Ask me and my "Player Wannabe" and Psychotic Pacifist OCs anything

Climmy, how would you react to a massive cosmic worm capable of devouring gods came charging at your face?
Realistically, I'd panic then die. I'm assuming it's fast enough that I wouldn't have time to do anything else before it killed me and who wouldn't panic at a Devourer of Gods?

If I had Palkia, the embodiment of space, or Solgaleo or Lunala, who can create wormholes, I'd try to have them save me. That probably wouldn't be enough considering the whole devouring gods thing.
Realistically, I'd panic then die. I'm assuming it's fast enough that I wouldn't have time to do anything else before it killed me and who wouldn't panic at a Devourer of Gods?

If I had Palkia, the embodiment of space, or Solgaleo or Lunala, who can create wormholes, I'd try to have them save me. That probably wouldn't be enough considering the whole devouring gods thing.
Yeah, it would be a massive issue if the Devourer devoured Palkia, as the Pokemon world would than begin to crumble as the Pokemon holding it together dies.
Yeah, it would be a massive issue if the Devourer devoured Palkia, as the Pokemon world would than begin to crumble as the Pokemon holding it together dies.
Thank Arceus there's someone that can make another Palkia. :P

Wait... Arceus is next, aren't they?
Thank Arceus there's someone that can make another Palkia. :guidetongue:

Wait... Arceus is next, aren't they?
Yes, the Devourer is a multidimensional being, it can obviously reach Arceus. It would devour it without much fight, as it is much stronger than anything Arceus can muster.... perhaps he could find more dimensions with gods to devour, and there would be no escape via wormholes, as he would follow you, going much faster. Wait, is that a portal... AAARRGGGHHHH
Ahhh, so I see my name has been called. This communication system is primitive but shall do. But first, I should introduce myself. After all, it is quite rude to not, isn't it? I am the Nameless Serpent, but you can call me the Devourer of Gods. What he says is true, as I can reach any dimension within my reach, which is almost infinite. That white horse, Arceus, correct? He was easily defeated, along with the 5 protecting him. 1000 arms cannot save you from my maw. That weird large pink dragon with a disturbing neck? Consumed. The large blue 4 legged being? destroyed. The three beings with two star-tipped tails and a blue, purple, and yellow head? Annihilated. After a bit of searching, I also destroyed the ruler of that strange, twisted world very quickly. I may search for other worlds like this, where the world is based off of beings that, if destroyed, destroys the world. I love seeing worlds destroyed, after all.
Yes, the Devourer is a multidimensional being, it can obviously reach Arceus. It would devour it without much fight, as it is much stronger than anything Arceus can muster.... perhaps he could find more dimensions with gods to devour, and there would be no escape via wormholes, as he would follow you, going much faster. Wait, is that a portal... AAARRGGGHHHH
Ahhh, so I see my name has been called. This communication system is primitive but shall do. But first, I should introduce myself. After all, it is quite rude to not, isn't it? I am the Nameless Serpent, but you can call me the Devourer of Gods. What he says is true, as I can reach any dimension within my reach, which is almost infinite. That white horse, Arceus, correct? He was easily defeated, along with the 5 protecting him. 1000 arms cannot save you from my maw. That weird large pink dragon with a disturbing neck? Consumed. The large blue 4 legged being? destroyed. The three beings with two star-tipped tails and a blue, purple, and yellow head? Annihilated. After a bit of searching, I also destroyed the ruler of that strange, twisted world very quickly. I may search for other worlds like this, where the world is based off of beings that, if destroyed, destroys the world. I love seeing worlds destroyed, after all.
I saw you post here and thought you were @Goozma for a sec
Aaaanyway, before fear overtakes me; how would you then react to becoming a pony against your own will?
I'd hate not having hands so much... And I'd hate getting people making My Little Pony references at me all the time...

It'd be weird and lots of people would mistake me for a Pokemon. I'm used to being weird on purpose, so I'm sure I'd be fine with it after getting used to not having hands.

I'd have no idea what to do. I've been fighting monsters a lot of my life and not being a predator would make that way too hard. Maybe I would move into the Princess's stable?
Have you tried any Pokemon fangames? Pokemon Rejuvenation is amazing, and really fun too. Its unique field effects are amazing, like the forest turning moves like Air Cutter into a grass type move and a ghostly area turning Fire type moves such as Flame Charge into a ghost type move! I highly recommend you give it a go!
Have you tried any Pokemon fangames? Pokemon Rejuvenation is amazing, and really fun too. Its unique field effects are amazing, like the forest turning moves like Air Cutter into a grass type move and a ghostly area turning Fire type moves such as Flame Charge into a ghost type move! I highly recommend you give it a go!
I played Pokerogue for a while, but the best one IMO is Infinite Fusion. Only half the Pokemon have sprites made for them, but when there's over 250,000 because of being able to fuse 500 different Pokemon together... I think you can get away with half the Pokemon having automatically generated placeholder sprites. Othere than those games, I mostly stick to official games.

Do you know how many games could be called Pokemon fan games when you're in a world with Pokemon? Most of them. If it has Pokemon, it could probably count as a fan game.

I don't play video games unless the Party Girl makes me. My eyes are damaged, so it's hard to play when I can't smell the game's environment. That makes it good parties though. Drunk people vs lowest difficulty AI vs me always makes people laugh.
You have one minute to come up with an answer to this question starting from when you finish reading it.
What is the most random and confusing thing to say that you can come up with in this one minute?
You have one minute to come up with an answer to this question starting from when you finish reading it.
What is the most random and confusing thing to say that you can come up with in this one minute?
The penguins are attacking our minds with peanut butter!

I only used 10 seconds tops.

We're going full Leroy! Punch 'em in the face and maul their kneecaps!

You have no idea what to expect when a pacifist screams that. People either overreact or don't think whatever's going to happen can't be strong because my Pokemon have no experience with attacking. Turns out they should worry. It's a code for using Status Moves in a certain way.

*barking, yipping, and screeching*

The weird thing is I just made random sounds, but I have a general idea of what I said. Something about blueberries and sunflowers.
What is Climmy's opinion on Shadow Pokemon?
He hasn't heard of them, but this is what he'd say after hearing about Pokemon Colosseum's and XD's Shadow Pokemon. (The later game's name is kind of ruined by emoticons.)

I... I need a moment to take this in... and a lot of moments to plan my war on Team Cipher. I regret destroying all of the stuff Team Rocket used to steal Pokemon. I need it now.... I will show Cipher as much kindness as they make the Pokemon they corrupt show. I will Make. Them. Suffer.

Are you okay?
No. Want to come with me? I don't care if you tear faces off.
Wow. You're really not okay.
Rip and tear. Rip and tear until it's done.
He hasn't heard of them, but this is what he'd say after hearing about Pokemon Colosseum's and XD's Shadow Pokemon. (The later game's name is kind of ruined by emoticons.)

I... I need a moment to take this in... and a lot of moments to plan my war on Team Cipher. I regret destroying all of the stuff Team Rocket used to steal Pokemon. I need it now.... I will show Cipher as much kindness as they make the Pokemon they corrupt show. I will Make. Them. Suffer.

Are you okay?
No. Want to come with me? I don't care if you tear faces off.
Wow. You're really not okay.
Rip and tear. Rip and tear until it's done.
Climmy, you know the Snag Machine exists, right? it can capture opponents Shadow Pokemon. Perhaps it will be of use to you.
Climmy, you know the Snag Machine exists, right? it can capture opponents Shadow Pokemon. Perhaps it will be of use to you.
(He didn't know that.)

That already exists? Sweet. When I get one, I'm stealing so many Pokemon! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Huh. Isn't that what I went after Team Rocket for? I guess it's true that you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain. Well, if I'm evil I guess that means I should stop worrying if my plans involve enough Sleep Powder to kill someone with pollen allergies. That makes planning for Team Cipher much easier!
Hunter, have you tried killing Climmy yet?
Is this because I turned evil?

I only kill people when it's kill or be killed, like any time the Arm's Dealer looks at me funny. The last time I tried to kill anyone that didn't try to kill me was the last time I was out of control during a Full Moon, so it's been a really long time.
So, I'm safe?
You have lots of tricks, so I think you're kind of safe even if I try. Do you want me to try?
Only if you turn really evil then.
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