Please fix or nerf the Medusa enemy.

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Medusa are the Bomber Clowns/Lava Slimes version 2.0 - let's nerf what we don't want to adapt to, it's the way of modern gaming, after all.

Yes, I died to a Medusa. Once. Then I actively searched for one and observed what it did, and how to deal with their attack. Hope they don't get changed in Expert Mode. Would be a pity to ruin such a good enemy in all its instances.
I don't understand the problem people are having with Medusa. Neither me nor my friends have had any serious problems with her on our expert mode world, and we're not even that good at the game.
Quickly, spot the Medusa in this .gif before you die. (2.97mb)

The issue is not that Medusa is killing players constantly inside its own native area. The issue is that Medusa is spawning somewhere off-screen, sending any player in mid-air that was unfortunate enough to be stoned falling to their death, regardless of fall damage immunity being present. If there wasn't water there in this gif? I would have died if I didn't have Solar Blaze up. That is far enough of a drop to instantly kill any player under the effect of Stone.

That is not fun. There is nothing fun about a 400 HP enemy being able to kill you from off-screen because of their gimmick being poorly implemented.

I would go out on a limb to state that the vast majority of players complaining about this enemy are relatively experienced players with fairly decent gear. This is no longer "git gud" territory like the knee-jerk reaction to Moon Bite preventing life steal effects calling for people to beg for buffs, this is simply frustrating and not rewarding in the slightest. My time is wasted - I either die, drop money, have to wait for my respawn and have to go back to the spot I was mining, or I have to sit around and wait six seconds before I'm allowed to continue playing.

Do you see the problem yet, or are you and the very vocal minority who believe being psychic and having a 1600x900 resolution with constant Hunter Potions up really naive enough to think that just because you don't mind something, the majority of people who find this needlessly frustrating going to tell us that this enemy needs no changes and is perfectly fine?

Medusa are the Bomber Clowns/Lava Slimes version 2.0 - let's nerf what we don't want to adapt to, it's the way of modern gaming, after all.
Please tell me how to adapt to the situation I have presented above. Should I begin mining my stone, dirt, and ice on the surface? Really great reward for farming Moon Lord for a few hours. I really enjoy having all my time working towards a flying mining machine wasted because mining underground is tedious at best and needlessly deadly at worst.
Normally I am not one to call for nerfs, unless something is completely broken or just plain cheap(hi MK9's Cyrax's Bomb trap, Hi Kung Lao)
But the Medusa could use some tweaking. Mainly the range of her stone gaze. Outside of that she's not that bad, I usually just turn my back to her(seems she can't stone you if your not looking at her) let her start jumping over me and start swinging my sword, stun locking her when she's in the air and so making her pretty easy to take out when she lands(as she should still be stun locked).
I agree, medusa really needs to be nerfed. Medusa should only turn you to stone if you are actually looking at her, like it's supposed to.
Six seconds is a very long time when they are completely and totally wasted. Six seconds can end with the player's death, leading to wasting minutes on a rescue mission to resume doing what you were doing.

Time is the most valuable resource. You can never get it back.

Unfortunately, this topic seems to be stagnating, as the flow of discussion seems to just be "Here is a bullet pointed list of reasons this enemy is not fun" which is replied to with one or two people saying "nuh-uh, Medusa is fine, just get better at the game sweetie :)" which repeats with more bullet pointed lists where the main points are ignored. In the interest of no longer wasting time, I'm just going to bow out of this thread since any more points I could make have already been addressed and I fear I would get needlessly snappy.

Congratulations, Troll King. You have indeed proved yourself to be the king of trolling on this day. I pray that you manage to obtain many more replies that you desperately crave. Good day to you, sir.
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