What is your point, motivation, goal etc to being an imposter?
Are you trying to relate like a chameleon? You being an imposter does that mean anything that you say is technically capable of being a lie? Could I even trust your answer and even this?
Let me tell you a story about me and a chameleon. I will try to keep it short as my post tend to be lengthy I will try to sum up if even possible.
I was short throughout School, skipped grades. Thought I was physically inferior. Socially inferior. More academic than anything. Learned to be a chameleon, learning slang and culture and could fit in really well without being dishonest about anything. Hard balance to learn. Then people made me feel guilty about being a chameleon and switching my behavior just to be able to communicate properly with decent perspective without pissing people off without good reason and could benefit.
People made me feel so guilty that I became homebound and stayed at home at all times except grocery shopping. Prayed cried weeped whatever.
Got an answer from God himself. Here's about what he said. " Just because a chameleon changes his color, does it make him any less of a chameleon?"
The obvious answer was "no".
And then he answered. "Then no less does it make you a child of mine." In other words just because I adapt for the sake of, when in Rome do as a Romans do, kind of thing trying to communicate the best way that I could doesn't mean that God looks down on me or despises me like everyone said he did because they thought I was being dishonest. When in reality, in my perception especially of that time when I had all capability, I was all of these things I was not limited to just one thing.
I've gotten old I have done some things that I'm just now seeing as bad that everyone else does every day and sees as normal and I am not worthy to be called child and I hate myself everyday even for the hard choices that I had to make for everyone else's better that no one else had the courage to do. I still hate myself everyday.
Anyway, Mr imposter I'm curious, why the imposter?