Official Terrarian
I'm gonna have to really look in to these timestop bugs, it's the first I've heard of them. Thanks for telling me about them. (I'm also currently fixing the knife thing too)So recently me and a few other people did a multiplayer run with a few other mods and this one as the main one we used. It was really fun, but there were a few bugs/glitches, a lot of them were minor or we just didn't really have to encounter them much. The biggest one probably is the Ultimate Life Form not life stealing, instead we just had faster regen which kinda sucked in comparison to life steal but it was still fine. KC was also buggy, we're not sure what exactly happened but my friend who was using KC ended up out of the map so he was kinda stuck for a while. Another thing is that Star Platinum can use it's TS during TW's TS but TW cannot TS during SPs TS. Meaning SP could move in TWs TS but TW could not move in SPs TS. Another thing is that when SP stopped time during TWs TS, and it's 4 seconds were over, no matter when TW stopped time everyone else was able to move. That effectively halved TWs TS. Another bug I ran into was that TW, when put on auto for too long with knives, will just start throwing them to the left with no reason at all. That bug I just had to desummon TW and it was fixed but it was still somewhat of an issue 'cause it wasted a lot of knives. We had a lot of fun messing around with the OP stands once we got them (Tusk Act 4 is so broken XD), so I thank you for the very epic mod.
Im so sorry I took so long to respond, I had stuff get in the way, would you happen to know how I find those?
Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Logs/client.log
Here's my log I just copy pasted it so its a huge text wall. NOBODY CLICK THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE A GIANT TEXT WALL. Also don't judge my mod choices, I share this account
Also sorry if this isnt what you meant when you wanted me to send it
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for CheatSheet
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSouls
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for FKBossHealthBar
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStands
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStandsSounds
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for MagicStorage
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ReducedGrinding
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ShorterRespawn
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SkyblockMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SmartDoors
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for StarterClasses
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SummonersAssociation
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ThoriumMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for VeinMiner
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WingSlot
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WMITF
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [BackgroundTextureGroup] Couldn't parse string 'bg' to uint.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MethodSwapper] MethodSwap is ACTIVE.
[17:09:08] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 6000 vanilla assets
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulItem] OverhaulItems_PostSetupContent(): Entering Tags region
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 1.8 GB
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[17:09:12] [31/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:12] [31/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Connected!
[17:09:15] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:16] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:16] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:; filename%3DTerrariaOverhaul.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
[17:12:24] [28/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Disposing music instances...
[17:12:24] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.ObjectDisposedException: This object has already been disposed.
Object name: 'DynamicSoundEffectInstance'.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance.get_State()
at Terraria.ModLoader.Audio.MusicStreaming.get_IsPaused()
at DMD<Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio>(Main this)
at TerrariaOverhaul.Core.Systems.Resources.Music.MusicSystem.UpdateAudioMainMenuMusicFix(Main main)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main(String[] args)
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Wing Slot
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: VeinMiner
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium Mod
[17:12:24] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from ThoriumMod
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Terraria Overhaul
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Disposing music instances...
[17:12:24] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() unmodified by TerrariaOverhaul_0
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main:
rawBG() unmodified by TerrariaOverhaul_0
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::meteor(int, int) unmodified by TerrariaOverhaul_0
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Summoners Association
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.ProjectileLoader:
rojectileAI(Projectile) removed by SummonersAssociation_0
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 2 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from SummonersAssociation
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Starter Classes [c/FF0000
Mod Support)]
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Smart Doors (from 1.4)
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 0 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from SmartDoors
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Skyblock Mod
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Shorter Respawn Time
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Reduced Grinding
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Magic Storage
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoJoStands: Sounds
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoJoStands
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Yet Another Boss Health Bar
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dark Souls III Mod
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dark Souls Vanity Pack
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Cheat Sheet
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Cursor
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Checklist
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BossChecklist
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Block Swap (From 1.4)
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BlockSwap
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Better Taxes
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from BetterTaxes
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: tModLoader
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BetterTaxes not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BlockSwap not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BossChecklist not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BossCursor not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: CheatSheet not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: JoJoStands not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: JoJoStandsSounds not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: MagicStorage not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ReducedGrinding not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ShorterRespawn not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SkyblockMod not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SmartDoors not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: StarterClasses not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SummonersAssociation not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: TerrariaOverhaul not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ThoriumMod not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: VeinMiner not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: WingSlot not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: WMITF not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BetterTaxes
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BlockSwap
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossCursor
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DarkSouls
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FKBossHealthBar
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoJoStands
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoJoStandsSounds
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ReducedGrinding
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ShorterRespawn
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SkyblockMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SmartDoors
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: StarterClasses
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SummonersAssociation
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: TerrariaOverhaul
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: VeinMiner
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WMITF
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ConfigSystem] Loaded OConfig config from 'D:\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\TerrariaOverhaul\Config.json'.
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ConfigSystem] Loaded OStats config from 'D:\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\TerrariaOverhaul\Stats.json'.
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Terraria Overhaul constructor called...
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Engine Flag: EngineXNA
[17:12:29] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.8
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BetterTaxes v2.4.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() modified by BetterTaxes_0
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::CollectTaxes() added by BetterTaxes_0
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BlockSwap v1.0.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player:
laceThing() added by BlockSwap_0
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_0
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Boss Log integration messages will not be logged.
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossCursor v1.5.1
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CheatSheet v0.6.6.2
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DarkSouls v0.2.0
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DarkSoulsIIIMod v0.1.1
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
[17:12:32] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoJoStands v2.1.1
[17:12:32] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoJoStandsSounds v1.1
[17:12:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[17:12:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ReducedGrinding v6.0
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ShorterRespawn v1.0
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SkyblockMod v1.4.10
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SmartDoors v1.3.3
[17:12:34] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::Update(int) modified by SmartDoors_0
[17:12:34] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player:
ashMovement() modified by SmartDoors_0
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: StarterClasses v1.3.0.2
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SummonersAssociation v0.4.5.3
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
rawInterface_39_MouseOver() added by SummonersAssociation_0
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::UpdateMinionTarget() added by SummonersAssociation_0
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.ProjectileLoader:
rojectileAI(Projectile) added by SummonersAssociation_0
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: TerrariaOverhaul v4.5.3
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Loading Terraria Overhaul '4.5.3' on tModLoader '0.11.8'...
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
rawPlayers() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameInput.PlayerInput::ReInitialize() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Gore::NewGore(Vector2, Vector2, int, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Gore::Update() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Lighting::LightTiles(int, int, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::clearWorld() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Item::UpdateItem(int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateSundial() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_DiscordRPC_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Projectile::NewProjectile(float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::SetArmorEffectVisuals(Player) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::TileInteractionsUse(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AddBuff(int, int, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.HitTile::AddDamage(int, int, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
rawPlayer_DrawAllLayers(Player, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickHeal() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickMana() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickBuff() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot:
raw(SpriteBatch, Item[], int, int, Vector2, Color) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::OverrideLeftClick(Item[], int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
laySound(int, int, int, int, float, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::NewText(string, byte, byte, byte, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::GetTreeVariant(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Achievements.AchievementsHelper::HandleRunning(float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
oUpdate_AnimateCursorColors() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
arseMessage(string, Color) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
rawPlayerChat() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::LoadBackground(int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Rain::Update() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Graphics.Shaders.ArmorShaderData::Apply(Entity, Nullable`1) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::CheckTree(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::OpenDoor(int, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
amageVar(float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::dropMeteor() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::meteor(int, int) modified by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MeteorDropRebalance] Meteor IL injection succeeded.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Meteor IL injection succeeded.
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Item::Clone() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::moneyPing(Vector2) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::HitEffect(int, double) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::Spawn() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ChatColor() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Collision::StepConveyorBelt(Entity, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::Teleport(Vector2, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::HorizontalMovement() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::JumpMovement() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player:
ryCollision(bool, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::SlopingCollision(bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 238823316888240553 hook with 3 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 152963776402950799 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014686309222345 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 238823316294321004 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 255185669206972293 hook with 4 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684119239538 hook with 2 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014683723754468 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684354861642 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684182653202 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: Granted native detouring access to TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface::ModLoaderMenus(Main, int, String[], Single[], Int32[], ref int, ref int, ref int, ref bool) [1416586696 -> 688995128] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ModNet::HandleModPacket(BinaryReader, int, int) [1409631248 -> 688995848] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour TerrariaOverhaul.Core.Systems.MethodSwapping.MethodSwapper::Check_Fail() [688996352 -> 688996296] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.GameInput.KeyConfiguration::WritePreferences() [1387416168 -> 688996408] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main:
rawBG() modified by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.SoundLoader::ResizeAndFillArrays() [1412607208 -> 688999192] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.Lighting::get_UpdateEveryFrame() [1389682608 -> 688999416] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedStringShadow(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, TextSnippet[], Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, float, float) [1440499584 -> 688999456] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedStringShadow(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, string, Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, float, float) [1440504968 -> 688999512] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedString(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, TextSnippet[], Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, out int, float, bool) [1440503096 -> 688999568] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedString(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, string, Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, float, bool) [1440507152 -> 688999720] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedStringWithShadow(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, TextSnippet[], Vector2, float, Vector2, Vector2, out int, float, float) [1440504656 -> 688999912] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
rawColorCodedStringWithShadow(SpriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont, string, Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, float, float) [1440509416 -> 689000064] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger::RenderTime(int, double) [1414245608 -> 689000256] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger:
rawTime(int, double) [1414246088 -> 689000304] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger::LightingTime(int, double) [1414246384 -> 689000352] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger:
etailedDrawTime(int) [1390013928 -> 689003184] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::ArmorSetShadows(Player) [1412576864 -> 689003376] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader:
reUpdateVanitySet(Player) [1412573704 -> 689004176] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::UpdateVanitySet(Player) [1412575192 -> 689004984] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ModItem::IsVanitySet(int, int, int) [1441511752 -> 689005792] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalItem::IsVanitySet(int, int, int) [1440545560 -> 689006384] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader:
ostAI(NPC) [1409677680 -> 689006976] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::HoldItem(Item, Player) [1442331432 -> 689007152] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SystemBase] Building system hooks
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SystemBase] Initializing 52 systems
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface::AddMenuButtons(Main, int, String[], Single[], ref int, ref int, ref int, ref int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ResourceSystem] Initializing ResourceSystem
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b03e6acf1164f73
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Initializing MusicSystem
[17:12:37] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() modified by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:37] [31/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:37] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_DiscordRPC_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[17:12:37] [39/WARN] [tML]: Upgraded Reference Newtonsoft.Json -> Version= ->
[17:12:37] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:12:37] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
rawMenu(GameTime) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:38] [1/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [TitleSystem] Updating title.
[17:12:39] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
[17:12:39] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:12:39] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:40] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.8
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BetterTaxes v2.4.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BlockSwap v1.0.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossCursor v1.5.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CheatSheet v0.6.6.2
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DarkSouls v0.2.0
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DarkSoulsIIIMod v0.1.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoJoStands v2.1.1
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoJoStandsSounds v1.1
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ReducedGrinding v6.0
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ShorterRespawn v1.0
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SkyblockMod v1.4.10
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SmartDoors v1.3.3
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: StarterClasses v1.3.0.2
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SummonersAssociation v0.4.5.3
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: TerrariaOverhaul v4.5.3
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for TerrariaOverhaul
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ModLoader
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BetterTaxes
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BlockSwap
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BossChecklist
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BossCursor
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for CheatSheet
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSouls
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for FKBossHealthBar
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStands
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStandsSounds
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for MagicStorage
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ReducedGrinding
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ShorterRespawn
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SkyblockMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SmartDoors
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for StarterClasses
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SummonersAssociation
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ThoriumMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for VeinMiner
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WingSlot
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WMITF
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [BackgroundTextureGroup] Couldn't parse string 'bg' to uint.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MethodSwapper] MethodSwap is ACTIVE.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulItem] OverhaulItems_PostSetupContent(): Entering Tags region
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 1.9 GB
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[17:12:48] [12/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:48] [12/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Connected!
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSouls
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for FKBossHealthBar
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStands
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStandsSounds
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for MagicStorage
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ReducedGrinding
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ShorterRespawn
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SkyblockMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SmartDoors
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for StarterClasses
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SummonersAssociation
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ThoriumMod
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for VeinMiner
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WingSlot
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WMITF
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [BackgroundTextureGroup] Couldn't parse string 'bg' to uint.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:07] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MethodSwapper] MethodSwap is ACTIVE.
[17:09:08] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 6000 vanilla assets
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulItem] OverhaulItems_PostSetupContent(): Entering Tags region
[17:09:08] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 1.8 GB
[17:09:09] [35/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[17:09:12] [31/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:12] [31/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Connected!
[17:09:15] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:16] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:09:16] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:; filename%3DTerrariaOverhaul.tmod&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
[17:12:24] [28/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Disposing music instances...
[17:12:24] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.ObjectDisposedException: This object has already been disposed.
Object name: 'DynamicSoundEffectInstance'.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance.get_State()
at Terraria.ModLoader.Audio.MusicStreaming.get_IsPaused()
at DMD<Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio>(Main this)
at TerrariaOverhaul.Core.Systems.Resources.Music.MusicSystem.UpdateAudioMainMenuMusicFix(Main main)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main(String[] args)
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF)
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Wing Slot
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: VeinMiner
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Thorium Mod
[17:12:24] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from ThoriumMod
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Terraria Overhaul
[17:12:24] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Disposing music instances...
[17:12:24] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() unmodified by TerrariaOverhaul_0
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::meteor(int, int) unmodified by TerrariaOverhaul_0
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Summoners Association
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.ProjectileLoader:
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 2 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from SummonersAssociation
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Starter Classes [c/FF0000
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Smart Doors (from 1.4)
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 0 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from SmartDoors
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Skyblock Mod
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Shorter Respawn Time
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Reduced Grinding
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Magic Storage
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoJoStands: Sounds
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: JoJoStands
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Yet Another Boss Health Bar
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dark Souls III Mod
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Dark Souls Vanity Pack
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Cheat Sheet
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Cursor
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Boss Checklist
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BossChecklist
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Block Swap (From 1.4)
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 1 detours and 1 native detours from BlockSwap
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: Better Taxes
[17:12:25] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Unloaded 1 hooks, 2 detours and 2 native detours from BetterTaxes
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Unloading: tModLoader
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BetterTaxes not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BlockSwap not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BossChecklist not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: BossCursor not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: CheatSheet not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: JoJoStands not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: JoJoStandsSounds not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: MagicStorage not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ReducedGrinding not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ShorterRespawn not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SkyblockMod not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SmartDoors not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: StarterClasses not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: SummonersAssociation not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: TerrariaOverhaul not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: ThoriumMod not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: VeinMiner not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: WingSlot not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/WARN] [tML]: WMITF not fully unloaded during unload.
[17:12:25] [39/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BetterTaxes
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BlockSwap
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossCursor
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CheatSheet
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DarkSouls
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FKBossHealthBar
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoJoStands
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: JoJoStandsSounds
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ReducedGrinding
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ShorterRespawn
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SkyblockMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SmartDoors
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: StarterClasses
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SummonersAssociation
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: TerrariaOverhaul
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: VeinMiner
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WMITF
[17:12:26] [39/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ConfigSystem] Loaded OConfig config from 'D:\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\TerrariaOverhaul\Config.json'.
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ConfigSystem] Loaded OStats config from 'D:\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\TerrariaOverhaul\Stats.json'.
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Terraria Overhaul constructor called...
[17:12:28] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Engine Flag: EngineXNA
[17:12:29] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.8
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BetterTaxes v2.4.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() modified by BetterTaxes_0
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::CollectTaxes() added by BetterTaxes_0
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BlockSwap v1.0.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player:
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[17:12:30] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_0
[17:12:30] [39/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Boss Log integration messages will not be logged.
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossCursor v1.5.1
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CheatSheet v0.6.6.2
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DarkSouls v0.2.0
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: DarkSoulsIIIMod v0.1.1
[17:12:31] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
[17:12:32] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoJoStands v2.1.1
[17:12:32] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: JoJoStandsSounds v1.1
[17:12:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[17:12:33] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ReducedGrinding v6.0
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ShorterRespawn v1.0
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SkyblockMod v1.4.10
[17:12:34] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SmartDoors v1.3.3
[17:12:34] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::Update(int) modified by SmartDoors_0
[17:12:34] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player:
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: StarterClasses v1.3.0.2
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SummonersAssociation v0.4.5.3
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::UpdateMinionTarget() added by SummonersAssociation_0
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.ProjectileLoader:
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: TerrariaOverhaul v4.5.3
[17:12:35] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulMod] Loading Terraria Overhaul '4.5.3' on tModLoader '0.11.8'...
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameInput.PlayerInput::ReInitialize() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Gore::NewGore(Vector2, Vector2, int, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Gore::Update() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Lighting::LightTiles(int, int, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::clearWorld() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Item::UpdateItem(int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::UpdateSundial() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_DiscordRPC_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Projectile::NewProjectile(float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::SetArmorEffectVisuals(Player) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::TileInteractionsUse(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AddBuff(int, int, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.HitTile::AddDamage(int, int, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ItemCheck_ManageRightClickFeatures() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickHeal() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickMana() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::QuickBuff() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::OverrideLeftClick(Item[], int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::NewText(string, byte, byte, byte, bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::GetTreeVariant(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Achievements.AchievementsHelper::HandleRunning(float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:35] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::LoadBackground(int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Rain::Update() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Graphics.Shaders.ArmorShaderData::Apply(Entity, Nullable`1) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::CheckTree(int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::OpenDoor(int, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.WorldGen::dropMeteor() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::meteor(int, int) modified by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MeteorDropRebalance] Meteor IL injection succeeded.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Meteor IL injection succeeded.
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Item::Clone() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::moneyPing(Vector2) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.NPC::HitEffect(int, double) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::Spawn() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ChatColor() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Collision::StepConveyorBelt(Entity, float) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::Teleport(Vector2, int, int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::HorizontalMovement() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::JumpMovement() added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::SlopingCollision(bool) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 238823316888240553 hook with 3 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 152963776402950799 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014686309222345 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 238823316294321004 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 255185669206972293 hook with 4 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684119239538 hook with 2 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014683723754468 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684354861642 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [HookHelper] Built 77014684182653202 hook with 1 delegates.
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_1.resources, Version=, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null
[17:12:36] [39/WARN] [tML]: Granted native detouring access to TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface::ModLoaderMenus(Main, int, String[], Single[], Int32[], ref int, ref int, ref int, ref bool) [1416586696 -> 688995128] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ModNet::HandleModPacket(BinaryReader, int, int) [1409631248 -> 688995848] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour TerrariaOverhaul.Core.Systems.MethodSwapping.MethodSwapper::Check_Fail() [688996352 -> 688996296] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.GameInput.KeyConfiguration::WritePreferences() [1387416168 -> 688996408] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.SoundLoader::ResizeAndFillArrays() [1412607208 -> 688999192] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.Lighting::get_UpdateEveryFrame() [1389682608 -> 688999416] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger::RenderTime(int, double) [1414245608 -> 689000256] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger::LightingTime(int, double) [1414246384 -> 689000352] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.TimeLogger:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::ArmorSetShadows(Player) [1412576864 -> 689003376] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::UpdateVanitySet(Player) [1412575192 -> 689004984] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ModItem::IsVanitySet(int, int, int) [1441511752 -> 689005792] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.GlobalItem::IsVanitySet(int, int, int) [1440545560 -> 689006384] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader:
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: NativeDetour Terraria.ModLoader.ItemLoader::HoldItem(Item, Player) [1442331432 -> 689007152] by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SystemBase] Building system hooks
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SystemBase] Initializing 52 systems
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface::AddMenuButtons(Main, int, String[], Single[], ref int, ref int, ref int, ref int) added by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ResourceSystem] Initializing ResourceSystem
[17:12:36] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaOverhaul_ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b03e6acf1164f73
[17:12:36] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MusicSystem] Initializing MusicSystem
[17:12:37] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::GUIChatDrawInner() modified by TerrariaOverhaul_1
[17:12:37] [31/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:37] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaOverhaul_DiscordRPC_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[17:12:37] [39/WARN] [tML]: Upgraded Reference Newtonsoft.Json -> Version= ->
[17:12:37] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:12:37] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main:
[17:12:38] [1/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [TitleSystem] Updating title.
[17:12:39] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
[17:12:39] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:12:39] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:40] [39/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
[17:12:41] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.8
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BetterTaxes v2.4.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BlockSwap v1.0.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossCursor v1.5.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CheatSheet v0.6.6.2
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DarkSouls v0.2.0
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: DarkSoulsIIIMod v0.1.1
[17:12:42] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FKBossHealthBar v1.3.2
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoJoStands v2.1.1
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: JoJoStandsSounds v1.1
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ReducedGrinding v6.0
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ShorterRespawn v1.0
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SkyblockMod v1.4.10
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SmartDoors v1.3.3
[17:12:43] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: StarterClasses v1.3.0.2
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SummonersAssociation v0.4.5.3
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: TerrariaOverhaul v4.5.3
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for TerrariaOverhaul
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ModLoader
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BetterTaxes
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BlockSwap
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BossChecklist
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for BossCursor
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for CheatSheet
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSouls
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for DarkSoulsIIIMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for FKBossHealthBar
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStands
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for JoJoStandsSounds
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for MagicStorage
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ReducedGrinding
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ShorterRespawn
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SkyblockMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SmartDoors
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for StarterClasses
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for SummonersAssociation
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for ThoriumMod
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for VeinMiner
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WingSlot
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [ModSystem] Calling OverhaulInit hook for WMITF
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [BackgroundTextureGroup] Couldn't parse string 'bg' to uint.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [SeasonTextureGroup] Tile 'CrimsonMuscle' does not exist in mod 'TerrariaOverhaul'.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [MethodSwapper] MethodSwap is ACTIVE.
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [OverhaulItem] OverhaulItems_PostSetupContent(): Entering Tags region
[17:12:44] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.12
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: VeinMiner v1.3.1
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WMITF v2.6.2
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 1.9 GB
[17:12:45] [39/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[17:12:48] [12/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[17:12:48] [12/INFO] [TerrariaOverhaul]: [<>c] Connected!
Another Guy, First of thank you alot for this mod its literally so good and i love it, however i have a few suggestions that could really improve the mod, (I don't code so i dont know how hard it would be to complete this but i'll tell you anyway). To start of with could you merge King Crimsons right click ability (Epitaph) and his G ability (time Eraser), so that his ability is actually more whole like its supposed to be because epitaph only shows the red outlines of movements while in time eraser, outside of time erase, epitaph can only show a certain image of the future up to 10 seconds, with the photo you see being the most important. What i suggest it making epitaph just showing the location of where all enemies will be in 10 seconds briefly (1-2 seconds). Also i know this is a stretch but if you could somehow add the universe stary background to everything while in time eraser + the sound of time skipping and the music that will be so awesome. The other thing ill suggest to change is that can you make sticky fingers be able to open a zipper in any direction and passing through said zipper teleports you to the nearest open space in that direction up tp 30 blocks. For instance using the ability on the ground, going through said zipper and reappearing 20 blocks downwards in a area where you can stand,
I feel like the stands are far underpowered. I want to use stands, but once ypu beat WoF its immediately too weak to use. I mean, to unlock killer queen's final stage you havs to beat every mech boss, and final stage still only does 79 damage. Killer queen has the strongest Literal final (stray cat) and that is good damage. However im dissapointed that stands are useless in hardmode becauss of the lack of power. I'm basically having to resort to vanilla weapons now. If you could, please just buff the damage a bit so i can actually use the mod, that would be very nice.
Official Terrarian
Stands do more damage after each boss you kill, if I remember correctly.I feel like the stands are far underpowered. I want to use stands, but once ypu beat WoF its immediately too weak to use. I mean, to unlock killer queen's final stage you havs to beat every mech boss, and final stage still only does 79 damage. Killer queen has the strongest Literal final (stray cat) and that is good damage. However im dissapointed that stands are useless in hardmode becauss of the lack of power. I'm basically having to resort to vanilla weapons now. If you could, please just buff the damage a bit so i can actually use the mod, that would be very nice.
Stands do more damage after each boss you kill, if I remember correctly.
Is this true? Cause if it is, it's awesome.
Official Terrarian
I might have to double check this later, but from what I've experienced, my stand gaind more damage from killing bosses. I know for sure that hamon levels up when you kill bosses for the first time.Is this true? Cause if it is, it's awesome.
I knew it was true for Hamon and some other Hamon weapons, but I wasn't aware it was also true of Stands. If that is indeed correct, then that's great. It'd make them a lot more viable for long-term use with mods with high-end/post Moonlord content.
Official Terrarian
Well, that's what stand armors and accessories are for though. Stand Speed boosts generally give really high DPS boosts, so you could try amulets that boost Stand Speed.I feel like the stands are far underpowered. I want to use stands, but once ypu beat WoF its immediately too weak to use. I mean, to unlock killer queen's final stage you havs to beat every mech boss, and final stage still only does 79 damage. Killer queen has the strongest Literal final (stray cat) and that is good damage. However im dissapointed that stands are useless in hardmode becauss of the lack of power. I'm basically having to resort to vanilla weapons now. If you could, please just buff the damage a bit so i can actually use the mod, that would be very nice.
No, this is only for Hamon.Stands do more damage after each boss you kill, if I remember correctly.
Stands are flippin OP if you have the amulets. For example TWs normal TS recharge is 30 seconds, but with only this mod you can reduce it down to around 12 seconds in normal worlds and 9 in expert worlds (Also you can reduce it down to 7 seconds if you have a mod that adds ANOTHER accessory slot, I use more accessories which adds an item that allows you to have an extra slot after you beat Plantera.) Not only that but you can buff their DMG by so much by using aja mask and the amulets. With the mods I used, along with Aja mask, and requiem armor my TW had 7 second TS CD, around 350 dmg per hit(For non critical hits), 83% critical strike chance, stand speed of 2 (Maximum speed you can get), a fair amount of extra rangeI feel like the stands are far underpowered. I want to use stands, but once ypu beat WoF its immediately too weak to use. I mean, to unlock killer queen's final stage you havs to beat every mech boss, and final stage still only does 79 damage. Killer queen has the strongest Literal final (stray cat) and that is good damage. However im dissapointed that stands are useless in hardmode becauss of the lack of power. I'm basically having to resort to vanilla weapons now. If you could, please just buff the damage a bit so i can actually use the mod, that would be very nice.
, it added a lot of defense when I had him out, those viral bug thingies that protect you from dmg, and TW inflicted two effects on enemies. I didn't have any modifiers on any of my amulets so they were plain since I was testing how OP TW could truly get, so I was pretty much able to defeat all the pillars without ever dipping below 450 health, I didn't use any potions and I didn't try the hardest to dodge... Not to mention you can literally beat all the mech bosses in under 9 seconds each. You can do the same with Plantera too and you could do it with Golem but during the stopped time he won't have a health bar until his head splits from his body which can't happen during stopped time. So when I fought Moon Lord I was able to kill each of his eye/heart thingies in one TS each. 9x4 is 36, 3x7 is 21. 21+36 is 57. So within a minute, not using potions, not trying very hard to dodge, on a laggy PC, and without dropping below 400 health. You can easily solo Normal Mode Moon Lord. Then again requiem armor can only be obtained AFTER Moon Lord, but if you switch out your amulets well enough you'll be able to keep your stand almost as strong, with a moderate drop in DPS (cuz you lost the requiem armor) and you'll probably have to sacrifice the heavenly 7/9/12 second CD. Also you can use the stand AND normal weapons at the same time if you set the stand on automode which would probably help A LOT when using closer ranged stands so you can switch to medium or long ranged weapons while maintaining some benefit from the stand. Also Tusk is really powerful if you wanna be ranged since while on Auto mode tusk shoots wherever you click, but that might be a bug idk, either way you can use both the nails and your ranged weapon. Add on the OP gear for Tusk and you're also OP. Though from what I've seen KQ isn't the best around that time since he activates blocks rather than other cool stuff, but idk I haven't tried him enough.
Edit: The World (FINAL TIER)'s DPS W/O any modifier is around 550-600, more leaning around the 580 ish area.
The World (Final Tiers)'s DPS with only the Phantom Set, which is the best stand armor you can get before Moon Lord, is around 800-1000, with it usually hovering closer to 900 but if you're luckier with the crits it can hover over 1000 for some time.
The World (Final Tier)'s DPS with no armor but a good set of amulets (not DPS optimized but optimized for the most well rounded.), no extra accessory slots, the DPS is around 2650-3100 usually sticking around 2700-3000.
With both the set of amulets AND the Phantom armor, TW Final Tier, the DPS is around 6000-6400, with it more sticking around 6100-6200 BASICALLY TEN TIMES STRONGER THAN WITH NO BOOSTS! Also if you were to gear the amulets for a more DPS optimized loadout you would get a DPS of around 8K but your TS CD would raise by a fair amount.
You can technically get a slightly higher DPS but you'd have to sacrifice even more TS CD. On top of that the Amulets also make it so that the enemy you attack gets Infected AND cursed Flames. The Amulets ALONE give you 20 defense, 30 if you're going for the DPS optimized one. While the Phantom armor (stand out) gives 59 defense and reduces all dmg by 12% as well. This isn't even including requiem armor, the possibility to get 1 new accessory slot in expert mode (or 2 if you're using the same mods as me), but the downside to these numbers is that I take up ALL the slots so there is no slot for wings, but if you have a flying mount you should be just fine (Or if you have the extra wing slot mod installed).
Upon being not dumb I realized you can sacrifice a bunch of DPS to get an even lower CD
If you're doing vanilla normal mode you can get it down to 6 Seconds if you're using all of the slots.
If you're doing expert mode you can get it down to 5 seconds
If you're doing modded like the ones I do then you can get it down to 3 seconds which is flippin insane BUT the stand DPS is around 3.5K which is garbage for post Moon Lord if you're focusing pretty much all of your slots for amulets.
Another Note: The Amulets I was using for the DPS were Amulet of Awakening, Amulet of Serving, Amulet of Manipulation, Amulet of adapting, and another amulet of manipulation (Platinum version rather than gold version) If you want the more DPS optimized one you just swap the second amulet of manipulation out with another amulet of serving (plat version).
LAST LAST NOTE FR FR: The DPS numbers were for non vampire and non Aja vampire, if you're either of those it'll be higher.
Okay I was bored so it wasn't the last note. The best DPS you can get with the extra two slots is around 11.2K unless you wanna sacrifice a bit more TS CD. But if you wanna swap out the greater amulet of fight with an amulet of manipulation for great TS CD of 12 seconds rather than 18. If you have no extra slots and you're basically doing the same thing as phantom plus DPS optimized amulets then you're going to get around 8.5K so a bit more than normal phantom armor. If you have one extra slot and optimize your DPS as good as possible you can get around 9.8K. So if you have the two extra slots then you have a choice between a DPS of 11.2K with a TS CD of 18 seconds and a DPS of 10K-10.5K with a TS CD of 13 seconds OORR if you go for the 7 second TS CD you'll have a DPS of 8K. If you go for the most DPS you'll have a defense of 98. If you go for the one with the 2nd best DPS you'll get a defense of 98 again. BUT if you go for the one with 7 second TS CD then you'll have a defense of 88. If you add warding to all of them of course you'll get higher defense but for these numbers none of the amulets have modifiers/adjectives on them. Another thing about these numbers is if you're an aja vampire they apply. After testing a bit more it seems that the DPS meter says that the aja DPS and non aja DPS are actually around the same despite aja vampire doubling your stand's dmg, I don't know what this is all about.
On top of this you can also use a vanilla item while your stand is in auto mode, but one issue with the auto mode is that it doesn't attack moon lord AT ALL so you must use manual if you want to use the stand for that fight but the TS and defense are still really useful. I haven't really tried using the stand armors early game but after seeing their boosts and their defense they seem pretty bad, so I wouldn't recommend using the stand armors until hard mode actually since that's when they get actually decent and also around the same time you seem to be saying that stands are getting weak. Also Amulets are super OP, definitely use them but you gotta find your own balance for it to really work.
I can do some testing with earlier stand armor and stuff to see the best stand loadouts for DPS and what not if you want.
I hope someone found this useful tho.
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Well, if amulets are the way to do it, then amulets are the way to do it. Either way, I'm glad that there's a way to make them kick
for a longer time than I expected. So thanks for that.

Honestly this mod is super good, after realizing how much you can actually make your stand stronger by and how you actually have to grind for most of it, it gives a new perspective on it. Like I never realized that my stand got like 20x it's original dmg just because I had amulets, it's insane. It actually feels like a class that I'd try and play, and I'm usually not the type of person to play classes in Terraria. The stand is like actually your stand, you progress and get stronger with it through grinding for amulets, armor, and the next tier without having to actually change your stand. It really does follow closely to the progression of the other classes while implementing JJBA in such a great way. Dem Bubbles do be OP tho ._.
Official Terrarian
Lol, I forgot about Amulets. I haven't used this mod for at least a month, so I couldn't remember everything.Well, if amulets are the way to do it, then amulets are the way to do it. Either way, I'm glad that there's a way to make them kickfor a longer time than I expected. So thanks for that.
I only registered to write that it'd be sooo cool to play with C-moon and MiH in that mod... Also, i'd be glad if you'd make Whitesnake take players' stands in your inventory, and make that thing toggleable, would be very cool.
P.S. Also waiting for Weather Report, my favorite stand and character as well.
P.S. Also waiting for Weather Report, my favorite stand and character as well.
the viral ring doesn't seem to be in the traveling merchant's inventory, i bet plantera a few times
Official Terrarian
Yeah, we found out that mods that change the Traveling Merchant's shop can replace the Viral Ring (It's fixed now, but Part 1 Update is still very early in development)the viral ring doesn't seem to be in the traveling merchant's inventory, i bet plantera a few times
Golden speed
when will u add jesus npc UwU
Ok so, I think your sound mod and actual Stands mod are conflicting. every time I have both of them enabled in multiplayer The World and Star Platinum disappear after using the basic attack. Even if those are the only 2 mods enabled and I'm the only one in the server. at least it only seems to happen when the "Sync sounds" option is on.
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Hi, i need help. After some hours of game i finished golden experience, but the Limb recreation abikity doesn't work. Is that a bug or does the ability work only in soecific moments?JoJoStands is a mod where we're trying to implement many stands and items from 1-7.
Content Overview:
Stands: Star Platinum, The World, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Sex Pistols, Aerosmith, Sticky Fingers, Killer Queen, Killer Queen: Stray Cat, Magicians Red, Hierophant Green, Tusk, The Hand, Whitesnake, Lock, Dolly Dagger, and Grateful Dead.
View attachment 252293View attachment 252294View attachment 252295
How to obtain Stands:
- Small chance to spawn with a stand upon creating a new player (Inheritance)
- Asking Jotaro for an Arrow Shard, in which you stab yourself with it and wait an in-game day for it to wear off
- Viral Meteorite, a meteor that drops after Skeletron has been defeated (Use it to craft an arrow)
If you have a stand idea or feel like contributing to the mod, you can join the JoJoStands server on Discord: Join the JoJo Stands Discord Server!. Or you could look at the JoJoStands Wiki if you need to find something. This is my first experience with code, if you want to help out, just know we aren't professionals at this.
CHANGELOGJoJoStands v2.2 (Sounds Update) Changelog
- Reworked Tusk Act 3's Shadow Nail (Now is a mount-like projectile which allows travel through ground)
- Previous Tusk Acts are strengthened when you're using higher Tusk Acts
- Added a red screen effect during Foresight (Also boosted the amount of afterimages that appear)
- Added a UI for Sex Pistols
- Added Right-Click for Sex Pistols, kicks bullets toward the mouse
- Slow Dancer actually runs now
- MANY MANY balance changes, like Star Platinum recipes and Aerosmith shoot cap
- Added Viral Steak
- The Hand can now scrape players
- Fixed lots of bugs
- Sounds support
- Buffed Road Roller even more (Now does 4x damage against bosses)
- Sheer Heart Attack now hunts down 5 enemies instead of 1, and flies when the enemy is in the air
- Bites the Dust now bombs all enemies
- Magicians Red now shoots 2 hurricanes in T4
- Ranged Stands now deal critical hits
JoJoStands Sounds v1.1 Changelog
- Added ORA ORA for Star Platinum
- Added MUDA MUDA for The World
- Added ARI ARI for Sticky Fingers
- Added MUDA MUDA for Gold Experience and GER
- Added ORA ORA for Tusk Act 4
- Added THE WORLD when The World timestops
- Added Star Platinum: The World when Star Platinum timestops
- Added KING CRIMSON when King Crimson timeskips
- Added BITE THE DUST when Killer Queen: BtD rewinds time
- Added Pose Quotes (User quotes that play during a pose)
- Added Config Option to choose wether you want to hear Sub or English Dub versions of the Pose Quotes
- Added lots of extra sound effects for certain actions
- Added Kira Theme deathsound (#6)
Yes, it's multiplayer compatible!
Download link for v2.2 (Sounds Mod included): MEGA
YouTube link to VM theme:
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