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On a world I made i got slime staff within i think the first 50 slimes, and then I got dirtiest block from throwing a random scarab bomb after telling my friend "you arent gonna guess what i am gonna do next." i threw the bomb and BOOM! dirtiest block.
Amazing RNG @Felixwarp!

I moved your post into this already existing thread for the same topic. You can share your great luck, and your bad luck, in this thread. :)
this is like, genuinely a question, I was live a couple of days ago on Twitch attempting to get my next whip upgrade (The Morning Star) and it took me an hour and a half to get a Morning Star but I legitimately got 8 Keybrands, the wiki says that the 2 weapons have the same drop chance from the same enemies, why did this happen???
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Screenshot 2024-02-10 170434.png
the :red:ING YELETS AND AMAROK YOYOES. i have so frickin' many of those.

the Amarok is understandable as my main base is right on the border of a snow biome, but the Yelets i get way too much even if i only go to the jungle on only a semi-common basis (usually to gather life fruits, or mine chlorophyte from my farm)
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