tModLoader Honor Bound - Adjustable game modes (mod pack + presets)



Note: Requires Mod Helpers

Honor Bound is a mod that lets you adjust how challenging you want the game to be. It works with my existing gameplay mods by adjusting their settings according to presets, and then lets you lock them in for a given world. You may mix and match presets as you see fit, or else play without any (read: no honorifics set) for only the 'lite' experience. You can even disable all of the pack's mods for a given world (the 'no honor' mode).

This mod is also meant as a working example of a configurable mod pack. With this sort of design, mod authors can similarly make tailored packs according to their preferences, or else just based on broader experience of what works together and what doesn't.

Source code is available here. API now available (read this for how to use without mod dependencies).


To begin, start a game and open the UI (top screen blue tab) to adjust your desired honorifics to your liking.


Available honorifics are as follows:
  1. Duelist
    1. Item use drains stamina.
    2. Only 100 starting stamina (otherwise 200).
  2. Prudent
    1. Life Crystals need evil biome boss drops to craft.
    2. Cracked Life Crystals require more Broken Hearts.
    3. 1-Ups need voodoo dolls to craft.
  3. Brave
    1. No craftable Life Crystals or 1-Ups.
    2. Overriding.
  4. Survivor
    1. 3 starting lives only (otherwise 10).
  5. Honorable
    1. Recall/mirror warp requires 3s warmup delay.
    2. Nurse heals add a stacking debuff.
  6. Nimble
    1. Broken Hearts last only 8s before fading (otherwise 24s).
    2. 3x more likely to lose max health from damage.
  7. Frugal
    1. Items have 1/2 normal durability.
    2. Repairs drain max durability.
  8. Resourceful
    1. No durability repairs.
    2. Overriding.
  9. Generous
    1. NPCs must not live crowded or high above ground.
  10. Expedient
    1. Lunatic gives +1 day apocalypse delay for each mask (otherwise +2.5 days).
  11. Strategist
    1. Lunatic gives 1/2 added time for Wall of Flesh.
    2. Lunatic gives 1/2 warmup time (otherwise 9 days).
  12. Completionist
    1. Lunatic requires every boss mask (not just Moon Lord's).
  13. Procrastinator
    1. Lunatic gives 5x warmup time.
    2. Lunatic gives 5x mask time.


Requires tModLoader (+0.11). Copy the above unzipped .tmod file to your 'Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods' folder to play. You'll also need the following mods to play this (also available on the mod browser):
  1. Durability
  2. Lives and Injury
  3. Stamina
  4. Capitalism
  5. The Lunatic
  6. Losing Is Fun
  7. Hamstar Helpers

  • Implemented FloatInputElement for config
  • Updated for TML11.5
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly enabling mods
  • Updated to TML11.4 & MH5b
  • Updated to MH v4.2.3.2 (including conventions)
  • Switched snake case to camel case
  • Switched GetUniqueIdWithSeed to GetUiniqueId()
  • Fixed possible crash from failed world id
  • Updated to Mod Helpers v2.0.2
  • Renamed player and world class
  • Updated for recent mod changes
  • Added support for Hamstar Helpers v1.2.0 issue report
  • Added API
  • Fixed mod version checking to use actual mod version rather than config version (needed because honorifics now use mod APIs)
  • Refactored code to newer standard
  • Updated mod compatibility
  • Added mod browser icon
  • Fixed game reloading issue.
  • Updated for Losing Is Fun v1.1.0
  • Updated for Durability v2.4.0.
  • Fixed major multi-world loading bug
  • Removed 'build' from version number compat checks (makes maintenance releases of dependent mods a bit easier)
  • Fixed bug preserving incorrect checkbox states between successive new games.
  • Improves some honorific descriptions + corrected settings.
  • Updated for TML 0.10
  • Offloaded utility/helper code to Hamstar's Helpers mod (now a dependency)
  • Numerous fixes and tweaks
  • Refactored lots of code
  • Renamed some honorifics (and tweaked descriptions)
  • Fixed a bug with loading honorifics
  • Initial release.


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So, this just ties all your mods into one with a honor system? Interesting. I have been keeping an eye on them, especially the Lunatic, but I am not sure how to work the mods without messing up my game, so I have not used any.
So, this just ties all your mods into one with a honor system? Interesting. I have been keeping an eye on them, especially the Lunatic, but I am not sure how to work the mods without messing up my game, so I have not used any.
None of the mods ought to do anything irreversible to your world. Only Injury (max hp) and Lives (permadeath) affect your character, and Durability can of course destroy your items if you let it.

This mod localizes all of these to only the worlds you explicitly allow them for.
Oh, no. I mean TModLoader and all that jazz. Not really sure where to put it, and I have never bothered to search it out too much.
Oh, no. I mean TModLoader and all that jazz. Not really sure where to put it, and I have never bothered to search it out too much.
Oh, you can't mess up Terraria in any way you can't recover from with just TModLoader, as far as I know. Though until the TModLoader version for Terraria v1.3.5+ is out, you have to install it by manually copying files as per these directions.


  • Refactored lots of code
  • Renamed some honorifics (and tweaked descriptions)
  • Fixed a bug with loading honorifics


  • HonorBound
    73.7 KB · Views: 243
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  • Updated for TML 0.10
  • Offloaded utility/helper code to Hamstar's Helpers mod (now a dependency)
  • Numerous fixes and tweaks

  • Fixed bug preserving incorrect checkbox states between successive new games.
  • Improves some honorific descriptions + corrected settings.
Edit x2:

  • Removed 'build' from version number compat checks (makes maintenance releases of dependent mods a bit easier)
Edit x3

  • Fixed major multi-world loading bug
Edit x4

  • Updated for Durability v2.4.0.
Edit x5

  • Updated for Losing Is Fun v1.1.0
Edit x6

  • Fixed game reloading issue.


  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • Refactored code to newer standard
  • Updated mod compatibility
  • Added mod browser icon
To install all dependency mods, click the ! icon next to the mod in the browser. If you cannot download these from tModLoader's mod browser for some reason, you'll have to visit each thread and manually download each dependency mod.

When in-game in a new world, you should see a blue rectangle at the top edge of the screen. Select your game mode options there.


  • HonorBound
    83.3 KB · Views: 224
thanks, the Lunatic mod was outdated. Now i just gotta figure out what mod is preventing me from using thrown items...
thanks, the Lunatic mod was outdated. Now i just gotta figure out what mod is preventing me from using thrown items...
If it's any of my mods, it might be Losing Is fun. Hopefully not. I'll be working on updating that next, regardless.


  • Implemented 'Enabled' config setting properly
  • Added failsafe for possible crash from mod incompatibilities (should at least give a proper error now)
  • Updated for recent mod changes
  • Added support for Hamstar Helpers v1.2.0 issue report
  • Added API
  • Fixed mod version checking to use actual mod version rather than config version (needed because honorifics now use mod APIs)


  • HonorBound
    84.9 KB · Views: 217
  • HonorBound
    84.5 KB · Views: 311
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I'm having some trouble with the Stamina and Injury, and I was too lazy (sad, I know) to post into the individual forms, and I was wondering if you could help me. When I try to enable the mods, these error messages come up. First one is for Injury, the second one is for Stamina.

P.S Sorry for reviving a dead thread, but I don't know where else to put this.

P.S.S Me and my friends also would like to say, your mods are awesome, and it makes our Terraria multiplayer games so much fun.


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I'm having some trouble with the Stamina and Injury, and I was too lazy (sad, I know) to post into the individual forms, and I was wondering if you could help me. When I try to enable the mods, these error messages come up. First one is for Injury, the second one is for Stamina.

P.S Sorry for reviving a dead thread, but I don't know where else to put this.

P.S.S Me and my friends also would like to say, your mods are awesome, and it makes our Terraria multiplayer games so much fun.
Try updating Hamstar's Helpers to v1.4.10.1.

Edit: Minor update. Haven't tested functionality. Probably broken.

  • Implemented FloatInputElement for config
  • Updated for TML11.5
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly enabling mods
  • Updated to TML11.4 & MH5b
  • Updated to MH v4.2.3.2 (including conventions)
  • Switched snake case to camel case
  • Switched GetUniqueIdWithSeed to GetUiniqueId()
  • Fixed possible crash from failed world id
  • Updated to Mod Helpers v2.0.2
  • Renamed player and world class


  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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  • HonorBound
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