The Corruption has a certain nostalgia to it, and I really do love its monster aesthetic of rotting, mandibled gasbags and worms made up of said gasbags, but when it comes down to it, all the Corruption monsters are quite samey. They just have varying numbers of segments, eyes, length, etc, and with the exception of the slimes (and, really, can you honestly consider slimes, of all things, to add to another biome's diversity when they're everywhere?), there's just not much going on. I LOVE what's there, but the Crimson just has such a wider aesthetic variety of grisly, freakish monstruosities.
Surface Crimson music freaks me out a bit, though, but I love Underground Crimson... though, to be honest, I actually like Underground Corruption music more! Surface Corruption, though... not so sure. With the exception of the initial sting, I honestly think it sounds too... cheery?
I barely even consider gear between the two. I think I'll side with Crimson, though. They're a lot more fun to draw.
Surface Crimson music freaks me out a bit, though, but I love Underground Crimson... though, to be honest, I actually like Underground Corruption music more! Surface Corruption, though... not so sure. With the exception of the initial sting, I honestly think it sounds too... cheery?
I barely even consider gear between the two. I think I'll side with Crimson, though. They're a lot more fun to draw.