Making this right now and having some trouble with changing the colour of the lighting on the lava. If anyone more proficient could chime in on this it would be pretty helpful. .tapi file is included if anyone wants to look through and insult my methods Did this pretty quick so I have only done the cursed inferno and ichor and it seems to work pretty well. Also managed to remove the on fire debuff from the 'custom' lava. (Also I have yet to change lava fall colours)
Also it should be pretty obvious that I like this idea! Awesome suggestion Snicker.
EDIT: Some screens for you all.
As you can see it looks pretty nice and really fitting. These screens are taken in game!
Biomes have a unique effect on water which changes water's color, so I thought: How about lava, too?
Normal: How it appears everywhere else besides the below biomes.
Corruption: A bright green, like cursed flames.
Crimson: A bright yellow, like ichor.
Hallow: A glowing cyan as... I dunno.
Snow: Turns a dark gray with red cracks/wrinkles, like it's cooling down.
Jungle: Black? Like tar.. *shrug*
If it's possible, the evil biome-colored lavas would inflict their biome's debuff, with Hallow giving Confusion and Snow and Jungle slowing movement down similar to Honey.
You could change the color of lava outside the corresponding biome with water fountains.. OR with new lava fountain items that appear to be made of obsidian rather than stone, likely sold by the Witch Doctor in Hardmode.
This change would not only expand upon the themes of the different biomes, but allow for new decorative liquid types as well. Instead of just, there'd be a variety of colors()!
Do you Two realize what you've got here? THIS. CHANGES. EVERYTHING!
This solves tonnes of "add-a-new-liquid" vs. "four-liquid-limit" suggestion arguments that have been going on for years!
Also, instead of "snow" lava and tar having a viscosity change, it could just inflict the Slow debuff in addition to a shorter duration of On-Fire! debuff.