Game Mechanics Better wiring tools and items.


What should I see from the Minecraft to Terraria for seeing redstone things?
In addition, wiring could be even better.
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What should I see from the Minecraft to Terraria for seeing redstone things?
In addition, wiring could be even better.
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Hi @AGERGO100, I agree with ppowersteef that these seems very broad. Can you please add details and be more specific in what you are suggesting.
A wire: Have to take the signal and turn it on / off. (this is in the game)
B wire: Have to move the signal without turning on / off anything.
I think they mean something that instead of being toggled every time an input is toggled (flipping any switch turns the lights on or off) it would be on when one of the inputs is active (as if the inputs are "powering" it).
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