The Last Post Wins!

Screenshot 2023-11-28 12.30.26 PM.png
Do you mean like why Pipp and Tripp charge extra or why there's a transaction fee on the AH?
Why they charge extra. Also what's their deal? I just realized they might not be children considering the time it takes for dragons to reach adulthood.
Why they charge extra. Also what's their deal? I just realized they might not be children considering the time it takes for dragons to reach adulthood.
I don't know of any official explanation for why they charge extra, and while they are confirmed to be Swipp's daughters, they definitely aren't hatchlings, though they don't appear to be fully grown either, so I think they're like teen equivalent in terms of age.
In lore it actually takes wayyyy longer for a dragon to grow up, it's just that nobody wants to wait years for a drawing to change.
if anyone wants me to post some notes for a character that may or may not be involved in stuff related to Iltum just say so
for now take something that's definitely unrelated
Toko (Pichu):
-Knows Iltum, and is in a group that is trying to stop him
-Also knows Spike, and as a result has some similar equipment to him
--(I'm not explaining who Spike is. Yet.)
-Knows the caves of their home island really well
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