NPCs & Enemies Pots and Boulders, more ways to kill you! [Sprites]


  • I love this idea!

    Votes: 541 90.0%
  • Has potential, but (tell me what!)

    Votes: 34 5.7%
  • I don't like it (tell me why!)

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • Nice sprites!

    Votes: 193 32.1%
  • Sprites need work

    Votes: 10 1.7%
  • Hammers

    Votes: 88 14.6%

  • Total voters
This would be such a good thing to be added into the game. Support.
[DOUBLEPOST=1423506143][/DOUBLEPOST]It would be cool if there were different banners for each of the pots e.g the dungeon pot banner looks different to the regular pot banner. Also you make banners for each of the boulder giants but still I love the idea and this needs adding.
Can I capture one of these giants with a pokeball? :p


I'm new to these forums, and from my observations it's quite new! Three months old if I'm correct. And I was wondering:

1. Are there a lot of sprite-makers in the Terraria community?

2. Do things you guys suggest actually get put in the game and/or considered by Developers?

3. If so, (last question) is there any content in the game currently that was suggested by you lot?

But back onto the real topic. I really love all this stuff! It looks absolutely amazing! I'm not sure I like the large amount of rates in which they spawn. Think it should be decreased... but that's just me!
I demand the implementation of these in 1.3 :3
Just amazing and fits well with Terraria's general makeup.
1. Are there a lot of sprite-makers in the Terraria community?

2. Do things you guys suggest actually get put in the game and/or considered by Developers?

3. If so, (last question) is there any content in the game currently that was suggested by you lot?

Anyway, great work there! The pots look so... alive. And squishy. I bet we could use them as trampolines.
This looks fantastic! I love the drops, especially the ice flail.

What about book mimics? They could spawn commonly on shelves in the dungeon and fly around when the player gets close, like they are possessed. Maybe they could drop a nice spell.
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