tAPI Shockah's tweak mods

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Attempting to open the prefixes cheat menu in-game causes the whole thing to :red: itself and crash with:
"System.ArgumentException: Unable to sort because the IComparer.Compare() method returns inconsistent results. Either a value does not compare equal to itself, or one value repeatedly compared to another value yields different results. x: '', x's type: 'Prefix', IComparer: 'Shockah.FCM.Sorter`1[Terraria.Prefix]'.
at System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1.Sort( keys, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, comparer)
at System.Array.Sort( array, System.Int32 index, System.Int32 length, comparer)
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Sort(System.Int32 index, System.Int32 count, comparer)
at Shockah.FCM.Standard.InterfaceFCMPrefixes.RunFilters()
at Shockah.FCM.Standard.InterfaceFCMPrefixes.Refresh(System.Boolean resetScroll)
at Shockah.FCM.Standard.InterfaceFCMPrefixes.OnOpen()
at TAPI.Interface.Open(TAPI.InterfaceAnchor anchor = )
at Shockah.FCM.Standard.MBase.<OnAllModsLoaded>b__6()
at Shockah.FCM.LittleButton.Draw(Shockah.Base.SFrame frame, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 pos)
at Shockah.FCM.FrameFCMButtons.OnRender(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at Shockah.Base.SFrame.Render(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at Shockah.Base.SFrame.RenderAll(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at Shockah.Base.ILFrames.OnDraw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at TAPI.InterfaceLayer.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at Terraria.Main.DrawInterface()
at Terraria.Main.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime)"
I can't make sense of this. Any help?
you have the Shockah's base and it's in the right order, correct?
you have the Shockah's base and it's in the right order, correct?
Wait, the order mattered?
If so, here's the mods I have:

Which way should they be ordered?
Well, :red:.
Might as well go cry in a corner for a few reasons:
  1. I have no idea how to pull the code from his github.
  2. No matter what I do (reinstalling the entire game, deleting files with help from W1K, etc), it still crashes upon opening prefixes menu.
  3. I'm not spending 5 1/2 hours grinding everything for the stuff I need to experiment with.
  4. He doesn't want to help anyone and can't be bothered to update and fix his mods, let alone show people how to pull the code from his github (see reason 1).
Well, :red:.
Might as well go cry in a corner for a few reasons:
  1. I have no idea how to pull the code from his github.
  2. No matter what I do (reinstalling the entire game, deleting files with help from W1K, etc), it still crashes upon opening prefixes menu.
  3. I'm not spending 5 1/2 hours grinding everything for the stuff I need to experiment with.
  4. He doesn't want to help anyone and can't be bothered to update and fix his mods, let alone show people how to pull the code from his github (see reason 1).
You could just disable prefix mod.
He can't help or anything because he's busy with college.
Okay, before I get any more posts stating exactly the same thing:
At the moment, I have NO TIME to work on these mods. I have work and college at the same time. Finals for this term are closing in and I doubt I'll be able to pass them without studying (which I never even had to do before college, I just somehow passed). Studying A LOT. I'm well aware of the issues. But at this point it's not only a one-line fix anymore, due to the fact I started rewriting the whole Shockah.Base to not be so annoying to use both for modders and people playing mods. It's all on a separate branch on my git repository though. The master branch has some fixes, but I never got to releasing them. If you know how to deal with this stuff, go take a look at http://github.com/Shockah/Terraria-tAPI-Mods. Thanks for your attention.

Oh. I thought you had a prefix mod... :red: Sorry.
I don't know what the problem is causing it to crash, it works perfectly fine for me.

W1K said:
the issue is there's one thousand and one things that can go wrong and no computer is the same
And of all the people that it could happen to, it had to happen to the one person who can't use mods without the cheat menu.

Then it turns out the only thing that crashes is the Prefixes menu...when I need it to do things.
Reason 1: Go to the top folder in his Github, download the ZIP, unzip, work with. If you don't know how to load up the source for recompiling to a .tapi file, that's not his fault. Plenty of people have stated how to do it in the tAPI thread for other mods. I was able to compile the latest version of his Accessories+ mod from Github without even looking at those posts. Just take a look at the tAPI Builder for a while and you'll get it.

Reason 3: ...lol
He doesn't want to help anyone and can't be bothered to update and fix his mods, let alone show people how to pull the code from his github (see reason 1).
Well. I wonder if YOU had the will to code ANYTHING after 8 hours of coding at work every day monday-friday. Also after that, most likely studying for the college, because you have your finals on saturday-sunday?

EDIT: Also, people are doing a great a job at helping others either understand my situation or actually fix their problems, so I didn't feel like posting anything.
I just found out that by expanding the NPC circle when you summon one in FCM, you can summon more! These are some of the best mods ever.
Has anyone else noticed that Bait Power doesn't show up when using the Enhanced Tooltips mod? Because they don't.

Probably an easy fix... I can't imagine it being any different from Tool Power.
:sigh: Darn. This pops up when I try to make a new character with ACCESORY SLOTS+ on:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BaseMod.BasePlayer.HasAccessory(Terraria.Player player, System.Int32 type, System.Boolean normal, System.Boolean vanity, System.Boolean& social, System.Int32& index)
at BaseMod.BasePlayer.HasAccessory(Terraria.Player player, System.Int32 type, System.Boolean normal, System.Boolean vanity)
at GRealm.Items.ShroomShell.GetActiveShell(Terraria.Player player, System.Boolean visual = False)
at GRealm.MPlayer.<.ctor>b__7(TAPI.PlayerLayer layer, Terraria.Player drawPlayer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at TAPI.PlayerLayer+Action.OnDraw(Terraria.Player drawPlayer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at TAPI.PlayerLayer.Draw(Terraria.Player drawPlayer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch sb)
at Terraria.Main.DrawPlayer(Terraria.Player drawPlayer, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 Position, System.Single rotation, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 rotationOrigin, System.Single shadow = 0)
at TAPI.MenuButtonDrawPlayer.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch SP, System.Boolean mouseOver)
at TAPI.MenuPage.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch SP)
at TAPI.Menu.DrawMenu()
at Terraria.Main.Draw(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime)

It works fine without it on, though -_- is there a specific order? this is my mods screen:

(Luckily, GIMP didnt cut out the parts i wanted to show :happy:)

Please, someone help; So many accesories I love, so little space! :(

EDIT: Oops, I just had t disable GRealm; Never Mind! :p
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I use some mods, which are:
-Some of Shockah's mods (Shockah Base, Accessory Slots +, Fancy Cheat Menu, Inventory Tweaks, Enhanced Tooltips)
-GBase and GRealm
-Thorium+ mod
-Elemental Boots
I tried some of accessories(including many accessories from some mods), and I experienced that some accessories' effect aren't work on the additional AC Slots (Shields from Thorium+, the Illuminant Pearls Necklace from Elemental Boots and a few accessories from GRealm),they work just in case if I put them to vanilla accessory slots.
I don't know why, but if possible, here will be a fix patch for Accessory Slots + mod?
In response to your question:

Okay, before I get any more posts stating exactly the same thing:
At the moment, I have NO TIME to work on these mods. I have work and college at the same time. Finals for this term are closing in and I doubt I'll be able to pass them without studying (which I never even had to do before college, I just somehow passed). Studying A LOT. I'm well aware of the issues. But at this point it's not only a one-line fix anymore, due to the fact I started rewriting the whole Shockah.Base to not be so annoying to use both for modders and people playing mods. It's all on a separate branch on my git repository though. The master branch has some fixes, but I never got to releasing them. If you know how to deal with this stuff, go take a look at http://github.com/Shockah/Terraria-tAPI-Mods. Thanks for your attention.

Right now, he doesn't have the time. This is a known problem. Please read the thread more carefully before asking what's already been asked and answered. He'll get to it all when he has time, but for now, he has other things he has to focus on.
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