Terraria State of the Game - May 2022

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I thought we’d have to wait until Labor of Love releases on PC in order for Console and Mobile to begin work porting said update to said platforms, but it looks like enough is known to begin some work on it. Needless to say I’m excited for Labor of Love! Keep it up, devs! <3
can we get 'turn off the sun/moon cycling on the title screen' as an accessibility option? it's minor, but i've seen a few people gripe about it on this forum before, so it'd definitely help more than just me.
Melee is evolving... just ask the True Excalibur
More like getting nerfed.
Cause killing bosses and doing events with that pathetic reach is as fun and as effective as digging through a concrete wall with a rusty spoon.

Sorry Re-Logic but removing ranged projectile attacks from late game melees is just nerfing them to the ground. Especially for higher difficulties they will be borderline unusable. This game's "combat" doesn't favor true melee at all.

People who arent just playing on Normal difficulty only will just not bother with melee classes past Hardmode now since you are nerfing most of the iconic post Hardmode projectile shooting melees..

It seems that was the intention here. ;/

RIP Terra Blade especially.. now its gonna be another garbage "true melee"
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Metal Detector now detects Gelatinous Crystal!

I hope it works for Plantera's Bulb too


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What, 4 isn't enough for you???

(Also its more than 4, you haven't been paying attention!) :p
All of this was already spoiled by Re-Logic members like days and weeks in advance.
None of these are new spoilers.

It's not about the quantity but the fact that nothing new was spoiled. Some people were expecting some new spoilers in this SOTG given what Redigit said on Discord.

Everything posted here was either shown or tweeted / msged on Discord prior.
And thanks to Chippy even people who don't pay attention to what's going on on these social medias know all these spoilers and more.
RIP Terra Blade especially.. now its gonna be another garbage "true melee"
No, Terra Blade literally has a new projectile, it's just going to look different. Look closely at the top left of the Empress image.
All of this was already spoiled by Re-Logic members like days and weeks in advance.
None of these are new spoilers.

It's not about the quantity but the fact that nothing new was spoiled. Some people were expecting some new spoilers in this SOTG given what Redigit said on Discord.

Everything posted here was either shown or tweeted / msged on Discord prior.
And thanks to Chippy even people who don't pay attention to what's going on on these social medias know all these spoilers and more.
Pretty sure that the changes listed here in purely text have not been spoiled before this SotG, and we certainly didn't know for certain that Excalibur was getting the same effect as its True version.
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