Living Tree
Hi. I'm Climmy the Necromancer (or Noob) Cat, or CTNC for short, and I thought making an AMA would be fun. I like doing little things to be different like having a pine tree next to my name for the Tree Axe war, have a habit of tying to be funny, and tend to come up with random ideas out of nowhere, like suggesting that the Silent Fish Fishing Reward should try to sing when powered. My two favorite games are Terraria and Pokemon. I love knowing in depth game mechanics, no matter how obscure or useless, and am a fan of challenge runs. Gamechamp3000's Mario Odyssey Without Jumping video and livestreams looked so fun I had to try it myself and there's one challenge with Pokemon I don't even see as a challenge any more because it's just the way I play. There aren't any Terraria challenges other than Special Seeds that I've wanted to try though unless you count playthroughs of every class on Master Mode. I don't really want a Terraria Challenge anyway because I'm still not tired of Vanilla even after over a 1200 Hours and my playthroughs of Terraria are pretty slow because dying is fun, I don't care as much about making progress that much when I'm at a point where I can survive easily even on Master Mode, and I like building and fishing. Seriously, I finished over 200 Fishing Quests on my Ranged 1.4 Master Mode playthrough.
For the fun of it, I'll assume you're asking me and my irst two OCs unless you say you're just asking me or one or some of the OCs, but please ask all three. (Unless you want to ask the OCs personal stuff, then just them.) Having the Psychotic Pacifist one as part of the AMA is mostly an excuse to act insane and give more interesting answers.
Edit: Please no emoji/image spam questions. Asking what pic is my favorite is okay. What I have a problem with is spamming a bunch of random stuff and calling that a question.
OC Name: The Hunter (Current Real Name: Doesn't know, doesn't care.)
Text Color: Orange
Game: Terraria
Reason Created: Made for a Webcomic of a real life Reality TV show with Fan Characters for competitors. (I changed my mind about submitting my OC when I found out the author was racist.)
Description: The Hunter is an NPC that fights in close range Melee, even when hunting. He used to hunt small game like ducks and deer before the Wall of Flesh was slain, but now there's enough big game like Tortoises and Pigrons he only hunts monsters. Their meat is just as good, it's more ethical than killing cute animals that don't try to kill you, and they're more fun to hunt. He gets the feeling that the Hero (AKA player) is the only "real person" and wants to be like them. He also has a player like mentality and does things that players would like treat gender like it's cosmetic and not care about being pranked with Gender Change Potions, not care if he dies because he come back the next day with a different name, and play with a werefox with a laser pointer to distract her from her suffering because NPCs would never hurt you. The Zoologist mauled them for the last one. He's okay with it though because it was an accident and there was nothing but upsides once he stopped being overwhelmed by his new instincts and heightened senses. Well, there was one downside, but a cursed charm similar to Lilith's Necklace lets him control himself during Full and Blood Moons but keeps them stuck in fox form all the time. That means the upsides are even stronger and happen during the day and the only "downside" is it makes them look different!
Other Notes: He's a gray fox even though a red fox bit him because magic. The Zoologist may have made me into a furry and it really shows with The Hunter, especially because he's my profile pic...
OC Name: Climmy, AKA the Pacifist on the Warpath
Text Color: Green
Game: Pokemon
Reason Created: I was pretty sure I was the first person to try Pokemon with Status Moves Only so I felt like I had to record the playthrough. (The Youtuber Jrose11 said he tried long ago but quit before he finished, so I'm not the first person to try it but I might be the first to finish a playthrough.) I didn't have video making stuff, so I resorted to fanfiction. Things got interesting when I had to think about how a Pacifist would take on Team Rocket, who are basically the Pokemon Mafia in the games. (Shout out to Shyguymask for his Status Moves Only Videos.)
Description: This Pacifistic Pokemon Trainer is NOT Gandhi. Not even close. There's a reason he calls himself the Pacifist on the Warpath. He'd probably be more merciful if he was able to tell his Pokemon to attack without being interrupted by trauma induced nausea instead of having to resort to Status Moves and chaos. At least he knows his moral code has massive loopholes and double standards. Even if you're a good person, staying away may be a good idea. He likes weirding people out and challenging him to a battle may be frustrating and unexciting to you because of his Pokemon being asleep from Rest when they're not using moves with gradual effects over time, like Will-O-Wisp and Leech Seed, between uses of Protect. He has no idea why his Pokemon go along with his madness and "fighting style" without batting an eye. Maybe they just think humans are weird or go along with it for fun.
Other Notes: I haven't used anything other than Status Moves since I played Fire Red this way and I play a lot of Pokemon. Needless to say, I got Shield when Pokemon Sword and Shield came out.
Edit: Added another OC to the AMA, but I'm not sure how good he is for an AMA. He won't answer questions asked to everyone unless you ask for him to answer.
For the fun of it, I'll assume you're asking me and my irst two OCs unless you say you're just asking me or one or some of the OCs, but please ask all three. (Unless you want to ask the OCs personal stuff, then just them.) Having the Psychotic Pacifist one as part of the AMA is mostly an excuse to act insane and give more interesting answers.
Edit: Please no emoji/image spam questions. Asking what pic is my favorite is okay. What I have a problem with is spamming a bunch of random stuff and calling that a question.
OC Name: The Hunter (Current Real Name: Doesn't know, doesn't care.)
Text Color: Orange
Game: Terraria
Reason Created: Made for a Webcomic of a real life Reality TV show with Fan Characters for competitors. (I changed my mind about submitting my OC when I found out the author was racist.)
Description: The Hunter is an NPC that fights in close range Melee, even when hunting. He used to hunt small game like ducks and deer before the Wall of Flesh was slain, but now there's enough big game like Tortoises and Pigrons he only hunts monsters. Their meat is just as good, it's more ethical than killing cute animals that don't try to kill you, and they're more fun to hunt. He gets the feeling that the Hero (AKA player) is the only "real person" and wants to be like them. He also has a player like mentality and does things that players would like treat gender like it's cosmetic and not care about being pranked with Gender Change Potions, not care if he dies because he come back the next day with a different name, and play with a werefox with a laser pointer to distract her from her suffering because NPCs would never hurt you. The Zoologist mauled them for the last one. He's okay with it though because it was an accident and there was nothing but upsides once he stopped being overwhelmed by his new instincts and heightened senses. Well, there was one downside, but a cursed charm similar to Lilith's Necklace lets him control himself during Full and Blood Moons but keeps them stuck in fox form all the time. That means the upsides are even stronger and happen during the day and the only "downside" is it makes them look different!
Other Notes: He's a gray fox even though a red fox bit him because magic. The Zoologist may have made me into a furry and it really shows with The Hunter, especially because he's my profile pic...
OC Name: Climmy, AKA the Pacifist on the Warpath
Text Color: Green
Game: Pokemon
Reason Created: I was pretty sure I was the first person to try Pokemon with Status Moves Only so I felt like I had to record the playthrough. (The Youtuber Jrose11 said he tried long ago but quit before he finished, so I'm not the first person to try it but I might be the first to finish a playthrough.) I didn't have video making stuff, so I resorted to fanfiction. Things got interesting when I had to think about how a Pacifist would take on Team Rocket, who are basically the Pokemon Mafia in the games. (Shout out to Shyguymask for his Status Moves Only Videos.)
Description: This Pacifistic Pokemon Trainer is NOT Gandhi. Not even close. There's a reason he calls himself the Pacifist on the Warpath. He'd probably be more merciful if he was able to tell his Pokemon to attack without being interrupted by trauma induced nausea instead of having to resort to Status Moves and chaos. At least he knows his moral code has massive loopholes and double standards. Even if you're a good person, staying away may be a good idea. He likes weirding people out and challenging him to a battle may be frustrating and unexciting to you because of his Pokemon being asleep from Rest when they're not using moves with gradual effects over time, like Will-O-Wisp and Leech Seed, between uses of Protect. He has no idea why his Pokemon go along with his madness and "fighting style" without batting an eye. Maybe they just think humans are weird or go along with it for fun.
Other Notes: I haven't used anything other than Status Moves since I played Fire Red this way and I play a lot of Pokemon. Needless to say, I got Shield when Pokemon Sword and Shield came out.
Edit: Added another OC to the AMA, but I'm not sure how good he is for an AMA. He won't answer questions asked to everyone unless you ask for him to answer.
OC Name: ??? (I never game him one because he'd never tell it)
Text Color: Blue Gray
Game: Something like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder if I ever get to play.
Reason Created: Listening to Dungeons and Dragons horror stories about bad players made me want to play and all the Edge Lords made me want to make someone that looked like an edge lord with the twist of they're not an edge lord.
Description: He has a black kimono or gi style robe, black jeans with several slashes that have been sewn shut, black boots, a black mustached goatee, black eye shadow, black painted claw like fingernails, black Sephiroth like hair with less shampoo and the strands in his face being thinner than Sephiroth’s, a black hood that appears to have a cape hanging off of it until you realize it’s his hair hanging out of the gap between his hood and robe, and an (apparently) black soul. He looks like a stereotypical Edge Lord's Edgy Character, but that's the point. I even stole his backstory from the Youtube Chanel Terrible Writing Advice to make him look like an Edge Lord out of game too. "My tragic backstory is my writer forgot to give me a backstory." The twist is he has extreme social anxiety and dress that way because it gets him left alone.
Other Notes: Good luck getting a response other than three dots. He likes mimes because they're quiet and respond well to his gesturing.
Text Color: Blue Gray
Game: Something like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder if I ever get to play.
Reason Created: Listening to Dungeons and Dragons horror stories about bad players made me want to play and all the Edge Lords made me want to make someone that looked like an edge lord with the twist of they're not an edge lord.
Description: He has a black kimono or gi style robe, black jeans with several slashes that have been sewn shut, black boots, a black mustached goatee, black eye shadow, black painted claw like fingernails, black Sephiroth like hair with less shampoo and the strands in his face being thinner than Sephiroth’s, a black hood that appears to have a cape hanging off of it until you realize it’s his hair hanging out of the gap between his hood and robe, and an (apparently) black soul. He looks like a stereotypical Edge Lord's Edgy Character, but that's the point. I even stole his backstory from the Youtube Chanel Terrible Writing Advice to make him look like an Edge Lord out of game too. "My tragic backstory is my writer forgot to give me a backstory." The twist is he has extreme social anxiety and dress that way because it gets him left alone.
Other Notes: Good luck getting a response other than three dots. He likes mimes because they're quiet and respond well to his gesturing.
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Tibithia Σ
So, would it be reasonable to assume you base your OCs off characters you use in games?
Living Tree
The Psychotic Pacifist started as shameless self insert because I didn't see why I'd need anything else when I'm just documenting a playthrough. Team Rocket messed with that plan a little bit. By a little bit, I mean "Giving a copy of 'The Friendly RPG where no one has to die' (AKA Undertale) as a passive aggressive gift before leaving their base then feeling like things had to escalate until an army of trainers and/or people attending a canceled gaming convention raided a city to free it from Team Rocket and to uncancel the convention while half of the army were in Undertale cosplay costumes and almost everyone was playing different Undertale songs at the same time." Sometimes I read what I just wrote and have so many questions...I see you're also a part of "The Zoologist Made Me a Furry" club.
So, would it be reasonable to assume you base your OCs off characters you use in games?
The Hunter wasn't based on a character I had, but I was going to make a fox character sooner or later because I like making any kind of non-human Characters in games with good enough customization and the Halloween Fox Max was made for that. Bright Brown Dye makes it pretty much the exact shade of gray for a gray fox and Frog Gear is perfect for paws! Anyway, the Hunter pretty much happened because I was really liking a webcomic.
Did you call me a furry? *sigh* Just because I'm not sure if I'm more of a human or a fox anymore doesn't mean I'm a... Squeaky Ball!
What were you saying? *squeaky noises*
Tibithia Σ
With that in mind, what are the chances of you making more OCs?
I think the club card gives you a discount on all Zoologist purchases.
Hey, I don't blame you. Instincts are hard to fight.
Hey, I don't blame you. Instincts are hard to fight.
Living Tree
These two just kind of happened, so I don't think it's that likely.With that in mind, what are the chances of you making more OCs?
I think the club card gives you a discount on all Zoologist purchases.
Hey, I don't blame you. Instincts are hard to fight.
Instincts? Try telling that to my Tyranitar and Mewtwo. They had no problems with a Pacifist Trainer. Then again they really liked using Toxic and staring down their opponent and Tyranitar loved using Roar a lot more when Stealth Rock and Spikes were set up... and my Shiny Lunatone doesn't like using Rest at night... Maybe you have a point...
Tibithia Σ
And finally, where'd you get that squirrel drawing?
Living Tree
XKCD What IfAnd finally, where'd you get that squirrel drawing?
Someone asked, "Could you get drunk from drinking a drunk person's blood?"
There would've been a different drawing for what happens after drinking 14 glasses, but...

(It was on a white background, so it's a little messed up here.)
Could you get drunk from fighting drunk monsters? I'd have to take less breaks to get Tipsy again!
How am I not the most insane?
Tibithia Σ
I figured it was from there.
Skeletron Prime
Are your OC's aware of their lack of existence?
Do they protest against their mere mental ideation?
Do they wish to be more.
Do they protest against their mere mental ideation?
Do they wish to be more.
Living Tree
Are you saying "I" don't exist because I'm only the monster I've become instead?Are your OC's aware of their lack of existence?
Do they protest against their mere mental ideation?
Being fiction would explain how a Psychotic Pacifist was able to take down Team Rocket and become Champion.
In other words, they don't know. The Hunter would not be happy about finding out.
I feel like the Hero is the only real character in this world... I want to matter too.Do they wish to be more.
If anything, I wish to be less. No one knows how to fight against me because there's no one else like me. Do you know how many trainers told their Pokemon to spam Defense raising moves against me or how many used Sword Dance right before fainting from Toxic without time to attack? It's funny when less experianced trainers do stuff like that, but when one of the Elite Four tries Sucker Punch right after Ninetales used Rest?! I've been trying to get her kicked off the Elite Four ever since.
(For context, Sucker Punch is an attack that always goes first but only works if your opponent is going to attack that turn. Even if I hadn't already shown none of Ninetale's four of my moves were attacks, Rest put Ninetales to sleep, which stops her from using moves. Asking for better AI feels like a "careful what you wish for" thing.)
...Pineapple on Pizza?
I may try to be as insane as possible, but I have limits!
Do you know why Pineapple Pizza is called Hawaiian Pizza? It's because Hawaii is as far from Italy you can get. Whoever wrote the Pineapple's description in Terraria is wrong!
Tibithia Σ
Do you use your OCs anywhere in particular?
Living Tree
Do you use your OCs anywhere in particular?
I'm mostly using them to try to get more questions in an AMA.
I thought it'd let me give an honest awnser, a different awnser, and an excuse for an insane awnser.
The Psychotic Pacifist was made for fanfiction because of fanfiction, so yes, I use him in fanfiction. Other than that, I haven't attacked in a main series Pokemon game since
That's not how my journey through Paladea ended. I threw a pelt of Poison Powder at the cheating opponent's Pokemon.
...Then I ran around screaming because, dude, their Pokemon was trying to tear me to shreds! I like living!
I think I can say I use the Hunter as a Terraria Player Character because of my Gray Fox Vanity even though it's "gray" as in the color instead of the character's "gray fox" as in the speciese. (Side Note: Gray foxes have a surprising amount of orange and have a black stipe on their tail.)
My sister drew me a sketch of the Hunter for my birthday, but I want one minor change before making his head shot my profile pic, so I'll probably use him for that not long after my sister finds her drawing tablet pen. It might be a few months...
(Edit: Or a few weeks)
I'd probably also use The Hunter if I was dragged into any furry groups. (Please don't drag me into any!)
If you're talking about people that pretend to be animals, keep me away unless they want me to bite them so they can stop pretending! If you're talking about actual animal people, I'm okay with that!
There's a third OC I kind of forgot about when making this thread. I just think of CTNC as just my user name most of the time, but it's my first OC. I'd never heard of Necromancers before playing Adventure Quest and they were fascinating to me. I never thought about why there's zombies and skeletons or why anyone would want to make them, so the idea of there being evil wizards that raise undead really stuck with me. I thought about what would be the funniest thing to be a Necromancer. A cute little kitty! (In hindsight, I missed that that was probably the inspiration behind the Official Character, Zorbak.) I named the character after my Grandma's first cat and thought a lot about them making lightning strike by meowing. Climmy the Necromancer Cat's character is baicly that he's insane because sanity is boring and likes lightning.
Hello! :3
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Tibithia Σ
I can't guarantee I won't drag you into any.
And yeah, I know about the gray fox thing, since I've tried to make a gray fox OC. Ended up going with silver fox instead, those have more grey.
I'm assuming the idea of roleplay, or RP, hasn't been interesting enough of an idea to try?
And yeah, I know about the gray fox thing, since I've tried to make a gray fox OC. Ended up going with silver fox instead, those have more grey.
I'm assuming the idea of roleplay, or RP, hasn't been interesting enough of an idea to try?
Living Tree
Can you at least promise to put me out of my misery if I start talking in OwO talk?I can't guarantee I won't drag you into any.
I'll do it!
And yeah, I know about the gray fox thing, since I've tried to make a gray fox OC. Ended up going with silver fox instead, those have more grey.
I'm assuming the idea of roleplay, or RP, hasn't been interesting enough of an idea to try?
It's not uninteresting to me, but I have no idea where to look or what to look up. I have a feeling furry websites would be furfect* for finding roleplays if it weren't for the furry website part... Other than that though, I know there's an off topic roleplay section on these forms, but the idea of jumping into a ropeplay that's been going on for hundreds of pages is intimidating. Social anxiety issues probably isn't helping and I know the non-social anxiety issues aren't.
*perfect, but the typo happened to be a pun
Tibithia Σ
Honestly, this site has quite a lot of RPs.It's not uninteresting to me, but I have no idea where to look or what to look up. I have a feeling furry websites would be furfect* for finding roleplays if it weren't for the furry website part... Other than that though, I know there's an off topic roleplay section on these forms, but the idea of jumping into a ropeplay that's been going on for hundreds of pages is intimidating. Social anxiety issues probably isn't helping and I know the non-social anxiety issues aren't.
*perfect, but the typo happened to be a pun
I'd maybe suggest a more freeform one, there's one in particular that's maybe a bit inactive but the point is it's kind of like a chatroom for OCs.

Single Thread RP - A House Somewhere in Time and Space
Welcome, esteemed guests of The House, to a place of paradise. A place where people of all shapes and sizes come/are taken to, to relax and... do whatever they like, really. Sit around, eat some good food, hold fights 'for the fate of the universe', etc. But of course, we have a few house...
EDIT: I was thinking of asking more questions, but I can't respond.
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What's your favorite biome, and least favorite enemy from that biome?
TechionPrime41 🌳
Living Tree
If each of you could add an item into Terraria, what would it be, how would you obtain said item in Terraria, and what would that item do?
Also, Hunter, in regards to this, what exactly do you mean on biting people to "stop pretending" to be animals? Do you mean that you would actually turn people INTO animals, or....?If you're talking about people that pretend to be animals, keep me away unless they want me to bite them so they can stop pretending! If you're talking about actual animal people, I'm okay with that!
Living Tree
What's your favorite biome, and least favorite enemy from that biome?
I'd say Forest or Underworld. Forest is the nice pretty peaceful area and I like building cages hanging from the roof of Hell connected by chain rope bridges. Lava Slimes bursting into lava they die in Expert and Master Mode breaking the chains makes them my least favorite enemy in the entire game. As for Forest enemies, they're all kind of just basic enemies, so it's like picking a least favorite version of vanilla flavor. I'm going to go with the Diseaster Bunny to annoy fans of old console versions.
Tundra! The cold isn't bad when you have a fur coat and fur. There's exotic monsters to hunt, like Pigron and Deerclops for bacon and venison! My least favorite Tundra Monster... Ice Tortoise. I lost a leg to a Giant Tortoise! *takes off prosthetic leg to prove it*
Jungle. It's hard not to feel at home there after seeing life draining plaints and Toxic Spikes as much as I do. I don't think the Tortoises in Terraria know what Tortoises do though. They're supposed to sit still and never die. Instead, they fly at you and die quickly because their attacks get interrupted by your minions hitting it over and over. They're just wrong!
If each of you could add an item into Terraria, what would it be, how would you obtain said item in Terraria, and what would that item do?
It's technically multiple items, but Species Change Potions would make it easier to make nonhuman characters like reptilian/draconic, avian, or aquatic/merfolk. They'd be sold by the Zoologist because why wouldn't she be the one to sell them?
It's be amazing if there was a weapon that became more powerful the more villagers are around! Like something to channel the spirits of everyone living in the world the hero protects so everyone gets to help in the battle instead of just the hero! I don't know how you'd get it. Maybe the Party Girl could help you with it? She doesn't show up until a lot of other people around and she's good at getting everyone to come together at the same place and time.
A Shimmer upgrade to the Guide to Critter Companionship or Guide to Peaceful Coexistence that makes enemies unable to harm or be harmed by you would be cool. It'd probably have to be after the Moon Lord though.
Also, Hunter, in regards to this, what exactly do you mean on biting people to "stop pretending" to be animals? Do you
Lycanthropes, or wereanimals, like me, are part animal and can turn other people into lycanthropes by biting them. Furries pretend to be part animal. I get why non-fox furries don't want me to bite them, but why would fox furries not want me to bite them so they can become a real fox instead of keep pretending?
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TechionPrime41 🌳
Living Tree
What is your favorite(and least favorite) Pokemon, and why?
What is the strangest dream that you remember having?
Hunter, what has to be the weirdest way that you can remember dying?
What is the strangest dream that you remember having?
Hunter, what has to be the weirdest way that you can remember dying?
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