tModLoader Apacchii's Classes mod


Skeletron Prime

Apacchii's Classes Mod


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Apacchii's Classes Mod is a mod that adds craftable classes to the game, a Mastery Tree, a Damage Milestone system and some Items such as potions, weapons and ammo.

To advance levels you must first defeat bosses, by defeating them the
Class Master will sell a Class Token used to level up your class.

Each Class Token costs 20 Gold.

Each class has 8 levels, 2 Abilities (or more) and a final Ultimate level.

You start off with a Class Picker, which you can use to select the class you want (via crafting), and from there start leveling up.


Ability 1: Casts your class' first ability [Default: Q]
Ability 2: Casts your class' second ability [Default: C]
Mastery Tree: Opens up the Mastery Tree menu [Default: Z]

1 - None

2 - Slime King

3 - Brain of Cthulhu/Eater of Worlds

4 - Skeletron

5 - Wall of Flesh

6 - 1 Mechanical Boss

7 - Plantera

8 - Golem

Ultimate - Duke Fishron

- Ranger

Ranged Damage: +3% > +30%

Ranged Crit: +4 > +40%

Health: -3 > -25

Ranged Damage is increased by 25% of your Ranged Crit Chance

- Summoner

Summon Damage: +6% > +55%

Max Minons: +1 > +4

Health: +5 > +50

Mana: +10 > +100

Defense: +2 > +26

Every 6 minion hits, you get healed by a small percentage of your Max Health

- Tank

Health: +15 > +130

Defense: +5 > + 30

Health Regen: +1 > +10

Melee Damage: +1.5% > 15%

10% Damage reduction & knockback immunity

- Fighter

Melee Damage: +3% > +32%

Melee Speed: +1% > +15%

Melee Crit: +2% > +20%

Health: +5 > +50

Health Regen: +1 > +6

Defense: +2 > +20

Every 3s, your next attack will heal you for 10% of the damage it deals

- Mage

Magic Damage: +6% > +55%

Magic Crit: +3% > +28%

Mana Cost: -4% > -38%

Mana: +30 > +250

Mana Regen: +1 > +10

Attacks have a chance to grant you 25% reduced Mana Costs for a short time

- Thief
[Does NOT increase Calamity's Rogue Damage, even after update 1.31]

Throwing Damage: +5% > +55%

Throwing Crit: +4% > +42%

Thrown Velocity: +4% > +45%

Jump Height: +10% > +100%

Movement Speed: +1% > +15%

10% Dodge Chance [Does not stack with Black Belt]
On-hit: Small Chance to steal a gold coin

- Blood Mage

Magic Damage: +2% > +20%

Magic Crit: +2% > +25%

Health: +8 > +100

Mana: +10 > +100

Mana Regen: +1 > +10

By hitting enemies you gain stacks up to a maximum determined by Class Level
Each stack increases magic damage by 0.15%
Using Ability 2 consumes all the stacks to heal you
[Heal amount depends on class level]

Attacks also deal 5% of your Max Health as true damage to enemies if they are above 25% health

- Shaman

Summon Damage: +4% > +38%

Max Minions: +1 > +3

Magic Damage: +3% > +28%

Magic Crit: +2% > +22%

Mana: +10 > +100

Increased stats while its raining

- Knight

Melee Damage / Ranged Damage: +2% > +20%

Defense: +2 > +20

Health: +3 > +30

Health Regen: +1 > +7

Stats double when mounted

- Regen

Melee Damage: +2 > +30%

Health: -10 > -100

Health Regen: +2 > +20

Increases Life Regen by 5% of your Current Mana

- Plague

Magic Damage: +2.5% > +28%

Magic Crit: +3% > +32%

Mana Cost: -2% > -18%

Mana: +10 > +50

Mana Regen: +2 > +12

(1st Ability) Plague Ability Base Damage: 5 > 50

Chance to apply a heavy DoT(Damage over Time) when hitting enemies

- Assassin

Melee Damage: +6% > +60%

Melee Speed: -15% (All levels)

Melee Crit: +1% > +15%

Movement Speed: +3% > +28%

Movement speed increases when hitting enemies

- Druid

Magic Damage: +3% > + 32%

Magic Crit: +2%> +20%

Health: +4 > +40

Health Regen: +1 > +7

Mana Regen: +1 > +6

Chance to spawn a smaller version of your first ability that can spread to other enemies or even strike the same one multiple times
Also applies a 0.5s confusion debuff to enemies hit

- Berserker

Melee Damage: +2% > 20%

Axe Damage: +10% > +120%

Melee Crit: +2% > 22%

Health: +8 > +75

Movement Speed: +1% > +10%

Defense: -1 > -10

The lower your health is, the higher your Melee Damage, Axe Damage, Melee Speed and Life Regen are

- Gunner

Gun Damage: +3.5% > +40%

Ranged Crit: +3% > +30%

Defense: +1 > +12

When hitting enemies, you have a 5% chance to increase fire rate with Guns for a short period of time

- Elementalist

Magic Damage: +2% > 20% (2x Fire stance)

Magic Crit: +2% > 20% (2x Air stance)

Mana: +3 > +30 (3x Water stance)

Mana Regen: +2 > +10 (3x Water stance)

Defense: +2 > +20 (2x Earth stance)

Depending on your stance the stats are multiplied.
Fire Passive: On-hit: Chance to apply a DoT
Air Passive: On-hit: Chance to deal extra damage, around the target (can cause chain reactions)
Water Passive: On-hit: Chance to heal for a small amount
Earth Passive: 3% of your Max Health is added to Life Regen

- Bonfire

Melee Damage: +2% > +28%

Melee Crit: +3% > +30%

Mana: +12 > +120

Health: +3 > +30

Defense: +2 > +20

Immune to Lava

- Healer

Magic Damage: +2.5% > +25%

Magic Crit: +2% > +20%

Mana Regen: +1 > +12

Health: +2 > +20

On-kill or assist: chance to drop a healing orb
Collecting the orb heals the player that got it

- Paladin

Passive healing around the player

- Archer

Bow Damage: +4% > +45%

Ranged Crit: +3% > +30%

Defense: +1 > +10

All Critical Hits deal 25% extra damage

- Werewolf
--Normal form:
Magic Damage: +2% > +20%
Magic Crit: +2% > +22%
Max mana: +10 > +100

1% Max Mana to Magic Damage, up to +40%

Wolf form:
Melee Damage: +4% > +40%
Defense: +2 > +18
Thorns: +6% > +55%
Endurance(Dmg reduction): +10% > 20%

More to come


Ability Key 1 Defaulted To 'Q'
Ability Key 2 Defaulted To 'C'
(You still have to bind them)


Every 'x' amount of damage you gain 2% ability damage.
Every 5 milestones an additional 3% ability damage is granted.
'x' will increase exponentially every time a new milestone is achieved. 'x' starts at 1000 and increases by 1.5x every milestone.

Ability Damage inscreases the damage your abilities do

- Ranger
Ability 1: Enter stealth and gain 4 Life Regen, increased Movement Speed, Max Movement Speed, 15% Ranged Crit Chance and 25% Ranged Damage

Ability 2: Shoot a projectile that deals high damage and inflics the ichor debuff to the target for 30s

- Summoner

Ability 1: Increase minion damage by 30% for 16s

Ability 2: Summon a sphere that rapidly shoots homing projectiles dealing 10/30 damage (pre-hardmode/hardmode) scaling off summon damage

- Tank
Ability 1: Enter a petrified stance for 3s in which you take no damage and knockback and quickly regenerate HP based on your max health

Ablity 2: For 15s you receive 20% less damage and reflect 100% of the damage you take ,but you lose 20% movement speed for the duration

- Fighter

Ability 1: Gain 25% increased Melee Damage for 15s

Ability 2: Your 'Overly Excited Old Friend' comes in your aid ,dealing 20/50 damage (pre-hardmode/hardmode)

- Mage
Ability 1: Blink to the current mouse position, consuming 50% of your current mana

Ability 2: Cast a slow firing ball that deals 75/150 damage (pre-hardmode/hardmode) and regenerates a random amount of mana (5%/7%/10% of your max mana) each time it strikes an enemy

- Thief
Ability 1: For 15s gain increased Max Movement Speed, increased Movement Speed, +33% Throwing Damage [Melee damage if calamity is loaded], increased Jump Height and Fall Speed, you also gain the ability to walk on water and auto jump

Ability 2: Holding down your ability key will spawn up to 20 orbiting shurikens that deal 50 damage p/hit (will only enter cooldown once all 20 shurikens have been summoned, which allows you to make some weird orbiting patterns. Though i recommend just holding it)

- Blood Mage
Ability 1: Deal damage on your current mouse position, based on your current HP (The more HP the more damage) and heal based on your missing HP + 20 + 1/2 of the damage dealt (The less HP the more healing)

Ability 2: Consume all the stacks from your passive, healing for a fixed amount depending on class level

- Shaman
Ability 1: Make it [literally] rain for 30s

Ability 2: Summon a heart spawner, that spawns hearts that players can pick up every few seconds

Passive: When its raining gain increased Life Regen, Minion Damage and Magic Damage (Hardmode: 8, 25%, 25% and Pre-Hardmode: 4, 15%, 15% respectively)

- Knight
Ability 1: For 22s you take 25% less damage

Ability 2: Change beetween Ranged Stance and Melee Stance, granting you increased damage on that stance

- Regen
Ability 1: Consume all your Mana healing you based on how much mana was consumed. After healing mana gets sapped for 8s

Ability 2: For 15s life regen is increased by 5% of your max health

- Plague
Ability 1: Launch an enemy seeking disease which deals damage based on class level (5/10/15/20/30/35/40/45/50) and magic damage

Ability 2: Based on mouse position (North/South) create a damaging wall/floor that heals you when it strikes an enemy [healing scales off magic damage]

- Assassin
Ability 1: For the next 2 seconds your Melee attacks are guaranteed to Crit and deal increased Melee Damage

Ability 2: Throw a projectile that when hitting enemies, causes a big AoE both at the player's position, and projectile position, applying debuffs and damaging enemies

- Druid
Ability 1: Create a zone around the player that deals continuous damage to enemies standing inside of it. Has a duration of 60 seconds or a total of 60 hits. The zone slowly decays as it deals damage

Abiltiy 2: Create 2 diverging walls that become static after a while and deal damage to enemies that pass through it

- Berserker
Ability 1: If youre below 50% health, set your health to 75%, if youre above 50%, set it to 25% and gain a buff that regens health quickly. (Good for either regening from low HP or to get some more bonuses from the passive)

Ability 2: For 8s you take no damage and/or knockback. Your melee damage is increased by 18%, Axe Damage by 100% and melee crit by 20%

- Gunner
Ability 1: Launch 10 rockets in the air, after a short period of time the rockets will seek nearby enemies.

Ability 2: Call in an airstrike, dealing heavy damage in a line towards your mouse direction (East/West) [be careful 'cause the airstrike can hit you]

- Elementalist
Ability 1:
Fire: Cast a high damaging fireball towards your mouse position
Air: Damage a huge area around you
Water: Regen some Health + some missing Health
Earth: Grants 33% Damage Reduction for 16s

Ability 2: Change between your 4 elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth), each granting different bonuses and having a different ability

- Bonfire
Ability 1: Create a damaging AoE (Area of Effect) around you that strikes enemies dealing damage (Scales with 60% of your melee crit) while applying your passive and then expiring after 25 hits

Ability 2: Throw fireballs towards your mouse position

- Healer
Ability 1: Heals all players for 25% of their max health and gives them a buff that grants them 5% of their max health as health regen for 10s.

Ability 2: Create a healing zone under your mouse position that heals everyone inside for 12% of the player's max Health every second

- Archer
Ability 1: Shoot a high damage homing arrow towards your mouse position

Ability2: Throw a gadget that after a while shoots out 8 arrows (1 in each direction) that later come back to you. Can hold up to 3 charges, as soon as you throw one out it will start to recharge for 90 seconds (affected by Cooldown Reduction items), once the 90 seconds have passed you get all 3 charges back, even if you only used one.

- Werewolf
Ability 1:
Normal: Fire projectiles in 8 directions that confuse enemies for 2s dealing damage that scales off of magic damage
Wolf: Howl, restoring 25% of your max health, damaging nearby enemies and applying confuse on them for 4s. Scales with melee damage


While at night, press to transform into a werewolf, confusing enemies around you for 4s

- Paladin
Ability 1: Your passive heals more and more frequently for a while
Ability 2: Become immune to damage for 8s, after that you take 33% reduced damage for 10s

Latest Patch Notes:

First of all, I'm sorry for the time it took to release this update, i got too ambitious and aimed too high for this update, which ended up draining me.

It took way longer to finish it than it should've, my motivation to code was at an all-time low so I spent around 2-3 months without even touching this and just playing other stuff with friends.

Anyways... The biggest update yet is out!

[I had more stuff planned for this update but i'll leave it for some next one.]


/- When an ability is ready a text message will appear above your character notifying you it is ready to use.
/- Damage dealt to statue-spawned NPCs no longer counts towards Damage Milestones.

All classes now have 2 paths from lvl.5+
-/ Players can pick a path when upgrading a class from level 4 to level 5 (aka entering Hardmode).
-/ Each path will improve something for the class, be it abilities, passives or stats.
-/ These improvements are static and do not scale with class level.

A new Town NPC arrives
-/ The Class Master is now the NPC that sells class tokens and some other items. The Class Master will be available after you defeat the King Slime.

-New Mastery System
-/ You can access the Mastery Tree by binding a key to it (Default: Z) [YOU STILL NEED TO BIND A KEY].
-/ 3 Mastery points will be awarded each time you reach a Damage Milestone and an extra 5 for each 5 milestones. Mastery points can also drop from any Boss Treasure Bags (including modded), with a low chance from any NPC's death or be bought from the Class Master for a high cost/price each after entering Hardmode.

New HUDs
-/ Some classes such as the Blood Mage could really use a HUD(Heads Up Display) because of stuff like the stacks from the Blood Mage's passive, so, i went ahead and made some primitive HUDs for the classes that could use them.
-/ Damage Milestones now also has a progress bar on the bottom of the screen. (Configurable in the mod's config)

- I might make some sort of HUD for the cooldown of the abilities and some other stuff in the future. -

Commands changes
-/ '/damage display' is now '/acm stats'.
-/ '/acm abilities' will now tell you your class' abilities in-game (Must have a class equipped first, which defeats its purpose, will re-do later).
-/ '/acm' will also be used for future commands.

-I will probably re-do these as menus and remove commands entirely in the future-

-/ Removed for now until i figure out how to use 'Webmilio's Commons Library'

-/ All classes now properly cost money to reforge

-/ Ability 1: Removed base damage scaling with ranged crit chance. Base damage increased from 100/200 to 150/300
-/ Ability 2: Arrow life time increased from 5s to 10s

-/ Ablity 2: Increased on-hit AoE from 400 to 500

-/ Ability 2: Granted axe damage increased from +24% to +100%

Blood Mage
-/ Ability 2: Healing per stack flattened from 0.5 > 1.5 to 0.5/0.75 . Damage per stack reduced from 0.15% to 0.075%.
-/ Passive: No longer deals true damage (damage can now be mitigated) but can now hit enemies both above and below 33% health. Now loses all stacks on death.

-/ Ability 2: Walls can only hit enemies 25 times each now. Healing reduced from 6 to 4. Base damage increased by 5. Walls now do less damage vs Eater Of Worlds.

-/ Ability 1:
Air: Now does less damage vs Eater Of Worlds and The Destroyer.
Earth: Endurance duration decreased from 16s to 15s
-/ Passive: Player no longer shines based on what element he is in currently.

-/ Stats: Max Health decreased from 5 > 50 to 4 > 40
-/ Ability 1: Duration decreased from 18s to 15s. Damage granted decreased from 25% to 22%. Now grants 5 defense.
-/ Ability 2: Removed melee crit scaling. Fixed some bad math related to damage.
-/ Passive: Cooldown increased from 3s to 5s. Healing changed from 10% damage dealt to (1 + 10% missing health * ability power).

-/ Passive: Fire rate increase reduced from 30% to 25%. No longer procs if the player is already under its effects.

-/ Ability 1: Duration reduced from 22s to 15s. Granted endurance reduced from 25% to 14%. Now grants 100% Thorns scaling with 100% of your Ability Power, so, if you have 20% Ability Power it will instead grant 100 * 1.2 = 120% thorns, or 50%: 100 * 1.5 = 150%

-/ Ability 1: Mana cost reduced from 50% current mana to 33% current mana. Fixed mana cost not costing what the cost is supposed to cost. Now properly costs what the cost was supposed to cost.
-/ Ability 2: %MaxMana gained p/hit reduced from 5/7/10% to 4/6/9%. No longer targets Target Dummies and critters. Damage reduced from 30/70 to 25/60 and removed Magic Crit scaling. Trageting range reduced from 850 to 650.
-/ Stats:
-/ Max mana reduced from 30 > 250 to 15 > 150.
-/ Mana Cost reduced from 4% > 38% to 2% > 18%

-/ Ability 1: Immunity time reduced from 8s to 6s.
-/ Passive: Increased healing range from 450 to 500

-/ Ability 2: Maximum hits p/spore reduced from infinite to 10, base damage reduced from 20 > 50 to 15 > 40

-/ Ability 2: No longer deals %MaxHP as dmg, instead it has 100/200 base damage that scales with ranged damage. Base ichor duration decreased from 45s to 30s. Base cooldown decreased from 120s to 100s.

-/ Ability 1: Current Mana % converted to health decreased form 60% to 55%. Base healing (50) now scales with Ability Power. Mana Sap debuff duration increased from 8s to 15s.

-/ Ability 1: [REWORKED] Summon a totem that spawns projectiles that shoot towards enemies, these projectiles bounce between 3 enemies. Cooldown reduced from 110s to 100s.
-/ Ability 2: Cooldown reduced from 110s to 105s.
-/ Passive: [REWORKED] Grants Ability Power equal to 12% of your max mana.
-/ Stats: Fixed Shaman having way more stats than he should while it wasn't raining. Summon Damage decreased from 4% > 38% to 3.5% > 33%. Fixed Level 2 granting 2 minions instead of just 1.

-/ Ability 1: Minion damage granted reduced from 40% to 30%. Duration decreased from 22s to 16s.
-/ Ability 2: No longer targets Target Dummies.
-/ Passive: Healing decreased from 2% to 1.5% of max health.
-/ Stats: Decreased Summon Damage from 6% > 55% to 4.5% > 42%, it was just way too much damage.

-/ Ability 1: Reduced the total amount of health regenerated by 50%.
-/ Ability 2: Reduced Endurance granted from 40% to 20%. Duration decreased from 20s to 14s. Cooldown reduced from 115s to 110s
-/ Stats: Reduced defense from 5 > 30 to 3 > 27. Fixed lvls 6, 7, 8 still granting the player the Paladin's Shield effect.

-/ Ability 2: Damage changed from 50 to 25 > 60
-/ No longer has 50% chance to not consume thrown item before level 5.
-/ Passive cooldown increased from 25s to 60s, chance to proc halved. "This class was generating way more gold than it should".

-/ Ability 1: Normal: Projectiles now have a 50% bigger hitbox. Base damage increased from 25 > 75 to 30 > 85. Normal: Cooldown reduced from 60s to 55s. | Werewolf: Cooldown decreased from 90s to 85s.

-/ Hallowed Dust Bullets
-/ Hallowed Dust Arrows
-/ Bouncing Bullets
-/ Brun
-/ Mysterious Hat
-/ Blue Hat
-/ Purple Hat
-/ Yellow Hat
-/ Red Hat
-/ Green Hat

Class Picker
-/ The Class Picker's cost has been reduced from 50 gold to 30 gold and can now be obtained from the Class Master as soon as he spawns. You no longer have to wait until hardmode to change your class, it can be done right after King Slime now.

-/ Fixed some Buff Tooltips and Names displaying incorrectly (Thanks [Forums] 'Angel 4')

-/ Semi Mode: Slightly increased projectile lifespan/range

-/ Fixed Alt-Use heal healing way more than it should

Cooldown Reduction Items
-/ Cooldown reduction granted by these items has been reduced since there are new ways of getting more cooldown reduction now.


Fixed achievement related stuff


- Reworked 1st ability, now fires a high damage homing arrow, has a 45s cooldown

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased from 135s to 105s

- Ability 1 If the player loses health he gains 10% of his mas health as health regen for 5s
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 145s to 125s

Blood Mage
- Ability 2 Cooldown increased from 68s to 75s

- Ability 1 Fixed some bad math

- Ability 2 Base damage no longer scales with magic crit. Cooldown decreased from 135s to 130s

- Ability 1 Cooldowns are now 60s for every element/stance
Fire: Cooldown decreased from 70s to 60s
Air: Unchanged, still 60s
Water: Cooldown decreased from 65s to 60s
Earth: Cooldown decreased from 75s to 60s

- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased form 130s to 120s

- Ability 1 Reworked. Now fires 10 rockets that after a while seek nearby enemies. 85s Cooldown
- Ability 2 base damage decreased from 150 to 130. Cooldown decreased from 130s to 115s

Stats: Ultimate Level Magic Crit Chance reduced from +22% to +20%
- Ability 1 Reworked. Now heals all players for 25% of their max health and gives them a buff that grants them 5% of their max health as health regen for 10s. 90s Cooldown
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 155s to 130s. Healing increased from 10% of max health to 12% of max health.Fixed HealEffect displaying incorrectly
- Passive: Healing increased from 3% of max health to 5% of max health. Orb lifespan increased from 10s to 15s

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased from 115s to 105s

- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 140s to 120s

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased from 115s to 100s
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 100s to 90s

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased from 135s to 120s
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 80s to 75s

- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 135s to 120s

- Ability 1 Cooldown increased from 45s to 65s. Base healing increased from 20 to 50 and mana converted to health increased from 40% to 60%
Player wont be able to regen any mana for the next 8s, affecting his passive.
- Ability 2 Mana cost reduced from 75% of max mana to 50% of max mana

- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 135s to 110s

- Since this class' passive now heals the player i've reduced his overall tankiness a little bit
- Defense decreased from +2 > +20 to +1 > +15
- Max Health decreased from +6 > +60 to +5 > +50
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 130s to 120s

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased form 133s to 123s
- Ability 2 Cooldown decreased from 125s to 115s

- If Calamity is loaded Thief will now be a crit-oriented melee damage class
- Decreased non-Calamity version movement speed from +1% > +15% to +1% > +10%
- Ability 1: If calamity is loaded it instead grants melee damage. Duration increased from 15s to 18s. Cooldown increased by from 58s to 68s

- Ability 1 Cooldown decreased from 100s to 90s & increased Knockback


[New] Master Cooldown Amulet
- Decreases ability cooldown by 45%
- +50% ability and DoT duration
- +25% Ability damage
- Does not stack with other Cooldown/Duration items

Unstable Duration Orb
- Ability and DoT duration increased from +15% to +20%
- Now grants +5% ability damage

Stable Duration Orb
- Ability and DoT duration increased from +25% to +40%
- Now grants +10% ability damage

Huge Carrot
- Fixed tooltip/description


-1 New easter egg related to bunnies

-New way of passively earning Ability Damage
Every 'x' amount of damage you gain 2% ability damage. Every 5 milestones an additional 3% ability damage is granted. This 'x' will increase exponentially every time a new milestone is achieved. 'x' starts at 1000 and increases by 1.5x every milestone.

Typing '/damage display' will display your current damage.

Added support for 'AchievementLibs', if you have this mod enabled Custom Achievements will be enabled, i will be adding more in the future, these were only for testing

-Reduced chance of bunnies dropping Carrots. Dropped quantity decreased from 5-10 to 2-6

-Increased chance of non-statue bunnies dropping Suspiciously Huge Carrots, still quite rare

Fixed class level up available announcer not working


As i said, this update would bring passives to every class, some are reworked, some are new, classes which do not mention anything about their passive already had one and it was unchanged. There were also some balance changes

Passive: All Critical Hits deal 25% more damage

Ability 1: Damage decreased from +800% to +700%
Ability 2: Damage increased from 20/40 to 50/100. Now scales with Melee Damage

Ability 2: Granted crit chance decreased from 24% to 20%. Now grants also 24% Axe Damage
Passive: Health Regen reduced from 10% of missing health to 6% of missing health

Ability 2: Rework
DoT Pre-hardmode damage reduced from 20 to 15, Hardmode damage reduced from 40 to 30, both still scale with 60% of Melee Critical Chance.
Fixed some bad math.

Blood Mage
Passive: True damage increased from 3% to 5% but only applies if target is above 25% health

Passive: Attacks have a chance to spawn a seed that deals damage and confuses enemies for a 0.5s
Ability 2: Reduced duration to 20s

Passives: Fire Passive: Damage reduced from 15/30 to 12/24, now scales with 33% of Magic Critical Chance

Max health reduced from +8 > +80 to +5 > +50
Ultimate's level Melee Crit reduced from +22 to +20
Passive: Heal for 10% of the damage dealt (3s Cooldown)

Passive: On enemy hit: 5% chance to grant +30% firerate for a short period of time
Stats: Gun Damage reduced from 4% > 42% to 3.5% > 40%

-Magic Damage increased from 2% > 22% to 2.5% > 25%

Passive: Attacks that hit enemies have a chance reduce mana costs by 25%

Stats: Changed stats to be grant more crit chance and less damage since abilities now scale with Magic Critical Chance
-Magic Damage reduced from 4% > 40% to 2.5% > 28%
-Magic Crit increased from 2% > 22% to 3% > 32%
Passive: On enemy hit: Chance to apply a heavy DoT effect that scales with magic damage. Damage: 25/50, scales with 50% of Magic Critical Chance and Magic Damage.
Ability 1: Maximum number of hits increased from 50 to infinite.
Increased the range from which the projectile will start chasing enemies. Decreased projectile life time.

Ultimate level's Ranged Damage reduced from +35% to +30%
Passive: 25% of Ranged Crit added to Ranged Damage
[+25% Ranged Damage at 100% Ranged Crit but can go higher]

No longer loses Melee Damage, instead he gains a little: Melee Damage changed from -1% > -10% to +1.5% > +15%
Defense reduced from +3 > +36 to +5 > +30
Ultimate level's Max health reduced from +140 to +130
Passive: 10% Damage reduction & Knockback immunity

Fixed typo in Class Level 2 "+5% throwing damage" to "+10% throwing damage"
It was just a typo, the damage increase was there and has not been changed


Unstable Duration Orb

Stable Duration Orb

Fishing Cage

Baitless Fishing Cage

-New Sprite

-A new Video Game Reference ranged weapon with 2 firemodes

-Semi Mode: short ranged, high damage, high critical chance, slow fire, infinite penetration.
-Auto Mode: long range, medium damage, low crits fast-firing, no penetration.

-Shots have a chance to apply an Electricity DoT debuff for 2 seconds on-hit.

-DoT deals more damage the higher the enemy's max health is

-DoT% Semi Mode: 5% chance
-DoT% Auto Mode: 20% chance

-Use time increased from 6 to 7

--New Class:
-Werewolf (Magic and Melee hybrid)
--Normal form:
Magic Damage: +2% > +20%
Magic Crit: +2% > +22%
Max mana: +10 > +100

Passive: 1% max mana to Magic Damage, up to +40%

Wolf form:
Melee Damage: +4% > +40%
Defense: +2 > +18
Thorns: +6% > +55%
Endurance(Dmg reduction): +10% > 20%

Ability 1:
Normal: Fire projectiles in 8 directions that confuse enemies for 2s dealing damage that scales off of magic damage.
Wolf: Howl, restoring 25% of your max health, damaging nearby enemies and applying confuse on them for 4s. Scales with melee damage.

Ability2: While at night, transform into a werewolf, confusing enemies around you for 4s

-Ability 2: Removed the enemy %hp damage

-[Change]Passive: Now also grants bonus Axe Damage the lower your health is but no longer grants increased movement speed

-[Nerf] Melee Damage from +3% > +30% to +2% > +20%
-[New] Axes deal increased damage from +10% > +120%

-[New]Passive: Every 6th minion hit, heal for 2% of your max health

--Blood Mage
-[Rework]Passive: By hitting enemies you gain stacks up to an amount depending on your class level. Each stack gives you a bonus 0.15% magic damage increase.

-[Rework]Ability 2: Consumes all your current stacks to heal for a fixed amount per stack, depending on your class level



Join the new Discord server for updates, teasers, reporting bugs and suggesting things!

Sadly, this new update broke all the older characters due to me being dumb dumb in the past, if you want to play with an old character, you have to create a new one and swap items with the old one, basically before enabling this mod you go into your world with your old character and place all his items in a chest, then, you enable the mod, make a new character and grab all the items from your old character.

Special Thanks To:
-Dan Yami

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u spelt rogue wrong

its not rouge its rogue

sry but i was confused when i saw rogue cuz it means red xd
So, I've been testing some things lately and next update should bring some neat new features. :steampunkerwink:

Sorry about the lack of updates I'm still learning how to code and sprite (i suck at spriting :steampunkercry:)
I like to report 2 problems during seems you can Stack more then one of the Accessories slots meaning you can have 2 classes or more of the same tokens or different tokens can stack.... The 2nd one seems to be that the "The Class : Ranger Ultimate" Recipe is Wrong as its suppose to be "Class Ranger Lv8" instead its saying Class Summoner : Ultimate
May I suggest a few classes?

Ringleader (Throwing/Summon)
Skill - Swaps Throwing/Summon damage for 30 seconds (60 second cooldown)

Pirate (Melee/Range)
Skill - Fires an Cannonball scaling with both Melee and Range damage (90 second cooldown)

Commander (Defense/Summon)
Skill - Doubles Summon Max Count for 60 seconds (120 second cooldown)
Passive - Summon damage scales with armor


Crossmod Classes

Engie (Defender/Range) - ExpandedSentries
Skill - Aiming a ranged weapon will guide all Sentry weapon aiming for 30 seconds (40 second cooldown)

Abnormality (PALE/Melee/Magic) - AlchemistNPC
Skill - Converts all Magic/Melee damage to PALE damage for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown)
Passive - Melee damage scales off Magic buffs, and vice-versa

Warlock (Mystic/Summon) - Enigma
Skill - Grants all current summons the according Mysticism type for 20 seconds (40 second cooldown)
Passive - Mystic damage is increased scaling with amount of summons

Paladin (Radiant/Defense) - Thorium
Skill - All damage taken heals nearby allies and current defense is doubled for 30 seconds (60 second cooldown)

Dryad (Druid/Magic) - Mod of Redemption
Skill - Unleash a burst of seeds to scatter around you for 5 seconds, spawning various flowers depending on the level (20 second cooldown)
Passive - Using either Magic or Druid damage will empower the other for 5 seconds
I Want To suggest Some Class

+Assassin <Mobility/Melee> {Shortsword/Katana}
Special Active:
Fatal Dash:
Dashes through enemy dealing damage to everything that it passes through and have a chance of executing non boss enemy.
(15 second CD)

Special Passive:
Doubles the Damage When Attacking an Enemy from the Rear

+Berserker <Damage/Melee> {Sword or add a Battle Axe Weapon}
Special Active:
Multiple Axe(Number of Axe will Depend on class level) will start Spinning around him that Damages Any Enemy that it hits.
(10 seconds Duration, 45 second CD)

Special Passive:
Blood Rage:
When Health Is below 50% Damage is Increased by 5%(+2% per level), Melee Speed by 5%(+2% per level), Life Steal by 3%(+2% per level).
All Effect is Doubled When Below 10% Health.

+Ninja <Mobility/Throwing> {Shuriken and Kunai}
Special Active:
Shadow Clone:
<First Cast> Cast a Shadow Clone at Cursor Place that Mimics your Attack and Deals 75% of your total Damage. (30 seconds Duration,2 min CD)
<Second Cast> Swaps position with the Shadow. (10 second CD)

Special Passive:
Shadow Dodge/Step:
When Above 75% Health getting Hit by an enemy will increase your movement speed by 50%
When Below 75% Health Increases Your evasion by 20%

It seems your able to stack Different Levels of the same token.. in this example i stacked a "Lv 8 Tank" and a "Lv 7 Tank" and they both combine together and this can get real overpowered. You also can Stack 2 Different Classes as well. You might want to find a way so this cant happen even thou you can only get 1 class token at the creation of a character people can simply make more chars and stack tokens.

It seems your able to stack Different Levels of the same token.. in this example i stacked a "Lv 8 Tank" and a "Lv 7 Tank" and they both combine together and this can get real overpowered. You also can Stack 2 Different Classes as well. You might want to find a way so this cant happen even thou you can only get 1 class token at the creation of a character people can simply make more chars and stack tokens.

Thats why i only gave people one at the start, idk how to make them not being able to stack and thats a huge problem i have right now since i cant find any help or a way to make it work.
Thats why i only gave people one at the start, idk how to make them not being able to stack and thats a huge problem i have right now since i cant find any help or a way to make it work.

Perhaps allow the ability to craft an empty Ability Core out of Mana Crystals, Life Fruit, and Hallowed Bars?
Perhaps allow the ability to craft an empty Ability Core out of Mana Crystals, Life Fruit, and Hallowed Bars?
Yeah i should probably do that now that you can only use 1 class. That would allow for ppl to change classes mid-playthrough which is nice. Thx for the idea man :guidesmile:
Ok you fixed that issue but it seems their is another....if you apply the token and remove it then try to put it back it dont allow you to untill you reset your world.

meaning you cant Re-Equip the token
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Awesome mod concept. Very detailed!

What do you think about the cooldowns of the special abilities? When I think "Cool, I have a character class now!" I keep wondering, "Am I my special ability? Does it truly characterize me?"

I would be very interesting in seeing an accessory that cuts that cooldown in half, or even in thirds. Is it overpowered? Well, it takes up an accessory slot, so that's something. o.o!
I'm having issues. Whenever I try to make classes. i don't see all of them. I can craft al lthe lv 1 classes. but i can't go to lv 2. On a few of them. the druid. the ranger. and i think one other. but i see the rest of them. I am in multiplayer. but this same problem was in solo player.
To clarify more, I go to the crafting guide and check the recipe and its non existint (archer is the one i care about personally). But the other lv 2 recipe's are available.
Please help
I'm having issues. Whenever I try to make classes. i don't see all of them. I can craft al lthe lv 1 classes. but i can't go to lv 2. On a few of them. the druid. the ranger. and i think one other. but i see the rest of them. I am in multiplayer. but this same problem was in solo player.
To clarify more, I go to the crafting guide and check the recipe and its non existint (archer is the one i care about personally). But the other lv 2 recipe's are available.
Please help
Idk , theres not even a Druid class or an Archer one, so it might be another mod that's conflicting. Try running this mod alone and tell me if you still got problems.
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