XenoCat Jul 22, 2015 Terraria uninstalled from steam. Odd. Thank god I didn't lose anything though, that would've been HELL!
Terraria uninstalled from steam. Odd. Thank god I didn't lose anything though, that would've been HELL!
XenoCat Jul 21, 2015 New Pirate Theme, turret style apparition added to my suggestion ^_^ It can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/o3gpnlh
New Pirate Theme, turret style apparition added to my suggestion ^_^ It can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/o3gpnlh
XenoCat Jul 20, 2015 A pinky just dropped a slime staff in my summoner playthrough .-. and I already had one >.< why is luck so cruel?
A pinky just dropped a slime staff in my summoner playthrough .-. and I already had one >.< why is luck so cruel?
XenoCat Jul 20, 2015 I can't believe. That I let. People see. That I was online all day .-. regardless half the time was in game... but. Still. D: No life D:
I can't believe. That I let. People see. That I was online all day .-. regardless half the time was in game... but. Still. D: No life D:
XenoCat Jul 19, 2015 I can't be the only one who thinks CN's new series "We Bear Bears" looks hilarious. I'm not, right?
XenoCat Jul 18, 2015 I love how my avatar is a fox but my name is cat. And nobody has pointed that out yet... hmm...
XenoCat Jul 18, 2015 Goodnight People <3 If you want to check it out: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/apparition-summoner-asset.26491/#post-625469
Goodnight People <3 If you want to check it out: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/apparition-summoner-asset.26491/#post-625469
XenoCat Jul 17, 2015 New summoner suggestion! Hope you like it ;) http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/apparition-summoner-asset.26491/
New summoner suggestion! Hope you like it ;) http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/apparition-summoner-asset.26491/
XenoCat Jul 17, 2015 4 baby slimes vs. a goblin army. Who will win? The slimes. They tore it apart with only 1 before. 4x the carnage!
4 baby slimes vs. a goblin army. Who will win? The slimes. They tore it apart with only 1 before. 4x the carnage!
XenoCat Jul 17, 2015 Seems like not many people are on the suggestion forums since 1.3 just came out. Darn.