tModLoader JoJoStands

If you can't find what the issue is and no one finds a way to solve it, then at least the base mod works fine, so there's that. It is pretty satisfying to hear lines from the Anime when the Stands kick :red:, but it's still a great mod without it. I wish I could be of more help myself.

As an unrelated note, I just started a new character and this time I got Magician's Red. This guy's a lot of fun too, and even better at keeping enemies off my back at the beginning than Killer Queen was, given his range. I love it. Can't wait to try out more of them.
how do i do the road roller combo?
You need to press Special during timestop to take out a Road Roller (with TWT4)
This may have been asked before, but when I download the sounds mod, my game breaks pretty bad, I cant move, use items, switch my hotbar or even open the menu. The game is not frozen though considering npcs and enemies move around, I can also interact with npcs if they are close enough to interact with from my spawn point. All these issues go away when I disable the sounds mod, the base mod is completely normal. idk if this is a glitch or im just doing something wrong
Can you send your client.log and server.log?
I have a recommendation if it wouldn't be too hard. if you could make it so that while playing multiplayer, if you use Star Platinum and The World, they could move in each other's stopped time. That would be amazing.
Speaking of the World, I just started a new character using MrPlague's Authentic Races mod. I created a vampire. Can't wait to get my first Stand for her.

If I get the World, I think I'm gonna die laughing. XD

EDIT: I didn't. I got Sticky Fingers. Looks like I am not DIO's reincarnation after all. XD
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I have a recommendation if it wouldn't be too hard. if you could make it so that while playing multiplayer, if you use Star Platinum and The World, they could move in each other's stopped time. That would be amazing.
Timestop users can timestop at the same time to move in each other's timestop. This is the same for timestop takeover, where you can stop time at the end of someone else's timestop to just make it yours (they get stopped in it)
Timestop users can timestop at the same time to move in each other's timestop. This is the same for timestop takeover, where you can stop time at the end of someone else's timestop to just make it yours (they get stopped in it)

This is so cool. That's absolute genius. I'll keep that in mind. XD
I read more of the wiki out of curiosity, and I got a couple of questions/suggestions regarding the mod's Ultimate Being form, if I may.

1) I have not seen mention of this, but do Ultimate Beings regain the ability to use Hamon, as opposed to losing it when one becomes a vampire? ...The wiki says nothing about it, yet Kars was shown to not only have Hamon again, but to have it much stronger than he did, described as wielding it with 'the intensity of the Sun itself'. May I suggest giving it back to Ultimate Beings, perhaps even with maybe a boost to Hamon itself, and Hamon-based attacks, if the form didn't do so already?

2) Aside from granting defense, do the Stone Mask and Aja Stone Mask have other purposes after being worn once and granting their wielder their powers, or are their wielders in possession of their full powers mask or no mask, with the exception of what defense they provide?

3) According to the wiki, Ultimate Beings begin losing life and being unable to move in space. While I fully get what you were going for here, namely accuracy to what actually finishes off Kars in the JoJoverse, isn't it a bit restrictive to bar access to an entire biome for whoever decides to use some very cool items from your mod? (And yes, there might not be tons of stuff up there in vanilla, but if someone plays with JoJo Stands, they likely play with other mods... several of which tend to populate space a lot more, lol) ...I think I recall reading somewhere that there was a way to return to normal human form which would grant the ability for one to explore space, and probably return to vampire/ultimate being later, so that's one way around it, but it's a bit... strange to do so in terms of immersion ("Ah, I need to farm X item in space. I guess I gotta become human again today").

Basically, my suggestion here would be to perhaps lower accuracy to the original subject a little in favor of playability. Maybe the user isn't frozen in place, but slowed down, making it usable even though we would be less efficient/effective in space? (Also I don't know how fast one loses health in space because I didn't test it yet, but if it was faster than that, may I suggest 1 Health per second in addition to making the user slowed down as mentioned just now?) In other words, making the user slowed down and making them lose health little by little would act as a limiter and a reminder of how Kars died as opposed to making an entire biome unaccessible in that form because it made sense in the series. Just my 2 cents, but I feel like this is one of them cases where sticking to the official content may be undermining the fun aspect where the Ultimate Being form is concerned.

4) In case you don't like my #3 suggestion, and/or just for the sake of information, how does one become human again after becoming a vampire/ultimate being? I swear I saw it on the wiki before, but I can't remember where. EDIT: Finally found where I'd seen it, namely much earlier in this here very thread. You said one could turn back to normal upon removing the Stone mask and then dying. Did that apply solely to vampires, or also to Ultimate beings?

EDIT #2: 5) I noticed that the wiki entry on The Hand mentions how the Hand's special ability, Erase Hand is 'broken'. Is that still true at this point?

Thanks for reading.
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I read more of the wiki out of curiosity, and I got a couple of questions/suggestions regarding the mod's Ultimate Being form, if I may.

1) I have not seen mention of this, but do Ultimate Beings regain the ability to use Hamon, as opposed to losing it when one becomes a vampire? ...The wiki says nothing about it, yet Kars was shown to not only have Hamon again, but to have it much stronger than he did, described as wielding it with 'the intensity of the Sun itself'. May I suggest giving it back to Ultimate Beings, perhaps even with maybe a boost to Hamon itself, and Hamon-based attacks, if the form didn't do so already?

2) Aside from granting defense, do the Stone Mask and Aja Stone Mask have other purposes after being worn once and granting their wielder their powers, or are their wielders in possession of their full powers mask or no mask, with the exception of what defense they provide?

3) According to the wiki, Ultimate Beings begin losing life and being unable to move in space. While I fully get what you were going for here, namely accuracy to what actually finishes off Kars in the JoJoverse, isn't it a bit restrictive to bar access to an entire biome for whoever decides to use some very cool items from your mod? (And yes, there might not be tons of stuff up there in vanilla, but if someone plays with JoJo Stands, they likely play with other mods... several of which tend to populate space a lot more, lol) ...I think I recall reading somewhere that there was a way to return to normal human form which would grant the ability for one to explore space, and probably return to vampire/ultimate being later, so that's one way around it, but it's a bit... strange to do so in terms of immersion ("Ah, I need to farm X item in space. I guess I gotta become human again today").

Basically, my suggestion here would be to perhaps lower accuracy to the original subject a little in favor of playability. Maybe the user isn't frozen in place, but slowed down, making it usable even though we would be less efficient/effective in space? (Also I don't know how fast one loses health in space because I didn't test it yet, but if it was faster than that, may I suggest 1 Health per second in addition to making the user slowed down as mentioned just now?) In other words, making the user slowed down and making them lose health little by little would act as a limiter and a reminder of how Kars died as opposed to making an entire biome unaccessible in that form because it made sense in the series. Just my 2 cents, but I feel like this is one of them cases where sticking to the official content may be undermining the fun aspect where the Ultimate Being form is concerned.

4) In case you don't like my #3 suggestion, and/or just for the sake of information, how does one become human again after becoming a vampire/ultimate being? I swear I saw it on the wiki before, but I can't remember where. EDIT: Finally found where I'd seen it, namely much earlier in this here very thread. You said one could turn back to normal upon removing the Stone mask and then dying. Did that apply solely to vampires, or also to Ultimate beings?

EDIT #2: 5) I noticed that the wiki entry on The Hand mentions how the Hand's special ability, Erase Hand is 'broken'. Is that still true at this point?

Thanks for reading.
With the debuff on Aja Vampires, this change would make sense, so we'll move it to the list of Hidden References instead (Not the normal Vampire one though, cause that one is meant to be restrictive). As for The Hand, it's not broken, it's just that there's a range limit not many people seem to know about, so most people assume it's broken when their hold special doesn't do anything. You can turn on your Range Indicators in the mod config to see the range, which should be the red ring.
Yeah, I don't expect normal vampires to be nearly as tough, lol. Thanks for answering these.

How about the masks, do they have other purposes than their defense once they have applied their given form of vampirism?
Could you explain how the vampire and ultimate being lifesteal/ healing work? it seems really hit or miss to me. Sometimes i can stand in one spot and shred plantera, and sometimes i die to a lunar pillar. Love the mod though.
Yeah, I don't expect normal vampires to be nearly as tough, lol. Thanks for answering these.

How about the masks, do they have other purposes than their defense once they have applied their given form of vampirism?
Not really, they're just the things that make you a vampire.
Could you explain how the vampire and ultimate being lifesteal/ healing work? it seems really hit or miss to me. Sometimes i can stand in one spot and shred plantera, and sometimes i die to a lunar pillar. Love the mod though.
Melee weapons and Stands that hit enemies will allow you to lifesteal from the enemy. It doesn't work with other types of weapons.
The wiki for the adult stray cat has nothing on it and it is not letting me switch killer queen stray cat back to killer queen final.
In order to switch you have to craft KQ:SC then hold the item and right-click. If you don't craft KQ:SC the mod won't know that you can switch. And about the wiki page, it's development is a bit slow but we'll get to it eventually.
It must be something on my binds but a lot of the ones that ask for right click to change something aren’t working. I have killer queen stray cat and it won’t switch back and the sex pistols controlled bullets don’t let me turn them on but the rest of the mod has worked great thanks for creating an amazing mod
Hello! I have a question again. :p

So, I have obtained the Sex Pistols stand. So far I love it, it is simple, yet a very welcome boost to a Ranger build, especially early game. However, I have not been able to make it ability to make bullets move to your cursor. According to the wiki and the in-game's description, I should be able to do so via right-clicking, but I tried it several times to no avail so far. Am I doing something wrong, or is it unlocked at a later stage than Tier 1 and the wiki simply doesn't mention it?

EDIT: Hm. Nevermind, it worked fine this time. Not sure what was wrong earlier. Everything is okay here.
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I have an idea for C-Moon for when you plan on implementing that
Holding the mouse button just does a normal barrage
Right clicks can switch gravity like a gravity potion
Idk what the special could be but like No gravity or a gravity inversion punch barrage, or barrage has a gravity inversion de-buff
Silver Chariot:
Holding click would do his HORA HORA barrage
Right clicks would shoot the "blade" of his rapier
Special would do the "Armour off" which creates like 3 more Silver chariots (making it 4) to quadruple the barrage damage
So recently me and a few other people did a multiplayer run with a few other mods and this one as the main one we used. It was really fun, but there were a few bugs/glitches, a lot of them were minor or we just didn't really have to encounter them much. The biggest one probably is the Ultimate Life Form not life stealing, instead we just had faster regen which kinda sucked in comparison to life steal but it was still fine. KC was also buggy, we're not sure what exactly happened but my friend who was using KC ended up out of the map so he was kinda stuck for a while. Another thing is that Star Platinum can use it's TS during TW's TS but TW cannot TS during SPs TS. Meaning SP could move in TWs TS but TW could not move in SPs TS. Another thing is that when SP stopped time during TWs TS, and it's 4 seconds were over, no matter when TW stopped time everyone else was able to move. That effectively halved TWs TS. Another bug I ran into was that TW, when put on auto for too long with knives, will just start throwing them to the left with no reason at all. That bug I just had to desummon TW and it was fixed but it was still somewhat of an issue 'cause it wasted a lot of knives. We had a lot of fun messing around with the OP stands once we got them (Tusk Act 4 is so broken XD), so I thank you for the very epic mod.
Silver Chariot:
Holding click would do his HORA HORA barrage
Right clicks would shoot the "blade" of his rapier
Special would do the "Armour off" which creates like 3 more Silver chariots (making it 4) to quadruple the barrage damage
This is actually pretty close to the current SC idea, the only changes are right-click, which allows you to parry away enemy attacks and incoming projectiles.
Im so sorry I took so long to respond, I had stuff get in the way, would you happen to know how I find those?
You have to go to your ModLoader folder then go to Logs and it should be there. An easy way to find the ModLoader server would be to open the Mods menu in-game (in the title screen) and press "Open Mods Folder" then going to the folder that folder is in.
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