tModLoader Echoes of the Ancients

Does this mod look good?

  • It Looks Awesome!

    Votes: 182 53.7%
  • Yes it does!

    Votes: 131 38.6%
  • Meh

    Votes: 13 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • ew this mod sucks

    Votes: 13 3.8%

  • Total voters




3/15/2021: 1.0 has been released! The forum thread has been heavily downsized because of outdated content and the fact that I do not use TCF anymore, if you are looking for information about the mod you are better off asking on the Discord, where your message is very likely to be seen.
Hello all, today I welcome you to Echoes of the Ancients. A general content mod meant to bring fun, unique content with new ores, enemies, weapons and more!

Want to talk to the developers? See the latest spoilers for the mod or just want to hang out and talk about Terraria in general? Then click the link below to join our official discord!
Join the Echoes of The Ancients Discord Server!


Copy this code into your signature!
Zach_ - Coder/Owner.
VoidTex - Main Spriter.
EchoNex - Coder/Spriter.
Ut_ben - Spriter.
Skyre Barleycorn - Musician
AdipemDragon - Spriter.
StarMan - Spriter.
Harrel Alex - Spriter.
ScouterScout - Spriter
DivermanSam for inspiring me to make my own mod with his 'Thorium Mod.'
The tModLoader team - For making this mod possible. Thanks all <3
Re-Logic - For also making this mod possible and this excellent game called Terraria.
DerpoTheMagnificent - A sprite
GabeHasWon - Code
PhoenixBlade - Seasonal Staff resprites.
Battle Bee - Allowed the usage of a suggestion of theirs.
zoroarkcity - A few sprites

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Really nice ideas, and the sprites are great. I'm glad i could help you in making this, hopefully It will be great!
I always browse the "WIP" forum to see what new mods are being made. Most of the time they're just concepts with no sprites, or the sprites they do have are lacking. This is one of the rare times that is not the case. I'm really excited to see this develop.
One of the guns or maybe a flamethrower looks like it's inspired by a wow design from MoP. If it is, there's a couple more I'd like to request.
Added separate sections for Duskbulb, Enkin, Tungqua and Stellarite gear and added a few new things to the weapons page.
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