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  • Trump is the next president of the USA. Que all the Hillary supporters complaining. It's their own fault for not supporting Sanders.
    Ain't that the truth...
    Even though i do not live in the US i still think that Trump is a good president for all of us.
    Doesn't matter what the Hillary Supporters would or would not have done, Hillary and her DNC friends pushed Bernie out by sabotaging his efforts and rigging the primaries to make sure he lost. It's all over the wikileaks emails.
    How do you define what is and what isn't an introduction? Many of us worshippers of GoldenBreeze consider No Man Sky's brave post an introduction to the worship of his bravery.
    The Introduction rules thread is a good place to start, but I think it is pretty straight forward that obvious troll threads that intentionally violate multiple major rules do not count.
    I feel sorry for what happened to you over there on SkullRay's post. Guess some people want excuses to witch hunt
    I dont care about warning points, I was referring to the standard. Your argument is currently a Straw Man, but that's irrelevant. I was in protest of the crusade against several members for their "non-PG" "lewd" discussions, in which one of the citations was kids of all ages use this site. I was simply pointing out a bloody bludgeoned teeth monster wasn't exactly in keeping with that standard.
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    Because arguing about this on a moderator's profile page changes things how, exactly?
    Arguing about anything ever rarely changed the opposer's viewpoint, but this also notes that other people have different viewpoints. I'm not trying to change the world here CC.
    Ants... Are amazing creatures, Wouldn't you agree?
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    I'd recommend asking for it for your birthday, not Christmas, as they hibernate in the winter, and, in my opinion, are way more difficult to transport.
    My bday is only a couple weeks after xmas, so not much difference, but I was joking about asking for it. If I get a colony I'll just order it online, but thanks for the heads up about the winter thing, I'll make sure to do it when it isn't too cold. :)
    What a fun conversation! Goes to show what a great community this is! :D
    Is there a way to figure who actually approved my name change? just saying
    Miku Hatsune
    Miku Hatsune
    seems our moderator too lazy to answer but to happy to ban.... meh
    "Probably" takes more effort to type than "yes" or "no." Taking the option that requires more effort is the opposite of laziness.
    He even used punctuation! ;)
    I have to say, the times you've gotten involved in the AvalonMod thread to keep order of, I'm very thankful for. Ended quite a few debates in the past ever since you got your moderator position, and wishfully this serves as a small recommendation to keep going at it. :)
    Looks like Civ 6 is keeping 1UnitPerTile mechanic. Guess it will be the third Civ game I won't buy. Hope 7 smartens up and drops that crap.
    To each their own, but I find 5's 1upt and 6's equivalent to be far to simplistic in its implementation. My city can hold millions of people, but I can't put two great people or builders in the same tile? It makes no sense and is overly limiting, causing logistic issues that shouldn't be a problem.
    As I've said said on CivFanatics and other places, if they put a bit more thought into it, it might not be that bad, but they just slap a basic rule on it and called it a day. When back in the day I was able to put together a much more logical system that took such issues into account with less than a year of C++ experience, I expect more from professional programmers and game designers.
    As for Civ 6 being shallow, I assume that's because they left stuff out to put into DLCs. That's what they did with Civ V and XCOM: EU at least.
    WTFU or 'Where's The Fair Use' is a movement to address Youtube's horrible copyright infringement claim system that allows companies abuse the DMCA or 'Digital Millennium Copyright Act' to falsely accuse channels of infringement when reviewers don't give the companies' movies good reviews.
    Alrighty then!
    And I always thought WTFU is wtf Youtube. It still makes sense to understand this way though.
    Bah! Power outage while uninstall AVG completely borked one my computers. Fingers crossed that linux on a usb can help save important files.
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    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    never unintsall avg
    or avg will uninstall YOU
    Just to follow up, neither the usb or a livecd worked as the comp doesn't want to boot from either. I'll prob end up pulling the harddrive out so I can recover what important stuff is on it. Thankfully it isn't my main comp, so I didn't lose day to day stuff.
    I can't believe Agent Carter is canceled, but that horrible Jessica Jones show gets another season. I swear people have no taste these days.
    That said, I have no problem dropping a show if it stops being fun or entertaining. There are enough good shows that there is no reason to waste time on ones I'm not enjoying. Overall, the good shows do outweigh the bad unless one is super picky, a hipster, or simply isn't paying attention to the available variety.
    I watch shows across all platforms, from the UK, Canada, and the USA, and there is no doubt this is a tv goldenage. Shows cover all the genres from action to mystery to horror and even scifi has been making a comeback. Episodic or serialized, character driven or procedural, drama or comedy, everything is out there for the watching and quality in general has never been higher.
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    Man I wish I had that kind of will. I have to stay away from the shows until they are finished and make sure they have a good ending. (Not necessarily happy mind you.) I have watched singular episodes of shows, got really into it and then was disappointed too many times by cancellations/lack of resolve. I wish I could enjoy more in life. Thanks for the answer.
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