Hot Topic Share your RNG luck here!

When I last played, I killed a few wraith thingies and out dropped a magic teleportation wand. I almost didn't pick it up due to full inventory, but sure glad I did when I learnt how exceedingly rare of a drop that was.

Hardly on the same level, but still nice. Started a new world and crafted a wooden sword. It came out Legendary :)
My luck is terrible, I hand to kill moon lord so many times to get the meowmere that I litrilly got over 10 moon lord trophies
20231031121112_1.jpg I love rng...
My random number generator is usually default, but I know it loves Fast Clock (got like 10 of them in my hardmode playthrough) and Yelets (got nearly 5 in same playthrough)
This game has the stupidest RNG, and it is really funny sometimes. How on earth did I get stellar tune prior to Kaleidoscope? Why are my odds for getting a bee gun across two worlds 1/12, although the odds are 1/3? I should have 8 bee guns, not 2. It took me 3 hours for a singular desert key.

I’ve nicknamed this “Terraria Syndrome” after this crap. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, it’s just real stupid sometimes.
Welcome to the Desire Sensor! It's a well-documented fact that due to our pattern-seeking brains, when we are specifically looking for something we will be made much more aware of the time spent not obtaining it while we won't even bat an eye at tripping over it while playing if we aren't looking for it.

Remember: Statistics and numbers don't lie, but they can be misinterpreted!
An example of the Desire Sensor in action!
"I need souls of light"
*goes to underground hallow*
*15 minutes later*
I just waisted all my bait (3 star worms, 4 master bait, and 1 journey) trying to get a Crystal Serpent. I then switched my priorities to Meteor Staff, where my first two pixies dropped two Fast Clocks and a Megaphone.

This game has the stupidest RNG, and it is really funny sometimes. How on earth did I get stellar tune prior to Kaleidoscope? Why are my odds for getting a bee gun across two worlds 1/12, although the odds are 1/3? I should have 8 bee guns, not 2. It took me 3 hours for a singular desert key.

I’ve nicknamed this “Terraria Syndrome” after this crap. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, it’s just real stupid sometimes.
Hi @Clockwork17 I moved your post (and any replies) into this already existing thread with a very similar topic. :)
I murdered two goblin tinkerers with a lava bucket because they were eating too much platinum. The third Tinkerer seemed to get the message and now all my gear is Warding. I make sure to remind him that I murdered the two goblins before him and now my luck is excellent! I've got Legendary and Mythical weaponry and this goblin dude usually gets me there in less than five rolls. I doubt it has anything to do with my threats and I don't think burning goblin tinkerers alive in lava effects your RNG but I'll keep telling myself that it does!
Me and my friend got 2 corruption keys and 1 desert key within around 5 minutes of each other. 1 corruption and desert key dropped so close to each other that both of the item pickup things were above me at the same time. I also got 2 rods of discord in my Master Mode world. I am lucky af.
Started up the game, makes a world, kills 5 slimes, slime staff

More recently, looks for enchanted sword for zenith, creates 7 worlds, no shrine, fishes for crates, 200 crates later, enchanted sword, 5 seconds later in another world, 2 enchanted sword shrines(on the bright side I have the Zenith)

Got the Zenith, has to reforge it 200 times to get legendary, it cost me so much
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