OOC Random Journey in the Universe (OOC)

By popular demand..

Character Name: Veraneathe the Misbegotten

Character Nickname: Veraneathe

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 200-300, somewhat unknown

Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Character Appearance: A large beast of some sort, similar in physical shape to Maliketh from elden ring.. here's a picture. (low quality because the high quality one made the whole message lag due to length..)
View attachment 467167
He is somewhat lithe and slender, his fur a grey-ish white color. He wears a set of bright silver armor, but it seems.. small for him, as if he was a different form before.. It's covered in scratches, seemingly from his own long claws. He has some sort of warped and grated helmet, the lower half gone, and the upper half warped to fit over his eyes and head, a pair of long thin ears pointing backwards behind it, along with two long and slender black horns poking through the sides of the helmet.. right below where his eyes would be. They face forwards and end before reaching his snout at the end of his slender jaw, which is covered in sharp teeth. He has a large mane of "hair" coming from the back of his head, which is closer to white in its coloring, and is very puffy.

He has elongated fingers, his gloves missing the fingers and thumb entirely, just covering his oddly small palms. The fingers seem to have 4 joints instead of 3, with the thumb having 3 instead of 2. The final segments of each finger seem to be warped into long, slightly hooked black claws. While on all four limbs, he seems to walk on the topmost and second to topmost segments of the fingers, the third and fourth segments curled up as he does so. He has a thin, lion-like tail which is somewhat long, but covered in puffy hair similar to his mane. His hind legs are digitigrade and the feet seem to be much closer to paws than feet now..

He seems to have a giant scar in his side that looks as if it's festering, something metal glinting in the middle of the wound...

Character Species: Formerly human, currently a beast.

Character Height: Roughly 11 feet tall, constantly on four limbs.. unless..

Character Weight: About 900 pounds, surprisingly light for his size.

Character Personality:

Beastial, controlled by his feral urges and quite near mindless if he falls into one of his "mental trails", from there going on to do whatever action he feels compelled to, be it playful, hunger-driven, anger, or anything else really.

Aside from that, he is generally somewhat even keel, albeit a bit hot tempered, but also somewhat distant and remorseful.

Character Equipment: Seemingly nothing aside from his long and sharp claws..

Character Abilities: The ability to warp and distort the earth to a pretty strong degree, mainly used to easily lob big stones, create strong shockwaves with stomps, cause earthen spikes to erupt from the ground, etc.

Character Backstory:

Veraneathe was a mere soldier of the god of stone. The reason the god insisted soldiers in a place never once seen by an outsider was astounding. Veraneathe was a fierce man with a conviction seemingly not present amongst his kindred. For thousands of years, the people of the stone god had lived beneath the earth contentedly, never growing tired of the complete darkness. Veraneathe was different. He had heard rumors of the surface, of it being beautiful, and he had grown fully tired of dark.

And so, one day he left, his resolve furthered even further as nobody seemed to care. He was told by an old sage, perhaps his one and only true friend, about a narrow and winding cave that lead to the surface. Once he had found the entrance to this cave, he began his trek.

It took him nearly a month, fully exhausting his supplies and having to rely on strange water that trickled slowly down a river alongside the cave.. It tasted fresh, far better than the stagnant water within the deep underground city.

Finally, after exhausting everything he had, he reached the surface of his world. The sun shining on his face for the first time. He wept with joy, immediately realizing the correctness of his choice.

And within moments, a strange man walked up to him, wearing a long, flowing olive robe that concealed all but his hands, long, pale white, and slender, with pointy black fingernails.

"Why.. are you of the children of the earth?"

Veraneathe was stunned at the knowledge of the man, quickly answering with who he was.

The two began to walk, the man never lowering his thick and long hood, and constantly chatting in a friendly tone to the new arrival. He showed him the splendor of the flora and fauna of the planet, almost as if he had created them himself, talking about how they all worked in harmony. The two became almost like mentor and student, but even closer to friends.

Veraneathe, one evening, sitting around a burning fire with his teacher, found himself admiring the howl of the wolves. He admired everything about them really, their hunting prowess, attunement with nature, and most importantly, their community. He asked his strange guide, who had requested to be called Vita, about their howling.

And with this, Vita began a strange story about the origins of the wolves.

He talked about the first people of stone, fierce, tribal warriors, and how they fought constantly, with each other, and with the landscape. He described horrific monstrosities, what he called "beasts", and talked about the constant war between the people and these vile creations.

At the mention of having a relic from the war, Veraneathe's interest was peaked, he asked to see it.

The man's robe slowly shifted.. another four identical arms emerging from beneath is cloak as he slowly drew off his hood, revealing a featureless pale white head, the front covered in red, unblinking eyes.

The eyes slowly looked to Veraneathe, who shuddered. The figure then drew from within his robe a small, ancient metal sword, roughly split halfway up the blade, and stained in a dark black-ish crimson blood.

"This.. is a beastblood blade. A ceremonial dagger used to end the lives of captured and mutilated beasts.. It is said to still be soaked in the blood of the horrendous creatures.. and it is said to give the feral might of the beasts to any man who is willing to use it upon himself."

His words enamored Veraneathe, who was fascinated by the idea of becoming more in tune with nature.

And so, he took up the offer, sinking the small blade fully into his side.. and growing suddenly tired.

Vita laughed as he did so, watching Veraneathe pass out, and then he was gone.

When Veraneathe had awoken, he felt nothing.. he looked to his side, the wound already having closed, aside from a small stub of the hilt sticking from the wound. There was no pain, no feeling of hinderance from the blade in his side, nothing.

He went off to find Vita.. but he was gone, completely gone.

He began to notice the changes after only a few days.

His hearing first began to grow sharp, his eyesight following behind. He felt as if he had grown taller each day. All blessings he likened to the blade.

And suddenly, after a few days, it began to hurt.

His bones ached, his skin felt as if it was burning, his gums felt as if they were tearing. He thought he was dying, but he slowly noticed his body warping further every day. His teeth grew sharp, his face growing longer. What he gained in height, he lost in width, feeling as if his body became more streamlined, he began to struggle to stand, slowly being forced to walk on all four limbs. His nails grew sharp, fusing further with his fingers, and all of the hair across his body seemed to grow thicker and discolor more by the day.

After several months, he was no longer a warrior of stone, but a beast of his own making, clawing desperately at the armor painfully too small to fit his now animalistic body, screaming in agony at the moon and in anguish for his mistakes, and cursing Vita through sharp, canine teeth.

The worst part, he thought, was how he had never lost his mind. He was fully aware of his strife, and yet still felt the urges of the creature he had become, trying to balance the two nearly causing him to lose what little sanity he had left.

And so he wandered the endless, bountiful forest of his planet, never finding another sentient soul, but never being without the resources he needed to sustain his new form.

... that is.. until he ended up here.

Character Quirks:

He speaks quite well still, albeit in a low growling tone, sometimes even letting out animalistic noises mid-sentence if he begins to feel feral..

Character Flaws:

Easily distracted or taken off track if his feral urges are appealed to, very hard to deal with in any sort of friendly regard due to his tendencies..

Hex color: #783631

(this guy was inspired by every bloodborne beast boss I've ever seen)
And now for the application of 2 very normal Daybreak dudes. I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to any of these guys!
Character Name: Scales

Character Nickname: N/A

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 21

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Character Appearance: A thin, green lizard person with scales and a brown underbelly, donning a black military uniform and night vision goggles.

Character Species: Shifter

Character Height: 6ft 1

Character Weight: 130lbs

Character Personality:
  • Quite willlful.
  • Friendly
  • Tends to go with the flow, or follow orders to the letter.
  • A bit fearful for his life. Life as a Daybreak operative is dangerous, after all. It's almost a wonder why he doesn't just take a desk job...

Character Equipment:
  • Gunblade: An energy assault rifle with a chainsaw of a bayonnette built in just beneath the barrel.
  • Standard walkie talkie and communication scroll for tracking of his location, along with communication with his fellow operatives in general.
  • Night vision goggles. Technically not standard considering the options shifters have for seeing things at night, but useful.

Character Abilities:
Specialty: Aim. Can sometimes pull off highly improbable shots.​
Shifting + Regeneration: Typical for shifters like him from Daybreak. It still takes him a good minute to regrow things like limbs, though light wounds are sealed up easily enough within a few moments. Just keep the pressure up on him in combat in order to make him not heal by giving him bigger fish to fry, or just go for killing blows outright.​
Operative (general troop): A balanced Daybreak operative whose power and speed, while middling in Daybreak's ranks, are not insignificant. He's trained to fight others in combat, though he's not particularly great at it. His abilities do set him apart from normal troops though.​
Magic: Only knows some weak electric magic and the Lesser Telekinesis spell. Not particularly motivated to do much more, but surprisingly alright at his niche as a general troop.​

Character Backstory:
Just a normal guy...from the Crimson Roses. He worked mostly for them as a bounty hunter for the money, which he used to support his family.​
Who questionably deserve it, seeing as their addict lifestyles depend mostly on the money he pulls in for them.​
One day he was hired for an operation by this odd organisation called Daybreak.​

Character Quirks: Likes lazing around on occasion.

Character flaws:
Physically weak and slow, not too great at close-quarters combat.​
Might end up running away if things get too bad in battle.​
Barely asserts himself as much as he could or should.​

Extras/Trivia: Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to this guy!

Character Name: Hans Xper

Character Nickname: Braggar (derogatively by his fellow operatives, behind his back).

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 20

Character Alignment: Neutral evil

Character Appearance: A short, orange kobold in a navy blue shirt with grey shorts.

Character Species: Shifter

Character Height: 4ft tall

Character Weight: 30lbs

Character Personality:
  • Extremely bold and brave.
  • Tries to be funny. Key word being tries.
  • Borderline egotistical, masks worry with an air of confidence.
  • Nice enough on his downtime, not always trying to maintain a high self-image when he knows how pitiful he kind of is.

Character Equipment:
  • Two daggers.
  • Standard walkie talkie and communication scroll for tracking of his location, along with communication with his fellow operatives in general.

Character Abilities:
Specialty: Phase. This allows him to, for brief periods of time, choose to Phase through objects, his body briefly melding with magic in order to allow him to permeate the object in question. This does have a short cooldown though, so cannot render him invincible for a time, not to mention he has to be actively aware of what he wants to phase through. He also lacks the fine control to do things like reach into a person's chest and crush their heart. It's unclear if that's even possible for him.​
Shifting + Regeneration: Typical for shifters like him from Daybreak. It still takes him a good minute to regrow things like limbs, though light wounds are sealed up easily enough within a few moments. Just keep the pressure up on him in combat in order to make him not heal by giving him bigger fish to fry, or just go for killing blows outright.​
Operative (scou): A Daybreak operative with a focus on speed, agility, infiltration and stealth, and attacking critical entities of interest. He's trained to fight others in combat and knows a thing or two about stealth, though he's not particularly great at it. His abilities do set him apart from normal troops though.​
Magic: He knows only the Lesser Telekinesis spell, along with the Wind Aura and Wind Pierce spell. Both of those latter two spells are useful for improving his mobility though, so he can start to match the speeds flier scouts can go at (as fast as cars or helicopters).​

Character Backstory: A normal kobold who was convinced to join Daybreak's efforts after hearing one of Light's many speeches he made in underground circles.
"This is the greatest calling any of us can ever pursue..."

Character Quirks:
  • Likes oranges, sour candy, and powerful gusts of winds, that he likes standing heroically in...to stumble backwards a second later because of how light he is.

Character flaws:
  • Insecure regarding his own capabilities, so will always chase after great power and is easily outraged by those who manage to harm his self-image.
  • He's physically weak and incapable of putting out much in terms of pure strength.

Extras/Trivia: He's totally not gonna be tricked at some point.
And now for the application of 2 very normal Daybreak dudes. I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to any of these guys!
Character Name: Scales

Character Nickname: N/A

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 21

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Character Appearance: A thin, green lizard person with scales and a brown underbelly, donning a black military uniform and night vision goggles.

Character Species: Shifter

Character Height: 6ft 1

Character Weight: 130lbs

Character Personality:
  • Quite willlful.
  • Friendly
  • Tends to go with the flow, or follow orders to the letter.
  • A bit fearful for his life. Life as a Daybreak operative is dangerous, after all. It's almost a wonder why he doesn't just take a desk job...

Character Equipment:
  • Gunblade: An energy assault rifle with a chainsaw of a bayonnette built in just beneath the barrel.
  • Standard walkie talkie and communication scroll for tracking of his location, along with communication with his fellow operatives in general.
  • Night vision goggles. Technically not standard considering the options shifters have for seeing things at night, but useful.

Character Abilities:
Specialty: Aim. Can sometimes pull off highly improbable shots.​
Shifting + Regeneration: Typical for shifters like him from Daybreak. It still takes him a good minute to regrow things like limbs, though light wounds are sealed up easily enough within a few moments. Just keep the pressure up on him in combat in order to make him not heal by giving him bigger fish to fry, or just go for killing blows outright.​
Operative (general troop): A balanced Daybreak operative whose power and speed, while middling in Daybreak's ranks, are not insignificant. He's trained to fight others in combat, though he's not particularly great at it. His abilities do set him apart from normal troops though.​
Magic: Only knows some weak electric magic and the Lesser Telekinesis spell. Not particularly motivated to do much more, but surprisingly alright at his niche as a general troop.​

Character Backstory:
Just a normal guy...from the Crimson Roses. He worked mostly for them as a bounty hunter for the money, which he used to support his family.​
Who questionably deserve it, seeing as their addict lifestyles depend mostly on the money he pulls in for them.​
One day he was hired for an operation by this odd organisation called Daybreak.​

Character Quirks: Likes lazing around on occasion.

Character flaws:
Physically weak and slow, not too great at close-quarters combat.​
Might end up running away if things get too bad in battle.​
Barely asserts himself as much as he could or should.​

Extras/Trivia: Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to this guy!
And now for the application of 2 very normal Daybreak dudes. I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to any of these guys!
Character Name: Scales

Character Nickname: N/A

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 21

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Character Appearance: A thin, green lizard person with scales and a brown underbelly, donning a black military uniform and night vision goggles.

Character Species: Shifter

Character Height: 6ft 1

Character Weight: 130lbs

Character Personality:
  • Quite willlful.
  • Friendly
  • Tends to go with the flow, or follow orders to the letter.
  • A bit fearful for his life. Life as a Daybreak operative is dangerous, after all. It's almost a wonder why he doesn't just take a desk job...

Character Equipment:
  • Gunblade: An energy assault rifle with a chainsaw of a bayonnette built in just beneath the barrel.
  • Standard walkie talkie and communication scroll for tracking of his location, along with communication with his fellow operatives in general.
  • Night vision goggles. Technically not standard considering the options shifters have for seeing things at night, but useful.

Character Abilities:
Specialty: Aim. Can sometimes pull off highly improbable shots.​
Shifting + Regeneration: Typical for shifters like him from Daybreak. It still takes him a good minute to regrow things like limbs, though light wounds are sealed up easily enough within a few moments. Just keep the pressure up on him in combat in order to make him not heal by giving him bigger fish to fry, or just go for killing blows outright.​
Operative (general troop): A balanced Daybreak operative whose power and speed, while middling in Daybreak's ranks, are not insignificant. He's trained to fight others in combat, though he's not particularly great at it. His abilities do set him apart from normal troops though.​
Magic: Only knows some weak electric magic and the Lesser Telekinesis spell. Not particularly motivated to do much more, but surprisingly alright at his niche as a general troop.​

Character Backstory:
Just a normal guy...from the Crimson Roses. He worked mostly for them as a bounty hunter for the money, which he used to support his family.​
Who questionably deserve it, seeing as their addict lifestyles depend mostly on the money he pulls in for them.​
One day he was hired for an operation by this odd organisation called Daybreak.​

Character Quirks: Likes lazing around on occasion.

Character flaws:
Physically weak and slow, not too great at close-quarters combat.​
Might end up running away if things get too bad in battle.​
Barely asserts himself as much as he could or should.​

Extras/Trivia: Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to this guy!

Character Name: Hans Xper

Character Nickname: Braggar (derogatively by his fellow operatives, behind his back).

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 20

Character Alignment: Neutral evil

Character Appearance: A short, orange kobold in a navy blue shirt with grey shorts.

Character Species: Shifter

Character Height: 4ft tall

Character Weight: 30lbs

Character Personality:
  • Extremely bold and brave.
  • Tries to be funny. Key word being tries.
  • Borderline egotistical, masks worry with an air of confidence.
  • Nice enough on his downtime, not always trying to maintain a high self-image when he knows how pitiful he kind of is.

Character Equipment:
  • Two daggers.
  • Standard walkie talkie and communication scroll for tracking of his location, along with communication with his fellow operatives in general.

Character Abilities:
Specialty: Phase. This allows him to, for brief periods of time, choose to Phase through objects, his body briefly melding with magic in order to allow him to permeate the object in question. This does have a short cooldown though, so cannot render him invincible for a time, not to mention he has to be actively aware of what he wants to phase through. He also lacks the fine control to do things like reach into a person's chest and crush their heart. It's unclear if that's even possible for him.​
Shifting + Regeneration: Typical for shifters like him from Daybreak. It still takes him a good minute to regrow things like limbs, though light wounds are sealed up easily enough within a few moments. Just keep the pressure up on him in combat in order to make him not heal by giving him bigger fish to fry, or just go for killing blows outright.​
Operative (scou): A Daybreak operative with a focus on speed, agility, infiltration and stealth, and attacking critical entities of interest. He's trained to fight others in combat and knows a thing or two about stealth, though he's not particularly great at it. His abilities do set him apart from normal troops though.​
Magic: He knows only the Lesser Telekinesis spell, along with the Wind Aura and Wind Pierce spell. Both of those latter two spells are useful for improving his mobility though, so he can start to match the speeds flier scouts can go at (as fast as cars or helicopters).​

Character Backstory: A normal kobold who was convinced to join Daybreak's efforts after hearing one of Light's many speeches he made in underground circles.
"This is the greatest calling any of us can ever pursue..."

Character Quirks:
  • Likes oranges, sour candy, and powerful gusts of winds, that he likes standing heroically in...to stumble backwards a second later because of how light he is.

Character flaws:
  • Insecure regarding his own capabilities, so will always chase after great power and is easily outraged by those who manage to harm his self-image.
  • He's physically weak and incapable of putting out much in terms of pure strength.

Extras/Trivia: He's totally not gonna be tricked at some point.
I'm gonna plan something really special for RJITU's 4th birthday, but is it's birthday the 27th (aka this OOC's creation) or the 30th (aka the IC's creation)
Heya everyone,

As you know i'm planning something for RJITU's anniversary even if I haven't been paying attention to it for a while, I have two things in mind that involve 3 of the classic characters.

1. A event in the roleplay itself

2. A story just in case the event flops.

If you have any questions about it, tell me.
So this is kind of a poll here, but should I make and then post (re)designs for the certain 3 at the same time as the applications or make the applications first and make the (re)designs at a later date.
So I figured out how to do this (this is gonna be my last message for now since I don't want to flood the thread.)

For starters, i'm gonna review applications again, so if your character or group needs reviewing, ask me.

Second, got the remastered (true) applications for my "Main 3" right here (Yes, i'm gonna return for real hopefully).

Character Name: Burst

Character Nickname: N/A

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: Around 30s (Although due to demon aging rules, he's effectively like a 19-21 year old)

Character Alignment: Neutral (Leaning slightly towards Good)

Character Appearance: A orange demon with unkempt fur styled in a way that it seems like he has a beard, a demon tail, claws and no wings (scars on back imply that they were ripped off), one of his horns is sharp while the other seems to have been broken in half.

In terms of outfit, Burst has a cracked mask with blueish purple accents and a B on the forehead (although he doesn't actually wear it properly ever since his merchant career failed for trying to sell a poisonous mushroom.), he also wears bandages on his feet since wearing actual footwear with claws is complicated along with a top hat, cloak/cape, blueish purple jacket? and dark grey trousers.

Character Species: Demon

Character Personality: Tends to act selfish and grumpy but also fair, understanding and respecting, can be a bit of a loner at times.

Character Equipment: Nothing, just his claws.

Character Abilities: Able to cast shadow magic (basic terraria demon stuff) and hell magic (aka pyromancy), has increased agility.

Character Backstory: Burst is a amnesiac demon who never bothered to remember his past, he had his wings torn off prior to losing his memories.

Burst hung out with a few groups but ended up getting into trouble with one of them after he made the stupid decision of working with the group's enemy, leading to him being kicked out of it while his status ended up unknown for the enemy group.

Because of this, Burst has settled on not working for anyone and became a vendor who sold stuff, but his stupidity led to him accidentally selling a poisoned mushroom to someone, because of this, he decided to roam the world as a random wanderer and hope his mistakes don't return, opting to never truly align with anyone (even if he may travel with a group, he wouldn't completely side with their beliefs).

Character Quirks: Very agile and knows how to climb structures, skilled with magic and a fast learner, can live without eating or drinking.

Character Flaws: Tends to make dumb decisions, can't take hits easily, tends to be a bit hot-headed at times.

Character Name: Paimko Hollow

Character Nickname: N/A

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: Around early 30s

Character Alignment: Good

Character Appearance: A large humanoid with a damaged/cracked jack o lantern as a head (consisting of a greenish stem, eyes, mouth and a triangle nose) and orange skin that appears to be made of pumpkin chunks, the face lights up and darkens depending on mood and consciousness.

Paimko typically wears a purple scarf with a sinister looking face on it, a black jacket with ripped sleeves and no undershirt, fingerless gloves, metal shoulder guards, knee guards, grey trousers and brown boots.

Character Species: Kaborin (sometimes called a pumpling by some people, basically humanoid jack o lanterns)

Character Personality: Despite his muscular and intimidating appearance, he's actually kind of a cowardly pacifist who tries his hardest to make sure everyone gets along, he's notably afraid of demons, losing his allies and water.

Character Equipment: A scythe that seems to be made of crimtane.

Character Abilities: N/A

Character Backstory: Paimko was cared for and raised by his father since his mother was killed by humans (let's just say kaborins were associated with pumpkin moons and the headless horseman way more before than now.)

When he got older, Paimko was gifted his father's scythe, the scythe he has now, becoming a traveller who simply wants to survive in the world and pick up a hobby and friends along the way.

Character Quirks: Physically strong and tough, easy to get along with, open-minded to most ideas.

Character Flaws: Weakened when underwater (the essence in his head is kind of like fire), cowardly nature tends to result in him hesitating a bit too much, struggles deeply if a friend is killed.

Character Name: ???

Character Nickname: Besti

Character Gender: Genderless (Uses he/him pronouns)

Character Age: ???

Character Alignment: Good

Character Appearance: A robot golem with dark blue fur covering its metal body, spikes on the top of its head and green eyes, one of his arms is a claw and he has a faded star on his forehead.

Despite being a robot, he wears a black coat, a bandaged hand, dark blue track pants, a knee guard and black boots.

Character Species: Robotic Golem

Character Personality: A fearless machine who seems to enjoy waiting around for tasks and commands, often gets confused when people go on about stuff not in his memory, afraid of being damaged, doesn't display excitement, love, sadness or happiness.

Character Equipment: Nothing

Character Abilities: Has increased durability and strength compared to most basic robots, is waterproof.

Character Backstory: Besti was built as a world saving machine, but since the technology became outdated quickly and Besti had a few errors in his system, he was abandoned but that wouldn't stop him from activating.

Besti would look around for people to save and danger to defeat, although he eventually gave up and focused on keeping himself in check.

Character Quirks: Very durable and strong, pretty intelligent, very good at accomplishing most tasks.

Character Flaws: Errors in system may lead to him randomly blanking people or not registering a response, not good at being quiet thanks to being made of metal, can't feel some emotions.
At long last
Sylvi finally has art
I'm kind of unavailable right now though!
On the brightish side I'm next?
Sylvi and Algar have had "Coming Soon" in their descriptions since 2022 it's about time I got to work on that
May I join? here's my character idea:
Name: Zilch

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Alignment (Good, bad, maybe even neutral..?): Unknown. He appears to be evilish-neutral.

Appearance (Pictures or Description): 6 Feet tall, wears a purple hoodie, has a bandage wrapped around his hand and lower arm. Wears a band-aid on his nose. Has brown hair with a bit of blond. Appears bruised.

Species: Human

Personality: Dull and sociopathic. He'll manipulate others, twist their emotions, and hurt those who thought they cared for him. All. Without. any. Reaction.

Equipment/Weapons and Armor: Uses a very sharp knife as a weapon, and doesn't really use armor.

Abilities: INSANELY MANIPULATIVE AND INTELLIGENT. He doesn't even have to talk. He uses body language and is still able to trick innocent souls into being used for his own enjoyment.

Quirks: He. Doesn't. Talk. He's COMPLETELY mute. And this isn't due to a medical condition, he chooses not to speak. He speaks exclusively in body language.

Flaws: Due to his refusal to speak, it's hard for him to get help when he needs it.

Extras: He's quite good at covering his tracks and sneaking around. He could invade almost anything without being caught, as long as he knows the layout of the area. He frequently uses this ability to get people to be his "friends" so he can use them later.
Text Color: "..."
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