Game Mechanics Locking Chests: improving the chest GUI


Locking Chests.png

Before I begin, this has absolutely no connection to locked dungeon chests or keys

With that out of the way, I'm sure everybody has gone through something similar to the example below:

example 1.png

It's one of the sad side effects of the new (and amazing) quick stack to nearby chests button. What I'm suggesting here should fix this problem.


lock closed.png
Introducing: Locking Chests
lock closed.png


Wouldn't it be great if your accessories chest wasn't overrun with the shackles you got from last night's Blood Moon? Or how about your herb chest overflowing with the blink root you grabbed underground?

What I'm suggesting here (if that wasn't obvious enough) is to "lock" chests. Next to the chest name (or somewhere else) there would be a lock icon. This would signify a:


lock open.png
Unlocked Chest

The standard for all chests and what we have currently

lock closed.png
Locked Chest

The chest will not accept new stacks of items when using the quick stack or quick stack to nearby chests button.
However, it will continue to accept items if there are stacks that have not reached the limit

lock hard locked.png
Hard Locked Chest

The chest will not accept any items that are quick stacked. Items need to be manually moved into chests with this lock type.


Clicking the lock icon would change it's lock type. The lock type would be visible next to the chest icon/name when selected


Example 2.png

Example 3.png

Now, some people might not like having the locks floating around, so an option to hide them would be nice as well.

Unlocked chests would not display a lock icon when hovered over for simplicity's sake.


That's all for this suggestion. Comments, criticism, etc. is welcome.

Were you expecting hammers? Well this isn't about hammers :u

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Yet another great suggestion by Milt... %:sigh:Why can I not come up with great ideas?

Anyways, this should've been added with the "Quick Stack to All" button in the first place.
With the new Quick Stack to Nearby Chests option causing me to inexplicably lose items in chests, I think this'd be absolutely great.

Rating Approved.png

i ought to redo this seal of approval sometime
I've actually never liked that feature at all. It always mess up my ordened chests.

I rather want to get rid of it completely...but this seems to work too. Support!
Hells yes! This would be really useful! :happy:

I always have to sell my unwanted weapons before quick stacking everything to my chests... this would fix that nicely!

Must have! Want now!

View attachment 71128

Before I begin, this has absolutely no connection to locked dungeon chests or keys

With that out of the way, I'm sure everybody has gone through something similar to the example below:

View attachment 71129

It's one of the sad side effects of the new (and amazing) quick stack to nearby chests button. What I'm suggesting here should fix this problem.


View attachment 71132 Introducing: Locking Chests View attachment 71132

Wouldn't it be great if your accessories chest wasn't overrun with the shackles you got from last night's Blood Moon? Or how about your herb chest overflowing with the blink root you grabbed underground?

What I'm suggesting here (if that wasn't obvious enough) is to "lock" chests. Next to the chest name (or somewhere else) there would be a lock icon. This would signify a:


View attachment 71134 Unlocked Chest

The standard for all chests and what we have currently

View attachment 71132 Locked Chest

The chest will not accept new stacks of items when using the quick stack or quick stack to nearby chests button.
However, it will continue to accept items if there are stacks that have not reached the limit

View attachment 71133 Hard Locked Chest

The chest will not accept any items that are quick stacked. Items need to be manually moved into chests with this lock type.


Clicking the lock icon would change it's lock type. The lock type would be visible next to the chest icon/name when selected


View attachment 71130

View attachment 71131

Now, some people might not like having the locks floating around, so an option to hide them would be nice as well.

Unlocked chests would not display a lock icon when hovered over for simplicity's sake.


That's all for this suggestion. Comments, criticism, etc. is welcome.

Were you expecting hammers? Well this isn't about hammers :u

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No hammers no support.
On a quick note, the way you describe the 3 modes relates to the following:

Unlocked - How quick stack works since 1.3
Locked - How quick stack worked up to
Hard locked - Not implemented yet, but surely useful ('deposit all' should also not work here, imo)

Since the new 1.3 update, quick stack has mostly been causing chaos for me. If you ask me, the new mechanic since 1.3 could be removed entirely, going back to the old quick stack system. A menu option to switch between them would also be a useful feature. Anyways, full support.
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