    Thank you for waiting. I'm all finished-up with everything, since Char reminded me it's only a 2014 and 2015 SGs sweep-through for now.
    So glad I gave up Sherlock after series 2. Took 3 years to get a whole 3 episodes for series 4. Even by UK tv standards, that is pathetic.
    I love Sherlock. It's really slow production-wise, but cool.
    I'm not saying it is a bad show, not at all, but 3 eps every few years just isn't worth it to me. If they at least did the normal UK length of 6 eps, maybe, but not for only 3. The kicker is it only took 4 months of filming, so they could have filmed 1 week a month and still would have been done over year and a half ago.
    lol I picked it up last year and watched them all at once on DVD , then watched the new ones as they came out.
    Legends of Tomorrow was so good, but writers seem set on ruining it with damn crossovers and by turning it into another CW teen wangst fest.
    not recieving alerts for the spirit mod thread anymore :/
    It stops sending alerts if you haven't read all the new replies. It's common to have happen where replies go onto a new page and you haven't read the new page yet. I sometimes forget to check all the new replies as well. It should be fixed if you read all the new replies and have the Thread set to "Watching".
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