tModLoader Crystilium mod.

Are you excited for this mod?

  • Yes, it looks very promising

    Votes: 604 84.8%
  • It looks okay

    Votes: 82 11.5%
  • Ehhh

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • It sucks. You should feel bad for making such a terrible mod.

    Votes: 17 2.4%

  • Total voters

Chlorophyte Ore ?

Chlorophyte Ore ?
its that crystal cave near of your jungle? because theres times when the caves generates on the jungle and probably the chlorophyte turn the adjacent mud that was there on chlorophyte.

if youre on post-moonlord (because youre armor says everything) it will be more reasurring if you take a screenshot on a prehardmode world.
its that crystal cave near of your jungle? because theres times when the caves generates on the jungle and probably the chlorophyte turn the adjacent mud that was there on chlorophyte.

if youre on post-moonlord (because youre armor says everything) it will be more reasurring if you take a screenshot on a prehardmode world.
I just killed the wall of flesh, the armor is cheated, testing purposes.
Where can I find the link to the latest version of this mod? That is, if it is compatible with TModLoader v0.10.0.1
The initial explosion(that spawns the shrapnel) of the Enchanted Diamond Staff does damage to the player. Looks like the base damage value is about the same as the weapon itself, too, and scales with magic damage buffs- with no damage buffs or defense it does about ~15.
Probably after we finished tmod update I'll need a list of bug reports for this mod so I can port it and fix the bugs at the same time. I think I'll have to make a new thread though so I can have the OP.
I can confirm that the Crystal biome does override other biome spawns and music, most erroneously is the dungeon which should at least retain its ability to spawn dungeon mobs.
Alright. I have stuff to say.

While jopo did technically take over, I think I'll be helping him out. Specifically, I am very unhappy with the current state of the mod (Jopo's been doing a great job, but bugfixes only go so deep)

I think I'm going to, over the course of the next few months, completely rework this mod. From the boss, to the sprites, to the biome generation, to the enemies. I want to rework everything.

I'm not sure if I'll actually go through with this, but if I do, it's going to take a lot of work on my part. And it's going to be a very different (and hopefully better) mod than it was before.
Hello. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to do this, but I just thought I'd report a bug.

I couldn't spawn the Crystal King in multiplayer. I made the summoning gem, walked over to the fountain, and right clicked it. The gem icon showed correctly on my mouse, the summoning gem was consumed from my inventory, but nothing happened. No boss, no music change, no message in chat, nothing happened except the gem dissapeared from my inventory. I tried a couple of more times, but it just ate more of my boss summon gems without spitting out a boss.
Went into singleplayer a bit later to test whether the boss would spawn there, and sure enough, it worked without issue. Boss spawned just as expected, behaved as expected, dropped stuff as expected. So this is purely a multiplayer issue.

Other mods I'm using are: Thorium Mod, Fargo's Mutant Mod, imkSushi's Mod, Recipe Browser, MaxStackPlus, AlchemistNPC, Fishing 2.0, Helpful Hotkeys, MoreAccessories+, Shorter Respawn Time and Boss Checklist. (The boss doesn't show up in Boss Checklist either, by the way. It'd be nice if it was compatible with that.)
Terraria version:
tModLoader version:

Thanks for the great mod overall, though, and have a nice day.
Think I found a bug, made 2 keys but they weren't consumed when used. So I ended up opening all the chests I could find without needing that many keys.
Think I found a bug, made 2 keys but they weren't consumed when used. So I ended up opening all the chests I could find without needing that many keys.
I believe that the keys not being consumed is how it was designed. But I guess I'm on charge now, maybe I'll change it.
So I'll have to make more keys to open more chests? Interesting.

Also, Jopo, take a look at Thorium's update and check if something can be done with the Opal they added. Can you and Diverman do this?
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