NPCs & Enemies Pinky and the Lost Girl

So what do toy think. Which one choices do you like?

  • Pink Gel

  • Pink Slime Staff

  • Pink Slime Gun

  • Pinky Banner

  • Lost Girl NPC

  • Changling Cameo

  • Lost Girl Vanity / Wig / Hairstyle

  • Other (Please post.)

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Why would the Changling Cameo make you summon a tiny naked Dryad (either with the tiny Lost Girl and tiny Nymph or sometimes summon it by it's self, depending on how it works)?
I will soon...........:guidewink:
You will soon WHAT? .........
Someone mentioned using pink gel in the elf melter, what if that made the flamethrower deal 20% more damage, have more range and the flamethrower projections bounce off walls? Also pink flames, so that it's noticeable?
And also, pink gel blocks could make players bounce indefinitely, like portal 2's bounce gel, with no fall damage and getting back to the height you fell from?.
Someone mentioned using pink gel in the elf melter, what if that made the flamethrower deal 20% more damage, have more range and the flamethrower projections bounce off walls? Also pink flames, so that it's noticeable?
I had initially thought about adding pink gel as flame thrower ammo to the suggestion but I left it out because I thought that people would consider that to be too rare and/or too OP...
However if it were used as ammo mypersonay preferences would be for it either:
a). fire a long, quick "Shadowbeam" style ricocheting line,
b). fire a large, slow fireball (kind of like Megaman's fully charged Megabuster shot).
I had initially thought about adding pink gel as flame thrower ammo to the suggestion but I left it out because I thought that people would consider that to be too rare and/or too OP...
However if it were used as ammo mypersonay preferences would be for it either:
a). fire a long, quick "Shadowbeam" style ricocheting line,
b). fire a large, slow fireball (kind of like Megaman's fully charged Megabuster shot).
What about bouncy pink flamethrower projectiles, (not really like shadowbeam since it's hitscan) but indeed with a fixed travel time (shadowbeams have a limited length) and that can bounce indefinitely, much like long and fat crystal storm projectiles?
Giant fireball isn't really interesting, there are lots of things with that effect type (devil fireball thing does exactly this).
Cool, but what would be the drop chances of the banner and Pink Slime Staff? As Pinky is already super rare anyway, it would take literally ages to farm for a Pink Slime Staff/Banner.
Giant fireball isn't really interesting, there are lots of things with that effect type (devil fireball thing does exactly this).
When said "Giant Fireball" I meant something more like this :
(yes that's actually a hadoken from Street Fighter, don't laugh)

That's another reason I didn't add this in to the original suggestion: Because of the way flamethrowers work in the game, the only easy way to implement different ammo for it would be to change the geometry or type of their projectiles. This is especially true with something as (presumably) rare and unreliably found as Pink Gel.
Simple adding extra damage or length of the applied "On-Fire" won't really be noticeable if it's balanced. Likewise if it's made obvious it would just completely break the balance of Flamethrowers in the game.

A giant, slow projectile (as in, not only slow travel speed, but slow firing speed as well) would, in my opinion, be easier to balance and still give obvious WOW factor that a rare ammo should have.
Also, a more sane way to implement something like this would be to use a scaled up caster-type projectile with ample particle effects... but you have to admit, that "Pinkdoken" there has style!
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