Ask the Impostor anything

What would you post for your 1,000th post?
Good Question. How about sharing this picture of K2, the 2nd highest mountain, I drew?

Extremely happy to make that milestone though, Couldn't have done it without the forums being a very welcoming place
Just curious, why do you like Among Us so much?
Great question. Basically when quarantine was at its all time high, me and another guy called "The Grinch" would queue up and play a ton of games, his avatar being green with the Santa hat. It helped a lot during the worst parts of 2020 and 2021 for me. I never knew what happened to him sadly, just vanished. After the game got updated and added stuff like accounts and the bean currency, I stopped playing but the memories were still there (and sus memes were still funny) so when I joined the forums I named myself Impostor, since my other usernames were taken.

Eventually I considered changing but by that time I kind of built up my reputation as the among us guy. So much of my older posts were based around it so I just kind of accepted that this was who I'd be. It's a good convo opener though, so it's not all bad. If I had to choose a new username tho, it'd definitely be Undertale Yellow related
You're pink for February. Cool. Next month you'll probably... Hehe

Should we eject Green? (I'm so not going to quote this question and your answer next month. Trust me. :P)
The crew wanted to know
Did you ever buy terraria for a friend?
Once, One of my friends since 2016 got literally nothing on Christmas last year so I bought him it and all my other favorite games. Portal Duology, FNAF 1, Hollow Knight, Dear Esther, and Fallout New Vegas. He's enjoying it a lot, but stuck on the mech bosses
You're pink for February. Cool. Next month you'll probably... Hehe

Should we eject Green? (I'm so not going to quote this question and your answer next month. Trust me. :p)
I think it was actually Olive who was acting sus, Hard to tell them apart after I someone sabotaged the lights off
What is your point, motivation, goal etc to being an imposter?

Are you trying to relate like a chameleon? You being an imposter does that mean anything that you say is technically capable of being a lie? Could I even trust your answer and even this?

Let me tell you a story about me and a chameleon. I will try to keep it short as my post tend to be lengthy I will try to sum up if even possible.

I was short throughout School, skipped grades. Thought I was physically inferior. Socially inferior. More academic than anything. Learned to be a chameleon, learning slang and culture and could fit in really well without being dishonest about anything. Hard balance to learn. Then people made me feel guilty about being a chameleon and switching my behavior just to be able to communicate properly with decent perspective without pissing people off without good reason and could benefit.

People made me feel so guilty that I became homebound and stayed at home at all times except grocery shopping. Prayed cried weeped whatever.

Got an answer from God himself. Here's about what he said. " Just because a chameleon changes his color, does it make him any less of a chameleon?"

The obvious answer was "no".

And then he answered. "Then no less does it make you a child of mine." In other words just because I adapt for the sake of, when in Rome do as a Romans do, kind of thing trying to communicate the best way that I could doesn't mean that God looks down on me or despises me like everyone said he did because they thought I was being dishonest. When in reality, in my perception especially of that time when I had all capability, I was all of these things I was not limited to just one thing.

I've gotten old I have done some things that I'm just now seeing as bad that everyone else does every day and sees as normal and I am not worthy to be called child and I hate myself everyday even for the hard choices that I had to make for everyone else's better that no one else had the courage to do. I still hate myself everyday.

Anyway, Mr imposter I'm curious, why the imposter?
So much... Steal lungs...
I think you used the wrong word. Unless you intend to metaphorically steal my lungs.

Anyway part of your signature is a bit creepy so I'm going to, hide you as well, block or whatever because I don't need that in my head especially late at night. It's just not a healthy mentality and I don't need to think about someone else's fantasies or delusions when I have enough of my own to deal with that is vastly different than yours.

In the long run trying to avoid unnecessary confrontation if my mind starts thinking to heavily about what you said then I will have to say something and in the end it will all be pointless.

Thinking about it sours my stomach.
I think you used the wrong word. Unless you intend to metaphorically steal my lungs.

Anyway part of your signature is a bit creepy so I'm going to, hide you as well, block or whatever because I don't need that in my head especially late at night. It's just not a healthy mentality and I don't need to think about someone else's fantasies or delusions when I have enough of my own to deal with that is vastly different than yours.

In the long run trying to avoid unnecessary confrontation if my mind starts thinking to heavily about what you said then I will have to say something and in the end it will all be pointless.

Thinking about it sours my stomach.
Why did you correct a minor spelling mistake and then use some messed up comma placement? It's kinda ironic.
What is your point, motivation, goal etc to being an imposter?

Are you trying to relate like a chameleon? You being an imposter does that mean anything that you say is technically capable of being a lie? Could I even trust your answer and even this?

Let me tell you a story about me and a chameleon. I will try to keep it short as my post tend to be lengthy I will try to sum up if even possible.

I was short throughout School, skipped grades. Thought I was physically inferior. Socially inferior. More academic than anything. Learned to be a chameleon, learning slang and culture and could fit in really well without being dishonest about anything. Hard balance to learn. Then people made me feel guilty about being a chameleon and switching my behavior just to be able to communicate properly with decent perspective without pissing people off without good reason and could benefit.

People made me feel so guilty that I became homebound and stayed at home at all times except grocery shopping. Prayed cried weeped whatever.

Got an answer from God himself. Here's about what he said. " Just because a chameleon changes his color, does it make him any less of a chameleon?"

The obvious answer was "no".

And then he answered. "Then no less does it make you a child of mine." In other words just because I adapt for the sake of, when in Rome do as a Romans do, kind of thing trying to communicate the best way that I could doesn't mean that God looks down on me or despises me like everyone said he did because they thought I was being dishonest. When in reality, in my perception especially of that time when I had all capability, I was all of these things I was not limited to just one thing.

I've gotten old I have done some things that I'm just now seeing as bad that everyone else does every day and sees as normal and I am not worthy to be called child and I hate myself everyday even for the hard choices that I had to make for everyone else's better that no one else had the courage to do. I still hate myself everyday.

Anyway, Mr imposter I'm curious, why the imposter?
Have you ever heard of the hit game among us?
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