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  • Start: Your world is 14% Hallow and 34% Corruption. Things are grim indeed.

    10 hours later: Your world is 1% Hallow and 1% Corruption
    Perfectly balanced. `:D
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    Reactions: Neday
    @Daikonradish There is only one singular voice to hear that in and I am happy it is GetGudWO
    The world gets closer to achieving a standard of impeccable purity!
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    Reactions: Neday
    accidentally got the princess npc on a calamity playthrough lol

    I should try to do it in normal terraria lmao
    Terraria is great. While you CAN be a Hero, you CAN also just imprison your NPC's and delete them for their loot to use on your conquest to rule the World of Terraria.
    Me: Okay game I am looking for the Magic Conch to get the Shellphone!

    Game: Best I can do is 5 pairs of duneriders, 8 ancient chisels and 2 flutes
    I somehow forgot you *could* get molten armor pre-boss in 1.3 lmao!
    i didnt forget because i dont forget things like that i ponder them on a daily basis
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    Reactions: Neday
    Quite love how the TRAE project changes the way spears work, its really fun to mess around with!
    I have 2 sides

    A tank that can withstand the smite of god

    and a dinky little summoner with 12 defense post moonlord

    there is no in-between
    To future me: Watch your profanity

    edit: nah there is a profanity filter that will catch it for me lmao
    To be specific, profanity in text is fine, but not in images or videos due to our use of the profanity filter. Swearing within reason is fine, so if you choose to swear, we ask that you do it in full.
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    Reactions: Neday
    Completely reasonable! I had no idea so I usually default to censoring myself
    "Don't worry guys, I can tank it!"

    Oxyxghost was smushed by King Slime

    Oxyxghost's brain was turned into a slushy by Skeletron Prime

    Oxyxghost got evaporated by Sun Dance

    Oxyxghost was :red:ing erased by phantasmal death ray
    A few days ago I made fun of the Palmwood armor, I now believe the helmet is a coconut. That is genius actually I'm going to draw that armor set


    • Screenshot 2023-08-15 122928.png
      Screenshot 2023-08-15 122928.png
      1.3 KB · Views: 96
    I remember back when 1.3 came out, I seriously remember thinking to myself "they are adding Cthulhu and a mechanical boss summon"

    I didn't know how right I would be, and I was like 10 lmao.
    Well how lucky you are lol.

    I love it when you can guess what type of content is going to be in the game, and you can get it right. The only thing I don't like is when leaks point it out and it's sadly true.
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    Reactions: Neday
    Me drawing wooden armor warrior: Hey which of the wooden armors should I use? I could go for boreal which looks cool, same with Rich Mahogany or Ebonwood. What about Ashwood?

    GF: Do palm wood

    There is nothing in the world that can save the silly construction worker palm wood helmet


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      9 KB · Views: 52
    I think it is funny how I played Starlight River after seeing the new Haunted Dagger summon, and then just didn't go out of my way to get it
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