Terraria: Otherworld Terraria: Otherworld - An Update

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I'm beginning to get to get worried about Otherworld; the way I see it there's three Possibilities:

1. They're building up for a big pre-release announcement.

2. They're fighting bugs and having hell with it.

3. For whatever reason the projects collapsed and no one wants to say...

I really hope it's the first...

On a side note; happy birthday to The Guide and please don't let the Zombies in!
Me too. You can't pretend that someone saying "oh no, we are definately still doing this thing....Oh? You havnt heard about any updates or progress?Well, its there and we are doing it." brings much confidence either.

I have far too much experience with customer service to fall for that lol. While I didnt really expect the game to be done before the end of this month (and this is in reference to a post I made on this thread months ago) I still fully expected to hear.... something.

Anything really. And no. Having a mod come on to re assure us doesnt seem to be enough anymore. Basically a full 6 months since we were all informed (kind of as an afterthought really) that "obviously it wont be released in 2015" because you know, tail end of december and all...or beginning of january I forgot.

One would think that if they were almost done with the game at that point it would either be out by now, or we would have something a bit more concrete.

Im still waiting for this game, but as ive stated previously other than checking this thread every week or two im kinda out of it already. It looks like starbound will release their 1.0 release before otherworld comes out, which if you had asked me just a few months ago I would have said that was crazy and never would happen.

But life is crazy I guess. Keep on plugging away at it otherworld team. What you have shown us so far of the game looks amazing, definately worth waiting for, and very promising. We are just getting tired of the silence on the matter you know?
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Me too. You can't pretend that someone saying "oh no, we are definately still doing this thing....Oh? You havnt heard about any updates or progress?Well, its there and we are doing it." brings much confidence either.

I have far too much experience with customer service to fall for that lol. While I didnt really expect the game to be done before the end of this month (and this is in reference to a post I made on this thread months ago) I still fully expected to hear.... something.

Anything really. And no. Having a mod come on to re assure us doesnt seem to be enough anymore. Basically a full 6 months since we were all informed (kind of as an afterthought really) that "obviously it wont be released in 2015" because you know, tail end of december and all...or beginning of january I forgot.

One would think that if they were almost done with the game at that point it would either be out by now, or we would have something a bit more concrete.

Im still waiting for this game, but as ive stated previously other than checking this thread every week or two im kinda out of it already. It looks like starbound will release their 1.0 release before otherworld comes out, which if you had asked me just a few months ago I would have said that was crazy and never would happen.

But life is crazy I guess. Keep on plugging away at it otherworld team. What you have shown us so far of the game looks amazing, definately worth waiting for, and very promising. We are just getting tired of the silence on the matter you know?

All of my this
they will show us something when ready but alot of people ws saying they don't want to much spoiled so they are keeping it till ready
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