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  • When you just beat the WoF, but the hallow spawns nowhere near your desert so you can't get the sky fracture. RNG hates me.
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    Reactions: SuperDawsome
    holy water time
    Maybe you could get the steampunker to go into the hallow and get the light-blue solution from her so that you could get the light fracture to get a better chance at defeating the mech-

    oh right
    mr e
    mr e
    I have the opposite problem, my evils and good always take over the desert, so I can't have a nice, normal sandstorm
    Hi I'm back. I'M ALLOWED TO TAKE A HIATUS OKAY! Plus I've been playing smash ultimate since Christmas (and a bit of Breath of the Wild)
    What I mean is that I was just the tiniest bit preoccupied.
    mr e
    mr e
    Everyone has their addictions
    Because it's winter and I'm half Scottish, I'm having porridge for breakfast. SNA used white chocolate! It wasn't very effective! Me = :guidesad:
    In my defence, after reading the reviews, I had read the books and didn't realise how much of a crummy job it did of explaining story.
    THE WAND. OF. SPARKING! Hah! Of course I'm kidding. I mean, come on! I think the xeno staff should be nerfed. It's just too powerful.
    mr e
    mr e
    I would suggest commenting on your post rather posting a whole new one, it tends to clutter up the "new profile posts" section of the lobby.
    How is it overpowered? Summoer usually gets screwed in the department of DPS due to the piercing damage most of their sentries get. The fact this thing is powerful is a good thing for the class. Besides, nerfing anything that may be a bit stronger than other weapons in some regards isn't exactly the best choice for game design.
    Instead, buffing other weapons so they can compete would make for a more interesting and varied Terraria experience.
    I have a follower! I have a follower!I have a follower!I have a follower!I have a follower!I have a follower!I have a follower!
    yes, I will do this every time I get one. You're welcome.
    Congratulations. One step closer to becoming a big boy on the TCF.
    I hate living in England in winter. It's #%$@ing cold and #%$@ing bright because no clouds, plus there's never any snow to make up for it.
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    If there were snow, then it'd be even brighter. Trust me, I'm someone who lives in PA, USA and a cloudless day in the winter here, you step outside and it burns your eyes because the sunlight hits the white snow and just amplifies the light. Just looking out of the window is uncomfortable on some days.
    On the bright side, it makes the snow sparkle and can be very pretty if observed at the right angle.
    IKR I have once went t0 Bulgaria and It was snowy AF
    Why can't they put home alone on tv already! It's the second best bit of the holidays! Come on (insert channel)!
    The gags were a little too lackluster and 3 took too long to get to *the defensive moment*. You're not missing much with 3 and 4. 1&2 is where it's at.
    Thank you for the information!
    TBH though, from what I've heard, three is incredibly far fetched, since one and two are just a reminder of something that could easily happen and a kid defending himself, while three is about secret agents hiding a computer chip in a toy truck. Four is just a reboot, as far as I know, am I right?
    I hate daylight savings time. In England it gets dark at four no matter what during fall/winter.
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    Reactions: neoselket
    Same. It does nothing helpful at all except confuse people unnecessarily.
    Though I do suppose it decreases muggings on the way home from work/school, but in the north, e.g. Scotland, it makes almost no difference. Unless I've got a really bad memories and can't remember when it got dark when I visited my Grandma that October a few years ago.
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