tModLoader Mounted Magic Mirrors - Fast travel!


Note: Until further notice, this mod is now being worked on exclusively as part of my Adventure Mode set.

Mounted Magic Mirrors

Note: Requires Mod Libs

This mod lets you craft your Magic Mirrors into wall-mounted fast travel points. Right-clicking a mounted mirror allows fast travel to any other discovered mounted mirrors in the world. New worlds will be generated with random, discoverable mounted magic mirrors scattered about. Configurable.

Source code available.


Requires tModLoader (+0.11). Copy the above .tmod file to your 'Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods' folder to play.

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  • (See github commit history.)
  • Removed all net code (!)
  • ( Modified world gen to better avoid RNG overlap with Wormholes
  • ( Modified world gen to give up more easily
  • (1.1.9) Prevented mirrors from gening on 'bad' walls
  • ( Tweak to API getter
  • (1.1.8) Set world gen min spacing distance to 128 (was 64)
  • (1.1.8) Fixed progress bar
  • (1.1.7) Added MountedMagicMirrorsAPI.GetDiscoveredMirrors(...)
  • Changed all dictionary uses to ConcurrentDictionary (wasteful?)
  • Refactored player mirror sync code (again)
  • Added proper player sync (untested)
  • Updated to MH v5.9.2
  • Added better failsafes against invalid world sizes
  • Added tile section cache resets between games (needed?)
  • Updated to use MH v5.6.1.1 (fixed Teleport(...))
  • Minor tweak to attempt to remedy invalid MP mirrors
  • Added tile section mapping for client to know if mirrors work
  • Fixed MP hang issue while checking for valid mirror tiles
  • Added mirror undiscover acknowledge chat message
  • Added feature to undiscover mirror via right click (credit @Shybert)
  • Merged helpers into MH
  • Improved mirror tile checking for teleporting
  • Tweaked world gen to try to make tile randomization not sync with Wormholes mod
  • Fixed the fix (knock on wood)
  • Added fix for clients losing charted mirror data (checks for missing chunks)
  • Separated mirror validity refreshing from list getting
  • Fixed DiscoveredMirrorTiles data structure not initializing for current world
  • Fixed debug
  • Refactored mirror picking code to allow scaling mirrors and area clicking
  • Fixed save and load (again)
  • Set inventory to close when right clicking mirror
  • Revised mirror save/load to handle multiple worlds
  • Restructured player Update code files
  • Restructured mod project folders
  • Added world gen debug output config
  • Refactored config to use StackableModConfig
  • Fixed map position of mirror icon
  • Increased item rarity
  • Increased world gen mirrors
  • Prevented teleporting to non-'discovered' mirrors
  • Modified mirror picking to require specific clicks
  • Updated to TML11.5
  • Added ranges to some config settings
  • Fixed session resets of discovered mirrors
  • Set mirrors warps to use r-click instead of l-click
  • Improved mirror sprite
  • Added mod icon
  • Beta release.


  • MountedMagicMirrors
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By the way, if anyone wants to volunteer an improvement to the Mounted Magic Mirror tile sprite (3x3 tile), I'll happily use it.

Update: Warps are now done by right-clicking mirrors in the map mode instead of left-clicking.
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Add localization support. I am willing to translate your mods into Brazilian Portuguese.
That might take a while. My plate is very full. To do it in a timely way, I'd need compensation, or someone who can make PRs.
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I am still having the mirror sessions reset while using a multiplayer tModLoader server on Debian Linux. I have v1.0.1 since I cannot yet update to tModLoader v11.5 to see the next release fixes the issue due to Overhaul.
I am still having the mirror sessions reset while using a multiplayer tModLoader server on Debian Linux. I have v1.0.1 since I cannot yet update to tModLoader v11.5 to see the next release fixes the issue due to Overhaul.
Yeah, you'll probably want to update to the latest version.
I'm having some issues with not being ported to the mirror I select. In the current iteration, I have a mirror placed in an open area of the Dungeon, one placed just outside the Temple door, one placed at the shore of the eastern ocean, and one placed at my base; as often as not, trying to use any of them sends me to the one at the Temple.
I'm having some issues with not being ported to the mirror I select. In the current iteration, I have a mirror placed in an open area of the Dungeon, one placed just outside the Temple door, one placed at the shore of the eastern ocean, and one placed at my base; as often as not, trying to use any of them sends me to the one at the Temple.
If you see the map icon enlarge, the mirror is selected, and right clicking will take you to that one in particular. I'll try a few adjustments to see if I can improve it.
I just noticed an issue with Hero's mod. When I right click a mirror, when it brings the map up it auto teleports me to the relative position that I am on the map, which is not by the magic mirror. This causes me to not be able to teleport to other mirrors on the map, since I'm not near the one I originally was standing next to. Perhaps is there a way to be able to allow a custom hotkey to use the magic mirror function?
me being :red:ed here, but what is the crafting recipe?

At a Tinkerer's Workshop: 1 Magic Mirror (any variation), 50 wire, 1 Teleporter, 10 Soul of Flight (unless you configure to use the Easy Mode recipe).

Let me know if this seems like a reasonable recipe.
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A a Tinkerer's Workshop: 1 Magic Mirror (any variation), 50 wire, 1 Teleporter, 10 Soul of Flight (unless you configure to use the Easy Mode recipe).

Let me know if this seems like a reasonable recipe.
I think that's fine and thanks!
Man i want to try this mod so bad, but i need to update my .net framework so i can run mod helpers but my computer is being an :red: >.>
Hey there! First off I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this mod, and it really makes life easier.

Unfortunately as soon as I went into hardmode I started encountering problems. I tested this multiple times between different worlds and found something interesting. For the sake of expediency I will use the phrase HM World 1, HM World 2, and Regular World

If I start out in HM World 1 with mirrors that are discovered and collected, I can leave and load up Regular World, then leave and return to HM World 1 without losing any mirror data.
If I start out in HM World 1 and go to HM World 2, all mirrors will reset and when I enter HM World 2 any mirrors there will be undiscovered, and if I go back to HM World 1, all the mirrors there are undiscovered too.

Conclusion: Something about changing hardmode worlds is the root of the problem. I have no idea how to attach more data of what's happening but if you need I can try to look into it.
Thanks for your lovely mod and your time :)
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