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  • I'm trying to beat all the story levels in Empires of the Undergrowth on insane mode. So far, I've beaten the first 6 levels, and now I only have 2 left! Until the next update, that is.
    Sorry to be so serious here, but I hate having autism. It makes absolutely everything almost impossible, and it massively lowers my quality of life. I can't talk to people, I can't make friends, I can't do most chores, I can't even manage hygiene regularly so it causes health problems, and it just makes me miserable all the time. I hate that some people(even people WITH autism) defend it.
    Why is everyone so bad at teaching japanese? They'll constantly throw kanji at you that you don't know, and mistranslate words. I just saw the word "oiwai" translated as "celebrate", which is a verb, but verbs in japanese always end in u, so it turns out that oiwai ACTUALLY means "celebration", the noun. Inaccurate translations hurt learners!
    Akira Nishikiyama
    Akira Nishikiyama
    I dropped Japanese Duolingo because it kept giving me kun'yomi readings when it was meant to be an on'yomi reading.
    Yeah I'm just focusing on the spoken language and ignoring kanji for now. It's way easier.
    Akira Nishikiyama
    Akira Nishikiyama
    I'm trying to remember since it was so long again ago but I'm pretty sure I learnt Hiragana first, then Katakana, with some Kanji thrown in throughout. The easiest Kanji to learn would probably be numbers imo, they don't have many strokes.
    I can't swipe up to close apps on my phone unless it's held vertically. Does anyone know how to fix that? I have android 11.
    My phone keeps disconnecting from the Wi-Fi network. Sometimes it comes back on by itself, other times I need to disable and reenable wifi, and sometimes I have to manually reconnect to the network entirely. Anyone know why that might be?
    Eye Of Cthulhu 🌳
    Eye Of Cthulhu 🌳
    I have the Same problem because im kinda far from my router, but the second i step out of my room i get full bars💀💀
    I hate being so weak. I have tons of books I want to write, videos I want to make, things I want to do, but I can't do any of it because my brain and body are so weak. I'm just constantly depressed all the time and I have no motivation or energy to do anything. It sucks.
    Honestly japanese is hardly the hardest language for native english speakers to learn. The only reason it's rated as so difficult is because of the kanji. The spoken language is far easier than something like polish, for example.
    Here's the sentence "japanese is easy to learn" in japanese:
    nihongo wa kantan ni manaberu
    How far are you in your learning?
    I took two years of japanese classes in school, and that's it. I've been doing duolingo for a few months, but I have yet to actually learn anything new in duolingo yet.
    Let me know if you need help with something, I'm far from fluent yet but I might be able to help a bit.
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