Items Hardmode meteor weapons: Skybreaker and Asteroid


So all of you guys know this little fella, right? He's the meteor staff and considering how early in hardmode you can get it, it's one of the best weapons in the entire game. While looking at the wiki I realized how many craftable magic weapons there are, while also seeing that there are virtually no craftable melee or ranged weapons for that same point of the game, aside from the dull hardmode swords.

So, inspired by the Meteor Staff I present to you...

-Hardmode meteor weapons-
(aka phasesaber and megashark aren't enough for Davidciano)

What these weapons are is just what you'd expect: Craftable weapons for the melee and ranged classes made out of meteor bars. These two weapons have special mechanics to make them unique in some way. I tried to balance them out as much as possible, but I'm not really good with that.

With that said, let's begin with the weapons.

The Skybreaker -

"Feel the fury of space!"

15 Meteorite bars.
10 Iron or Lead bars.
5 Pixie Dust.
10 Soul of Lights.
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil

Damage - 38 (melee)
Knockback - 7
Critical chance - 4%
Use time - 27
Rarity -

Every time The Skybreaker hits an enemy a meteor falls from the sky and onto the enemy, exploding on contact and dealing an aditional 35 damage to it and every nearby enemies and knocking them away. The meteor can hit other enemies while falling, but it will not explode on them. Instead, it will deal 20 damage to them and knock them away. If you hit multiple enemies with one single swing multiple meteors will fall from the sky, one for each enemy damaged this way.

Asteroid -

"Your very own piece of sky"

20 Meteorite bars.
1 Illegal gun parts.
5 Pixie Dust.
10 Soul of Lights.
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil

Damage - 20 (ranged)
Knockback - 1
Critical chance - 4%
Use time - 29
Velocity - 19
Rarity -

This gun does not consume ammo of any kind. Instead, it fires a small, friendly meteor head that latches on to enemies and deals continuous damage to them (Just like the piranha gun) as long as the attack button is held. When the enemy the meteor is targeting dies, it will search for more enemies near him and stick to them until they die too. Every time an enemy is killed this way, a small flash of light appears.

What do you guys think of these ideas? Is there something you would change to make them better? Feedback is really appreciated!
Is very well thought out.
I love Meteorite. It's one of my favorite materials in the game, for many reasons. Back then, it was for the infamous Meteor Armor/Space Gun combo. Now it's for the Meteor Staff and the blocks and furniture you can make with it, which is now a personal favorite of mine.
So what we have here is a sword with similar effects to the Horseman's Blade and Influx Waver. Thing is, it's different because it rains meteors like a Starfury, and causes explosions with good knockback and area control. And the best difference is, it's obtainable early, unlike the previously mentioned swords. I can imagine a nice sound effect similar to powerful wind-whistling as the meteors shower down upon the enemy. And we also have a weaker Piranha Gun with flashy effects. And I'm entirely okay with this. Each hit with the Asteroid would sound like a Meteor Head when it gets hit, I think.
We already have a lot of ways to kick butt in early Hardmode, but surely this wouldn't hurt the variety. It wouldn't even be too broken despite the ways you could beat the mechanical bosses with them; using the Skybreaker against the Destroyer's segments, and the Asteroid against the Twins and Prime. Normally that would be an issue of balance for some people, but you gotta remember the Daedalus Stormbow exists :guidetongue:

Thank you for sharing your ideas, my friend. It was fun to think and write about them.
Normally that would be an issue of balance for some people, but you gotta remember the Daedalus Stormbow exists :guidetongue:
Every Corruption/Crimson/Hallowed mimic weapon is is overpowered, to be honest. Last time I went all the way from the wall of flesh to the golem using only a Dart Rifle. So yeah, now that I think about it balancing these weapons is not really an issue.
Asteroid -

"Your very own piece of sky"

20 Meteorite bars.
1 Illegal gun parts.
5 Pixie Dust.
10 Soul of Lights.
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil

Damage - 20 (ranged)
Knockback - 1
Critical chance - 4%
Use time - 29
Velocity - 19
Rarity -
Oh Men!!!! Really Love this Idea, I am so excited now! Totally support, those sprites are amazing, but it needs more Items, something like "Meteor SpaceGauntlet
Meteor Gauntlet.png

Meteor Gauntlet.png

Meteor InfernoGauntlet
"Let's Rock"

15 Meteorite Bars
Fire Gauntlet
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil

Equipable Item
Increases melee knockback and inflicts fire damage on attack

15% increased melee damage and speed
When you kill a enemie using melee damage, you get the Cursed Inferno Debuff
Click Right Up!

Thanks for Reading! Great Thread:guidesmile:
I don't really like the balance. Sure, biome mimic drops are powerful but that doesn't grant a license for all new weapons to start outclassing things of a similar tier. (And honestly, biome mimics are seriously difficult to kill if you don't have some pretty good gear (or if you don't cheese it by spawning it at the surface and fighting it there... whose idea was it to allow that anyway?))

The sword concept is pretty fair (although I think the mechanic of stuff falling from the sky is getting a bit exhausted at this point)- I don't like how the gun is... basically a weaker piranha gun. Doesn't really fit thematically and I generally dislike duplicates of biome weapons if they don't introduce any unique mechanics.
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