Official Terrarian Community Feedback Portal

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So I've got a question: what happens if I double report a message?

For instance, I just now accidentally reported one of my own posts that I meant to delete. If I were to report it again, stating that it was an accident, would that update come through?
So I've got a question: what happens if I double report a message?

For instance, I just now accidentally reported one of my own posts that I meant to delete. If I were to report it again, stating that it was an accident, would that update come through?
I think so, since I've reported in a few moments two times for a correction on a title change, and they were able to see the second message as well.
So I've got a question: what happens if I double report a message?

For instance, I just now accidentally reported one of my own posts that I meant to delete. If I were to report it again, stating that it was an accident, would that update come through?
Each report is like a comment on our side. Two reports just result in two comments. One older and one newer.
Highly technical question: is it possible to put a cap on the amount of attachment that a post will load in the Recent Activity tab? I'm referring to things like this:

That's a lot of images, and I have to load every single one of them before I can continue down the list (because 'Show older items' doesn't work if the page is loading images).

I am by no means in favour of completely preventing attachments from showing up, as it's a really useful feature for single attachment posts, but if there could be a cap (say, 20), I'd appreciate it. I don't really expect that to be possible, but I guess it's worth a try.
Highly technical question: is it possible to put a cap on the amount of attachment that a post will load in the Recent Activity tab? I'm referring to things like this:

That's a lot of images, and I have to load every single one of them before I can continue down the list (because 'Show older items' doesn't work if the page is loading images).

I am by no means in favour of completely preventing attachments from showing up, as it's a really useful feature for single attachment posts, but if there could be a cap (say, 20), I'd appreciate it. I don't really expect that to be possible, but I guess it's worth a try.
I don't see an easy way to configure that particular display at all. It's likely that is uses the same content code that is used elsewhere, and any possible tweak we may try could have unintended results. Sorry about that, I do see how that can be annoying, especially on a slower/more costly data connection.
I don't see an easy way to configure that particular display at all. It's likely that is uses the same content code that is used elsewhere, and any possible tweak we may try could have unintended results. Sorry about that, I do see how that can be annoying, especially on a slower/more costly data connection.
Figured as much. Still, thanks for checking it out!
I was wondering, maybe this is not as much as feedback but.. There are a lot of threads I am watching, but after a while I never ever receive updates on again. An example would be this thread. I created this thread to help people, but I never receive any notifications until I check the thread manually. Am I bugged?
I was wondering, maybe this is not as much as feedback but.. There are a lot of threads I am watching, but after a while I never ever receive updates on again. An example would be this thread. I created this thread to help people, but I never receive any notifications until I check the thread manually. Am I bugged?
You get an alert the first time someone makes a new post in a thread. You don't get any further alerts as long as you don't read that post, unless you are tagged or quoted.

If you don't get any alerts even though you've read all the latest posts, then that'd be a bug, yes.
I was wondering, maybe this is not as much as feedback but.. There are a lot of threads I am watching, but after a while I never ever receive updates on again. An example would be this thread. I created this thread to help people, but I never receive any notifications until I check the thread manually. Am I bugged?

Usually what happens is if you open your alerts to see the threads that have gotten replies, but don't click on them to check on the Threads, it will stop giving you alerts for those threads until you've manually read them.

Another thing that can happen from time to time is that a User will click on the alerts, but missed or decided to not check the next page of the Thread if there were more replies that spilled into another page. And then it will stop giving alerts until the User has checked the next page for new replies.

I think it is made this way by design, but I'm not certain on it.

It may rarely bug where the Thread won't notify you to alerts of new posts. But this happens very rarely.
I was wondering, maybe this is not as much as feedback but.. There are a lot of threads I am watching, but after a while I never ever receive updates on again. An example would be this thread. I created this thread to help people, but I never receive any notifications until I check the thread manually. Am I bugged?
Most likely what happened is that you missed an alert, and the system won't send another until you visit the thread to 'clear' that alert.

eta: double ninja'd
To add to the above replies. What I've done is gotten in the habit of checking the 'Watched Threads' tab each day which will show you threads you watch which have new replies, even if for whatever reason you didn't get an alert for them. This way when I lose alerts I still never fall more than a day behind and as soon as I read the those threads the alerts start working again for them.
I was wondering, maybe this is not as much as feedback but.. There are a lot of threads I am watching, but after a while I never ever receive updates on again. An example would be this thread. I created this thread to help people, but I never receive any notifications until I check the thread manually. Am I bugged?
I've seen this happen a few different ways, none of which are actually an error from the system.

  1. You had multiple alerts and only clicked on one of them.
  2. Like @Aurora3500 said, you forgot to go to a page later than the alert took you, and didn't actually get to the last post.
  3. You read the thread before clearing the alert, causing no new alerts to be given. This one should be fixed in the current version of XF, but I still see it happening from time to time.
  4. The thread was moved/merged into another thread by a moderator. This breaks alerts, and I don't know if there is a way to fix it. Either way, you should have been given a different alert from the system about the thread being moved, unless the mod moving it disabled that alert from going off.
As @Jeckel said, the Watched Threads page is far more reliable than alerts.
Another possibility is when you're checking multiple pages of alerts, and recieve new alerts in the meantime, and the alert list won't update untill you browse to a newer alert page. refreshing the current page after recieving a new alert should fix that problem.

That's just my view, but I've usually have that facing whenever I am checking big chunks of alerts at once.
Hey everyone,

I'd like to bring to your attention a new statement clarifying the Forum policies regarding Piracy and Scam Links:

This is not a new set of rules or a change in our prior policies. However, we've seen some increase in posts related to these topics lately, and we wanted to make it very clear where Re-Logic and the Staff stand on them.

The main Rules & Culture thread has been updated slightly to reference this clarification in the appropriate areas.
Oh neato That I found this portion of the forums then. I wanted to ask why there is no Desert theme to the forums? I mean its a small thing but itd be cool to have, with it recently being updated and becoming more of a "proper" biome.
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