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Imagine a gastropod that teleports around all the time and teleports when hit, as well as summoning minions, as well as following you around firing 300mph pin point lasers that take off about a third of your health, then you'll get this kid: 2020727_142332940.jpg
Imagine a wyvern that constantly spawns to protect a solar pillar high up in the sky, and only attacks if you leave the ground, which forces you to stay on the ground while the other enemies destroy you down there, and when you go up to attack the pillar or even jump, it charges at you and almost instant kills even if you have solar armor, and you can only kill it my hitting a light bulb on its tail, which you have to hit multiple times as it goes offscreen most of the time, and won't instantly despawn after the pillar is destroyed, making collecting the fragments more annoying to collect, and you get this thing:
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