Console Console 1.3 - An Update on Timing

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hey did anybody else notice that on the terraria wiki it says if you go to the console update history that the 1.3 update and I quote "No later than Aug 16th 2017" this just got me pretty excited and I thought I would share it with the people who didn't know (lets hope it doesn't get delayed anymore though)
hey did anybody else notice that on the terraria wiki it says if you go to the console update history that the 1.3 update and I quote "No later than Aug 16th 2017" this just got me pretty excited and I thought I would share it with the people who didn't know (lets hope it doesn't get delayed anymore though)
No, sorry, the wiki is wrong on this one, unless it can provide an official source of where that particular date of August 16 came from. The wiki is edited by the community and sometimes the edits are wrong.

The target is still Q3 2017, no particular release month has been set, no particular release date has been set.
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Is 1.3 the last update for console and mobile or is it going to get more updates like 1.3.5?

Btw is the console-exclusive music being replaced with the pc ones?
Is 1.3 the last update for console and mobile or is it going to get more updates like 1.3.5?

Btw is the console-exclusive music being replaced with the pc ones?
I would think with the 1.3 update and "reset" it would make it easier to give console players the later updates quicker. It would be more compatible and streamlined.
The suspense for 1.3 is killing me! I cannot wait for it any longer! What is taking so long Pipeworks? Please release it as soon as you can we are all so hyped for it we cannot take it anymore!
The suspense for 1.3 is killing me! I cannot wait for it any longer! What is taking so long Pipeworks? Please release it as soon as you can we are all so hyped for it we cannot take it anymore!
*Sarcastic Voice* No please, take all the time you need. You know what? Just release it four years from now. I can totally wait.
This is true :( this update seems like its taking 20 years , in the meantime ive just been playing overwatch and gta but , i really do miss playing Terraria, its just my friends and i have already put so much hours into it ever since it was on 360 and and update would be a great way to get back into it. Updates on how its going would be nice but im sure the devs are spending lots of time on bug fixes and making sure the game is clean. I guess a little more waiting wouldnt be that bad hopefully the update is out before i resume my fall classes or else i just wont have any time to play in general
What would be good is if we could receive news more often so that everytime I go onto the forums i don't feel disappointed that there is nothing new.
They're had at work on it. They're busy enough that they can't give you all the details like you want them to. That's just the way it is.
Is 1.3 the last update for console and mobile or is it going to get more updates like 1.3.5?

Btw is the console-exclusive music being replaced with the pc ones?

On the news page, it's stated that the console reset is to make it similar to the pc version, therefore allowing for more frequent console updates. This confirms that, not only will there be further updates, but that those updates will no longer take years to release.

The point of contention with console exclusive content is probably moot. I may be remembering incorrectly, but I seem to recall that the reset will not be removing anything. They're not changing the game so it is a carbon copy of pc in terms of items, they're doing an engine rebuild. This does not mean that console items will be deleted. The reset is more of a coding rebuild to make it easier to update.
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I'm so in need of the update that I have went and started clearing an entire large world of blocks. So far I'm 1/3 of the way. Patiently waiting, one block at a time ☺

Possibly to build, craft or whatever you can do with blocks. People have their reasons. #1.3consolehypecan'twait

I might do just that but modify the world instead of just digging it all out but do that for one world I'll dig it all up for the blocks tho (be carefl of the dungeon guardians tho)
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