
So, inspired by the Meteor Staff I present to you...

What these weapons are is just what you'd expect: Craftable weapons for the melee and ranged classes made out of meteor bars. These two weapons have special mechanics to make them unique in some way. I tried to balance them out as much as possible, but I'm not really good with that.
With that said, let's begin with the weapons.

"Feel the fury of space!"


Damage - 38 (melee)
Knockback - 7
Critical chance - 4%
Use time - 27
Rarity -

Every time The Skybreaker hits an enemy a meteor falls from the sky and onto the enemy, exploding on contact and dealing an aditional 35 damage to it and every nearby enemies and knocking them away. The meteor can hit other enemies while falling, but it will not explode on them. Instead, it will deal 20 damage to them and knock them away. If you hit multiple enemies with one single swing multiple meteors will fall from the sky, one for each enemy damaged this way.

"Your very own piece of sky"


Damage - 20 (ranged)
Knockback - 1
Critical chance - 4%
Use time - 29
Velocity - 19
Rarity -

This gun does not consume ammo of any kind. Instead, it fires a small, friendly meteor head that latches on to enemies and deals continuous damage to them (Just like the piranha gun) as long as the attack button is held. When the enemy the meteor is targeting dies, it will search for more enemies near him and stick to them until they die too. Every time an enemy is killed this way, a small flash of light appears.
What do you guys think of these ideas? Is there something you would change to make them better? Feedback is really appreciated!