1.3.4 is LIVE!

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accoring to the terraria gamepedia, im supposed to get defender medals at the end of a wave, correct? because im not getting them. also, really dont like that all weapons can break pumpkins now
Great event, although it feels like such a waste that none of the staves work outside the event.

Might I suggest that mana crystals be more rare but persistent. And that sentries can be used outside the event, but are either destructible or have a time limit.

I reckon the devs don't want them to work for the Moon's and Moon Lord, so maybe much like how the DD2 event disables building, those events disable sentries?
Great event, although it feels like such a waste that none of the staves work outside the event.

Might I suggest that mana crystals be more rare but persistent. And that sentries can be used outside the event, but are either destructible or have a time limit.

I reckon the devs don't want them to work for the Moon's and Moon Lord, so maybe much like how the DD2 event disables building, those events disable sentries?
You are clearly lost ready the content slowly it tells you how sentries work outside of the event.
"Fixed medals dropping only in stacks of 1 instead of their intended amounts when in singleplayer"

So THIS is why it looked like such a grindfest. Thanks a lot!

Also, I like that the banners from the event have no functional effect, meaning that the event won't be flawed after just playing a few times. I kinda wish that the banners of all other invasions/events don't have an effect either, to keep the challenge. As well as the enemy banner scaling during said events.
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Great event, although it feels like such a waste that none of the staves work outside the event.

Might I suggest that mana crystals be more rare but persistent. And that sentries can be used outside the event, but are either destructible or have a time limit.

I reckon the devs don't want them to work for the Moon's and Moon Lord, so maybe much like how the DD2 event disables building, those events disable sentries?
The DD2 sentries are usable out of the event after a certain condition is met! If you asked the tavernkeep about the Eternia crystal he will give you a hint about that! :happy:
Oh i thought the pumpkin breakability only pertained to the sickle, which i liked... But with every weapon, no thank you.
That is being looked into as we speak :)
I wonder if this is a graphical bug but i had big white windmill shurikens (many of them gradually going toward the crystal, fully packed, then stopped midway) I've done the event countless times now but this is the first time this happened.
[doublepost=1479295956,1479295457][/doublepost]By the way, is there a way to previsualize where the sentry is going to be popped?

EDIT: I added a screenshot of the white shurikens i've talked about. They were already disappearing when i managed to do it.(Wasn't quick on the camera mode).


  • Capture 2016-11-16 06_31_48.png
    Capture 2016-11-16 06_31_48.png
    785.5 KB · Views: 252
I wonder if this is a graphical bug but i had big white windmill shurikens (many of them gradually going toward the crystal, fully packed, then stopped midway) I've done the event countless times now but this is the first time this happened.
[doublepost=1479295956,1479295457][/doublepost]By the way, is there a way to previsualize where the sentry is going to be popped?

EDIT: I added a screenshot of the white shurikens i've talked about. They were already disappearing when i managed to do it.(Wasn't quick on the camera mode).
Right now[/] the sentries have no previsualization, however the way they pick their spot is basically "the sentry will be centered on the tile right below your cursor".

Once things calm down and other issues are fixed I'll look into the possibility of making this better, and thank you for the bug screenshot :)
Right now[/] the sentries have no previsualization, however the way they pick their spot is basically "the sentry will be centered on the tile right below your cursor".

Once things calm down and other issues are fixed I'll look into the possibility of making this better, and thank you for the bug screenshot :)

Yeah i kinda figured how they were acting on placement. I was just wondering if this was intended or not ;)
Man, it's hard to solo the Old One's Army.
Only advice I can give is keep going at it until you can afford one of the 100-medal staves (or lower tier staves if you're not far into the game yet).
Once you start spawning those defense towers you're on your way to kick serious behind. :)
Are pumpkins broken by all weapons a new feature or a bug? it was not like that before and it's very annoying, i destroyed many because of that before they were ready to harvest
Are pumpkins broken by all weapons a new feature or a bug? it was not like that before and it's very annoying, i destroyed many because of that before they were ready to harvest
Unfortunately no, this is not a bug. This has been changed with the new patch. They are breakable by virtually anything.

I even heard the Guide was planning a vengance about that...
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