Perhaps they should make Acid rain toggleable, maybe with a special item like the rain stone in thorium mod, but more... nuclear? or even a piece of furnature.If I kill the last calamity boss will that make the rain normal rain again? Kinda bummed about the acid rain but nothing can do about it since my fault for not reading all that would happen after killing moon lord.
Perhaps they should make Acid rain toggleable, maybe with a special item like the rain stone in thorium mod, but more... nuclear? or even a piece of furnature.
All the more reason I just toggled rain with some random Rain toggle item.
Perhaps they should make Acid rain toggleable, maybe with a special item like the rain stone in thorium mod, but more... nuclear? or even a piece of furnature.If I kill the last calamity boss will that make the rain normal rain again? Kinda bummed about the acid rain but nothing can do about it since my fault for not reading all that would happen after killing moon lord.
i thought it already provided a boost as well. o.o i heard that it was supposed to be a defence decrease for a 50% damage boost or something like that? i might have gone overboard with the percent but yeah.Well, to make the Acid Rain event not so "all negatives", why not have it give you a damage bonus while fighting in the acid rain? You get extra damage at the loss of defence meaning you can kill things faster like event mobs, etc. A toggle item would be nice as well. Perhaps a fusion of the Torrential Tear and some new item to make a rain equivalent of the Cosmolight?
Perhaps they should make Acid rain toggleable, maybe with a special item like the rain stone in thorium mod, but more... nuclear? or even a piece of furnature.
i thought it already provided a boost as well. o.o i heard that it was supposed to be a defence decrease for a 50% damage boost or something like that? i might have gone overboard with the percent but yeah.
K,so i had this bug loading calamity up,it said it cant load cuz im in version of Tmodloader and calamity is on,but the reason that it didnt load is that Last battle remix.mp3(DOGGOs theme) failed to load,Are you trying to change it @MountainDrew ?im not complaining about the theme,but are u trying to change it?cuz so far,its not working
also why is DOGs theme "last battle remix"i mean hes no the "last" battle if you know wut i mean
Here's the clarity:
The full name of the track is "Last Battle (Ballos Mix)", from the album "Cave Story Arranged", a project I completed back in April of 2014. Since the start of my involvement with the Calamity dev team as composer, I have stated numerous times that I would like to create a new, original track for the Devourer of Gods, which has gotten many mixed reactions, even after the preview shown in one of my videos. Many people believe that I cannot top this placeholder track, while others welcome the song with open arms. So when answering whether or not the song will be replaced, just know that it will imminently be replaced in the very-near future.
As for your problem, I'm not sure how to solve it. Sorry.
I loved your DOG preview in the update video so much :3 Keep it going buddy!Here's the clarity:
The full name of the track is "Last Battle (Ballos Mix)", from the album "Cave Story Arranged", a project I completed back in April of 2014. Since the start of my involvement with the Calamity dev team as composer, I have stated numerous times that I would like to create a new, original track for the Devourer of Gods, which has gotten many mixed reactions, even after the preview shown in one of my videos. Many people believe that I cannot top this placeholder track, while others welcome the song with open arms. So when answering whether or not the song will be replaced, just know that it will imminently be replaced in the very-near future.
As for your problem, I'm not sure how to solve it. Sorry.
I didHey I don't know if this was fixed in the new update but I tend to play with music off and whenever I go into the profaned crags biome the music plays unless I mute it entirely. anyone else experience this?
Here's the clarity:
I have stated numerous times that I would like to create a new, original track for the Devourer of Gods, which has gotten many mixed reactions, even after the preview shown in one of my videos.
There has got to be a better way to set up DoG for Revengeance mode. Fighting two of a boss that, in my opinion, isn't very fun to begin with is honestly making me just want to quit this playthrough.
The problem I have with it is the absolutely insane tracking it has at times. I'll dodge 5-6 times and then end up getting hit anyways because at certain points it goes into highly accurate homing mode.
When there's only one of them, it isn't too bad, but with two, it's just stupid IMO. I'm sure I'll beat it eventually, but it isn't because I feel I'm getting better as I go, but simply because I've managed to beat my head against the wall long enough.
so do not all bosses have special drops in prepare to die mode? i have fought the queen bee and slime king with no drops, and the eye of cthulu and got the counter scarf