Weapons & Equip Improve the way summoners acquire weapons


I suggest to Increase the probability of Bloody tear falling and let Chum Caster fish up enemies definitely during a blood moon.
Here are my reasons.Sanguine Staff is a important weapon of summoners.If I don't use it,I will use Blade Staff or other stupid  minions which can’t catch the twin and other mechanical bosses.Sanguine Staff is obtained with low low low probability,because I'm not sure can I encounter blood mood or gain a bloody tear from blood mood before and fish up a Dreadnautilus during a blood moon.And Blade Staff must defeat Queen Slime which will fly so quick in Second Form that other stupid  minions can't damage her.So these make me feel terrible in using summoner to walkthrough after wall of flesh by comparing to other classes.
I am sorry I'm not good at English,and I thank you can finish read it.I hope it will be as I wish
This is an issue with a lot of summoner weapons tbh. Especially early game if you're doing a class challenge you just have to get lucky and find a Finch Staff in a living tree chest (which isn't guaranteed)/have one fall out of a tree or just die a lot and wait for Abigail's Flower to spawn.
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