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  • I’m sorry but this new language pack thing imma rename your head peice.... I just need to make it exactly what I always call it, which is Lazure’s advanced circlet thingy or whatever it’s called...
    Is it called Lazure’s Valkyrie circlet? I think so lol I make it even more advanced than it should be lol
    It might not happen because I may be too lazy to figure out how to
    Happy birthday!
    • Like
    Reactions: Daikonradish
    Normally, I'd make a cake for one's birthday, and base the cake around them. However, due to issues, I don't think I can make a cake. Atleast for now.
    But I shall leave with a message:
    Happy Birthday!
    Lazure you probably forgot to update the adamantite sword it has not been updated since 1.3.1 go use it in-game to see for your self. I love the sprite overhaul id appreciate if you'd update it.
    Papa Dank
    The Adamantite sword looks awesome tho.
    The Terraria Adventurer
    I haven't seen a reply from him, that was the moderater Leinfors.
    Since he's the one responsible the updating sprites I'm mentioning this.
    I'm aware that I already made thread on this.
    I cited the incorrect version so some assumed I was joking because of that.
    Other people cited some sets that were left incomplete such as the summoner emblem in the emblem set
    These are my reasons why I made this post
    Its actually better to post such issues in that forum, as any issue there DOES get shared with the entire development team. Posting on an individual devteam member's profile is actually not a very good way to report issues :guidesmile:
    Quick question: what dye(s) do you recommend for your Valkyrie Set? I mean, I can come up with at least a few decent options, but I'd like to hear what you think goes well with it.

    Thanks in advance! :steampunkersmile:
    Personally, I would recommend stardust because it looks good.
    Reflective if you want my vote. I used the dev set quiiiiite a bit
    Any tips on making a glow mask for a sprite? I am not sure how I am suppose to shade them compared to the sprite I am making. The ones used for the vanilla sprites are hard to imitate when it comes to shading them
    Glow masks literally are just the parts of the sprite that are fullbright (or sometimes additive blended) on top of the regular sprite. You simply copy the original sprite and edit out all the pixel colors that wouldn't glow. I tend to make the darkest of the glow parts semi-transparent as well.
    I know that they are used to make sprites glow but I will try seeing if I can make the dark parts transparent
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