The Last Post Wins!

For all those who have published a level in LBP3, lets say you've just published a level that you've spent time on, you know like a good level (not good enough for level of the day but still a good level), then you'll want plays and heats right, but to do so you need to stay in a category, the new level category guarantees you a spot where you'll probably get a few plays until you get kicked out to make way for new levels, but there's a new level every 2 minutes, so it'll just move down and down to where others won't look. Then it's about how good your level is, and level of the day isn't even a way to go due to supreme rareness, but all the other categories are rock hard to get into, so lets face it, if you don't get team picked, you're screwed, and team picks are the best of the best, so it's probably easiest to attempt most hearted category, usually average of about 12 or 13 hearts to get in, and that's probably rare, plus it only lasts a week before you can't enter (Month and ever are probably all team picks so weekly's practically your only chance) so then you either get in and get kicked out after a week, or don't get in and only build up plays slowly (You can actually get lucky because one of mine went from 6 to 900 (in half a year) ). Ah, so now your levels forgotten about and it might only get about 20 plays, evil. Meanwhile you see the most played category and busiest category, most of it's contents are good levels, but some are a right load of [INSERT A NOUN THAT MAKES SENSE] and you wonder how the hell it got there. Then you get team picks, companion capers, level of the day, and other categories like these that you're probably never getting into. So that's the evil society we live in, the ones that often appear are either really really good or really really bad, and the rest get forgotten.
Another thing though, besides evil communities, why in newest levels do the same things come up? I'm sure 40% of LBP levels might actually be in this list below,
Too common stuff that seems to control LBP communities / 40% of LBP level title or along these lines: shark survival , bomb survival, sonic, unnamed level, spiderman costumes, fnaf (really don't know why) , abandoned by disney (again I don't know why ( looks like there's a lot of sinister people)) and also spongebob deathrun (o_O) are all too common in LBP3 , seriously if you have this game and scroll down newest levels then you're bound to find one of these really soon, if not all of them about twice, but seriously though, who in their right mind would want to play a spongebob deathrun level? It is quite depressing when you've made a good level, and then you look at stuff published around the same time as yours and stuff like this gets more hearts and plays, why? We will never know. Also McDonald's videos are probably almost on that list too, don't know how but they're quite common,
So in summary, LBP3 communities is evil.
Malachite Saber.png
New sprite set coming soon...
Sweet! Sword, bow, magic weapon and boomerang?
[doublepost=1540587721,1540587640][/doublepost]On another topic, I just tried to joun the KoL forums so I could discuss some problems I was having. Does anyone know if the letter and number thing is case sensative?
[doublepost=1540587834][/doublepost]Nevermind. I figured it out.
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