Biomes & Nature [Sprites] Biome-colored lava

They can just take out all of the current coding for lava and have it so it gives different effects depending on what biome the player is in. They would be different liquids in the players' eyes but in the game it's just a debuff liquid with different debuffs wherever that player is.
Coding aside, it's just not lava anymore. I would definitely preffer that tar over the default lava for traps anymore, but I'm not gonna go to the designated biome to make a trap for mobs. If this is ever going to be added, they will be seperate liquids I bet.
I guess it could be yellow lava, but what about the hallow and jungle? They look nothing like lava, and with these you run into the problem of conveying that they are lethal to touch.
Hallow has pink water, and Jungle has green sky. It's not realistic, but it's atmospheric.

It's just as confusing as the different colored waters. "Is this safe to touch?" You test it and then remember that it is or isn't.

Coding aside, it's just not lava anymore. I would definitely preffer that tar over the default lava for traps anymore, but I'm not gonna go to the designated biome to make a trap for mobs. If this is ever going to be added, they will be seperate liquids I bet.

Water can turn yellow, red, pink, and purple.. I'm just not seeing why it's such a big issue when it happens to lava.

@jordan has already shown that it's possible to not only change the color of lava, but inflict debuffs as well. The only apparent problem is the red glow lava emits, however that doesn't sound impossible, just takes a little more work. It would definitely take less work than rewriting the whole Terraria engine to allow more than 4 liquids for liquids that have identical effects. And then you'll have normal lava in corruption that spread over. It's way easier to just have the colors change. They didn't make new liquids per water color type, so they don't have to with lava either.
These biomes also change the color of water and sky.
Yes, but that is because of different materials and elements that you can find in the air and the water, like plankton. Lava however just burns all of this, so it cannot get a color change from that.
Also, they sky barely changes in any of the natural biomes. The background changes, but the sky remains the same, blue sky.
Hallow has pink water, and Jungle has green sky. It's not realistic, but it's atmospheric.

It's just as confusing as the different colored waters. "Is this safe to touch?" You test it and then remember that it is or isn't.

Water can turn yellow, red, pink, and purple.. I'm just not seeing why it's such a big issue when it happens to lava.

@jordan has already shown that it's possible to not only change the color of lava, but inflict debuffs as well. The only apparent problem is the red glow lava emits, however that doesn't sound impossible, just takes a little more work. It would definitely take less work than rewriting the whole Terraria engine to allow more than 4 liquids for liquids that have identical effects. And then you'll have normal lava in corruption that spread over. It's way easier to just have the colors change. They didn't make new liquids per water color type, so they don't have to with lava either.
While the color changes in water, its effects NEVER change. Here, different liquids have different qualities, so you might like one over the other.
Yes, but that is because of different materials and elements that you can find in the air and the water, like plankton. Lava however just burns all of this, so it cannot get a color change from that.
Also, they sky barely changes in any of the natural biomes. The background changes, but the sky remains the same, blue sky.
So you are trying to say that the plankton changes the hallow's water to purple... in Terraria... a game with no mention of plankton... ever. It is all atmospheric and adds quite a nice feel to both the biomes, making them feel more unique, as has been the purpose of the two in the first place. Not saying your logic is flawed, even though it very well may be, just think you need to re-think your statement and remove any mention of magical plankton changing magical water..
Coding aside, it's just not lava anymore. I would definitely preffer that tar over the default lava for traps anymore, but I'm not gonna go to the designated biome to make a trap for mobs. If this is ever going to be added, they will be seperate liquids I bet.
Actually, to add to this; I could make a new block with the sole purpose of transforming lava on screen into one of the other liquids. So no need to go to the designated biome, just place this new magical block and have the liquids change as if you were in the biome.

While the color changes in water, its effects NEVER change. Here, different liquids have different qualities, so you might like one over the other.
Also the effect change is quite minimal, you really wouldn't notice much of a difference. The only one I can see some people liking is the Ichor one, due to it's defense decrease.

People aren't going to like that fact that I'm thinking about making water in the jungle slightly poisonous are they... Slightly meaning it will only poison you once underwater and there will probably be accessories/armour that negate this. For example a breathing rod and diving armour. Probably won't change it much for the people that will download the mod, as they seem pretty open to the idea of changing liquids for atmosphere and function. We will see how much of a stink this makes though :P

Wow, that's so damn awesome! I support this fully!

By the way, @jordan, could ya post a pic of the snow biome lava (if it's done), just for us to see how it looks like?
Haven't done the others yet and I'm sure that one would look rather nasty as it is. I'll give it a go later today to see if I can mess with the stitching together to make it look nice.
So you are trying to say that the plankton changes the hallow's water to purple... in Terraria... a game with no mention of plankton... ever. It is all atmospheric and adds quite a nice feel to both the biomes, making them feel more unique, as has been the purpose of the two in the first place. Not saying your logic is flawed, even though it very well may be, just think you need to re-think your statement and remove any mention of magical plankton changing magical water..
No, plankton in the natural biome's water only. The Corruption, Crimson and Hallow gets their color from... f:redmunch:k, I dunno, magic or something. Hallowed plankton, maybe?
No, to the natural biomes. The Corruption, Crimson and Hallow gets their color from... f:redmunch:k, I dunno, magic or something. Hallowed plankton, maybe?
So.. all of the sudden logic in terraria ia a thing? a game with floating structures ,mythical ores or giant floating organs does'nt seem as if the devs cared about logic . its a fantasy game let it be that way. if we applied logic to it then the game would be completly diffrent.
So.. all of the sudden logic in terraria ia a thing? a game with floating structures ,mythical ores or giant floating organs does'nt seem as if the devs cared about logic . its a fantasy game let it be that way. if we applied logic to it then the game would be completly diffrent.
There might be a lot of things in Terraria that don't make any sense, but that doesn't mean its okay to throw away all logic and consistency for no reason...
No, plankton in the natural biome's water only. The Corruption, Crimson and Hallow gets their color from... f:redmunch:k, I dunno, magic or something. Hallowed plankton, maybe?
Here's some lore to make it slightly more real for you guys: Ichor lava was created after the gods attempted to fight through the crimson. They were terribly under matched and were brutally murdered. Their blood now may be seen flowing through the crimson, just as their flesh holds the biome together.

Cursed lava was entirely environmental. Through many, many thousands of years the natural lava was changed via processes that we do not yet have the knowledge to understand. We just know that it was heavily impacted by a mating ritual of the inhabitants of the biome.
So that the game still makes sense to play and doesn't resemble a fever dream?
It wouldn't be any more of a fever dream with the purple grass of the corruption, and Dr Seuss trees of the Hallow. It's simply colored lava, and we've got colored water already.

Yes, but that is because of different materials and elements that you can find in the air and the water, like plankton. Lava however just burns all of this, so it cannot get a color change from that.
Also, they sky barely changes in any of the natural biomes. The background changes, but the sky remains the same, blue sky.
The background covers a lot of the sky, but it does indeed turn the sky green:



There might be a lot of things in Terraria that don't make any sense, but that doesn't mean its okay to throw away all logic and consistency for no reason...
Except there is a reason: For atmosphere. The same reason why water changes color, and why we have different sky colors and backgrounds. Suddenly shifting backgrounds are definitely more jarring than changing lava, but we still have them.

Yes, but that is because of different materials and elements that you can find in the air and the water, like plankton. Lava however just burns all of this, so it cannot get a color change from that.
Also, they sky barely changes in any of the natural biomes. The background changes, but the sky remains the same, blue sky.
You're definitely thinking too deep into this.. if we explain water with magic plankton, then we can explain lava with magic obsidianskin plankton, too.
Except there is a reason: For atmosphere. The same reason why water changes color, and why we have different sky colors and backgrounds. Suddenly shifting backgrounds are definitely more jarring than changing lava, but we still have them.
The backgrounds and water are different from lava though (at least I feel they are). Although there are a few exceptions (mainly underground), Backgrounds are usually easy to ignore because they are in the background. For the most part, they are all pretty similar as well, with most of them having the same clouds and bluish sky. It’s not the same as when a block right in front of you suddenly changes into something else. And as for why water can change color and not lava, that’s because their completely different things. While lava has a very specific role of being a lethal liquid that sets you on fire and kills you in seconds, water is just a simple common liquid that can be found almost anywhere. It doesn’t have any specific abilities, and it makes sense for it to change color for its environment. Even in real life water comes in a variety of colors, in some places water is clear instead of blue, other places have yellow or brown water, some have pretty aquamarine color, and where I live the ocean is a gross greenish-teal color. On the other hand, lava is molten rock that is always shown as glowing bright orange or yellow like fire. Although it’s tint could change slightly, anything more than that and it’s no longer lava.

Oops, I made a rant. I think at this point I’ve said everything I need to, and although it pains me to admit this, I just can’t support this idea… :(
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