Weapons & Equip Different Shroomite Set Bonuses

All Seeing Eye

Eye of Cthulhu
The shroomite headgears have the same stats and set bonuses and that kind of bothered me. So i was thinking why not make them have different set bonuses like its brothers

Here they are:

Shroomite Mask:
Defense: 12
12 % increased ranged damage
5% increased ranged critical strike chance
Set Bonus:
Stealth: Not moving puts you in stealth, increasing ranged ability and reducing chance for enemies to target you.
Defense: 52
12% Increased damage
25% increased ranged critical strike chance
20% chance not to consume ammo
12% Increased movement Speed

Shroomite Headgear:
Defense: 8
25% increased ranged damage
10% Increased ranged critical strike chance
Set Bonus:
Focus and Accuracy Buff (Can be toggled on or off): Increases ranged ability with the decrease of use speed
15% decreased ranged (attack) speed, 40% increased ranged velocity 15% increased critical strike chance
Defense: 48
25% increased ranged damage
30% increased critical strike chance
20% chance not to consume ammo
12% movement speed

Shroomite Helmet:
Defense: 15
20% increased ranged damage
10% decreased damage taken
Set Bonus:
Late Forcefield Buff: Getting hit increases durability and speed
10% decreased damage taken, +20% increased range speed and 10% increased movement speed, lasts 10 seconds and can be refreshed by getting hit again.
Defense: 55
20% increased ranged damage
20% ranged critical strike chance
10% decreased damage taken
20% chance to not consume ammo
12% chance increase movement speed

Feedback is highly appreciated
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One concern, and it's about the 1st helmet:
Not moving puts you into stealth? That's OP bro, and it doesn't really make sense when you're in stealth when you're running all around the map. Why not make it not give you stealth when you pass a certain percentage of movement

Otherwise, very good!
First off, I think CraftedNightmare completely misread what you wrote. Of course, we could nerf the current shroomite set. But then it would be useless. I enjoy playing mage more either way.

However, I have made a ranger playthrough roughly a year ago, so let's see if I can tackle this suggestion from a fair standpoint. I might fall over some formatting complications along the way, in which case I'm going to interpret it like I understood what you're trying to tell me.

Secondly, I never noticed that Re-Logic actually put three lategame items into the game which do exactly the same thing. GG WP L2P NSQUFC Why even?

So yeah, a change to that is welcome. Especially considering that mages have different headgears and melee can even choose between full sets, Turtle and Beetle.

I found Shroomite not to be very thrilling when I played ranger a year ago. The set bonus was nice and all, but it requiredme to stand still. And even then, enemies still target me just like before because I was the only person playing in that world. I think this original set bonus was constructed for multiplayer matches, in which the ranger sits in the distance and fires powerful shots into the enemy lines or at a boss. Looking at your suggestion, two of the headpieces seem to fit that role, albeit in a different way:

The mask is the piece I just explained, but the headgear seems like an easier-to-use, beefed up version of the mask. This might just be me, but judging from the stats and bonus, there isn't enough punishment behind the bonus to justify the +25% ranged damage. Considering that enemies still target you like they target your friends with this mask, a slight decrease in defense (12 --> 8/9) should be enough to make up for it. It's to require the user to be aware of their surroundings while still firing easy-to-hit shots at regular intervals. What do you think?

I really like the helmet and its set bonus. Having this would make solo ranger playthroughs a lot more engaging, as the endgame armour isn't sit-in-the-back-and-shoot-while-your-nonexistent-friends-do-more-damage-than-you. The buff in defense through decreasing the damage taken is what a ranger needs to be up-close and personal with his lacking defense. Heck, it even encourages taking a risk and getting hit. I really like this risk vs reward system you're presenting here, although people will start exploiting it using weak npcs to keep the buff up constantly. But that's my only concern and it can be made less severe by tweaking some of the numbers.

In my eyes, this is a really solid suggestion and something the game is just screaming for, since it gives you the chance to make these three items which provide the same everything as of now.
I tied the masks defense up with the helmet because i thought enemies wouldn't target you while at stealth so I'll decrease the masks defense a bit

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it :guidesmile:
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