WyattRodebaugh Jul 10, 2019 What ever you do, do NOT look at a mirror in the dark for too long! -Test subject 501
WyattRodebaugh Jun 16, 2019 Do you like toxic things? Do you like new ideas? Go here! --> https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/t-gas-bomb.80454/#post-1776738
Do you like toxic things? Do you like new ideas? Go here! --> https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/t-gas-bomb.80454/#post-1776738
WyattRodebaugh Mar 15, 2019 Hey, give me a very good idea that us Terrarians have wanted for ever!!! (Not in 1.3.6)
WyattRodebaugh Feb 4, 2019 Ughh...... every time my computer restarts are shuts down for no reason, I have to sign back into steam and whatever is on my computer.
Ughh...... every time my computer restarts are shuts down for no reason, I have to sign back into steam and whatever is on my computer.
WyattRodebaugh Feb 1, 2019 Currently working on a multi-language items thing. will take me a few hours if not, days.
WyattRodebaugh Jan 31, 2019 Quiz time!: If you had a weapon, what would it be? What would it do? Describe it! (No extremely O.P. weapons.)
Quiz time!: If you had a weapon, what would it be? What would it do? Describe it! (No extremely O.P. weapons.)
WyattRodebaugh Jan 1, 2019 My favorite avatar types were always mushrooms, fungi or a cat. Surprisingly, minecraft had the fungi skin and Roblox had the toxic cat mask
My favorite avatar types were always mushrooms, fungi or a cat. Surprisingly, minecraft had the fungi skin and Roblox had the toxic cat mask
WyattRodebaugh Dec 29, 2018 I'm back now. The computer broke down after playing but I logged in on my fresh new computer!
WyattRodebaugh Oct 7, 2018 is this pink moon going 2 be an event or just a awesome glow? also, im looking forward to see that new npc!
is this pink moon going 2 be an event or just a awesome glow? also, im looking forward to see that new npc!
WyattRodebaugh Sep 3, 2018 how do you make those custom head emojis? and I mean something like this: and