Story The Long Battle

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got the laptop like a while ago. here's a way over due chapter!
The next day was really looking up. Nia had spent most of the night building the house. At around 1:00 am she finished the house. When she woke up at dawn there was an old man wearing a brown tailcoat, a brown hat with a feather in it, and faded blue pants. His hair was short and he had a long white beard.

"You want apples? You want carrots? You want pineapples? We got torches. I’m the merchant, you can call me Alfred.”

“Hello, Alfred.”

“What may I interest you on this fine morning?”

“Do you have any arrows?”

“An infinite supply! 5 copper each.”

“I'll take 1,000.”

“Smart, smart, very smart! That'll be 50 silver.”

“Got it. One problem… I don't have enough room to carry them around with me.”

“Ah, I see old Maxxy hasn't told you about this yet.”

“About what?”

“Inventory space. You've been carrying that bag around like a sucker! What if I told you that you can run around all carelessly with all your junk, err, treasures, and not have any weight on you! You can carry over 999 square feet worth of wood and such with you wherever you go!”


“This little chip.” Alfred held up a microchip.

“This tiny thing allows you to store things instantly. Just tap it and-” He tapped it and a display came up.

“Bam! You have forty slots in the main inventory. The hotbar, that row up at the top, holds ten. With the hotbar you can access anything in it immediately!

“There, on the far right, are the coin slots. These hold the four types of coins. Right next to that are the ammo slots. Four of them as well. These hold any type of ammo. It automatically gets loaded into your bow or gun.

“Then there's the trash can. One space on the bottom of the main inventory. It can act as a type of temporary storage, but if you put dirt in there then put stone on top of it, for example, the dirt will be gone forever. Make sure to not put weapons in it!”

“Wow, this is amazing! How much does it cost?”

“Nothing for you, my dear!”

“Wow, that's really kind!”

“Anything for you! we’ve been waiting for you for awhile. After all, you are a hero.”

There was a moments pause.

“Uh-huh, well I gotta run. Thank you for the inventory”

Nia took the chip and went to talk with Maxwell. 'So that's what he didn't want to tell me! What I wasn't “ready” for yet… hmmph!'

He was leaning on his house reading a book.


“What is it now?” He asked, begrudgingly looking up from his book.

“You are a bad guide!”

“Excuse me?”

“You failed to tell me a few things. First off being that I'm the one who needs to save this awful world! Although you did hint at it! If I am a hero, why didn't you tell me? I am capable of taking this! It was obvious anyway!

“The second thing that you didn't tell me,” she said, cooling off a little.

“Was that denizens can give me abilities to further my success in this world. Alfred gave me this Inventory,” she held up the chip.

“You're right. My judgment was clouded. I am sorry for not telling you. I was wrong to think that you couldn't handle it.

“I don't suppose that Alfred told you where to put the inventory, huh?”

“No, he did not.”

“Well, usually it's inserted behind your ear but it’s much better to have it in one of your wrists. We need a Nurse to come first, though.”

“Okay. How do we get a Nurse to come?”

“We just wait. You already ingested a heart crystal. She'll sense that and come.”

“Okay. What does the Nurse do?”

“She will heal you any time, at a cost.”

“Okay, good to know. I'm going to go mining. See you in a day or two.”

Nia headed off to the mining shaft she had dug earlier. She dropped down with her bag and the chip

in a safe pocket in the bag. She slid down the rope smoothly and very quickly with the wind making her hair fly straight up. Her feet hit the ground and she walked into the cave. She hadn't missed anything in the previous expedition. She double checked that she had supplies and headed off into the larger cavern. There was a more stuff here. Some emeralds and such. The air was cold and crisp. She had begun to like cooler things. Made her feel fresh. She smiled and started mining. She felt a lot better. All she had to do was dig. It was almost mindless. She chucked the stone and gems into her bag then picked up a torch and headed off to explore the rest of the cavern. Some more iron and gold with a small vein of sliver. Not too much, but worth it. There were a few more gems, also. Sapphires. It was about noon by now, she guessed. The stone was a little wet, making the air even cooler. It felt fresh down here.

When Nia had mined out all the gems and ores in the cavern and had gotten all the webs, she dug a tunnel down. There wasn't anything for awhile. The stone got more wet. There must be a pond down there. She continued mining. When it felt like she was going to fall through the stone, she switched out her hermes boots for the water walking boots. Sure enough, there was an underwater lake. It was very beautiful. There she stood, right on top of the water, looking down on the moss and jellyfish. The water was crystal clear. So crisp. She cupped her hands and drank some of it. It was so cold! She felt alive.

Nia pulled out her shurikens and threw them at the blue jellyfish. It couldn't seem to figure out where she was. Silly little thing. It got angry and electrified the water for a minute. She couldn't seem to hit it while it was sending out the electric shot. She killed it after another minute and dropped down into the water to get the glow sticks it had dropped. They worked the best in water. There wasn't anything else down there, except for some marble. The marble interested her, though. It would be very good for building. She dug down farther into the marble. It didn't take long at all to get into the next cavern. This one was filled with old, rough marble. A glint of gold caught her eye. She walked towards it. But before she knew what had happened, a javelin was tossed straight into her shoulder.

What the heck?!

There was a skeleton in gladiator armor throwing javelins at her… well, that was new.

Nia threw knives and shurikens at it. When it got hit it couldn't attack her. It keeled over and dropped a decent amount of javelins. About 70. There was an awful growling, grinding sound behind her. She knew not to turn around instinctively. There was a bright yellow light coming from where the growl was. It faded along with the growl and she turned around. There was a Medusa, the monster that would turn you into stone if you looked into her eyes. She did not have hair, but instead a wriggling mass of vicious, venomous snakes coming from her head. Her skin was a deathly green. Before it had time to strike, she threw the javelins she had just gathered right at Medusa's head. It got stuck in her skull. The monster still did not fall. She threw more javelins at it in quick secession. It leaped around her to catch her off guard. She turned around just as it growled. Their eyes met and she felt her body turn into cold stone. She couldn't move. Medusa came over and started to break her. She felt cracks forming across her skin. Only a little longer and she'd be free. Her arm fell down to the ground with a loud crack. Pain shot through her solid limbs. She couldn't even scream. But then something good happened. Warmth went back into her. Blood gushed out of where her arm used to be. Her vision was cloudy. She weakly reached for her bag with her left arm. The bag had fallen. She always carried it on her right arm. She fell to the floor, trying to grab it. Tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall. This was the worst pain she had known. There was a large pool of blood around her now. Medusa was circling her. She grabbed a hold of her mirror. The bag was slung over her left shoulder. She stared into the mirror and seconds later she was at the town. She could hear her heart beating. She was right next to her bed. Blood was still pouring out of where her arm was. She stumbled out of the house into the open. It was so hard to stay awake…

Her voice was feeble, throat parched.

“Help… help...” she weakly called.

Nia began to stumble and fall. The ground was no longer there, it had been replaced by an open pit. Something held the stump of her arm. It felt like a hand. Flesh and bone began forming. Something was bringing her back. She hit the ground. It was wet and squishy. Warm. She gasped and her eyes flew open. She grabbed onto the ground with both hands. The world was spinning. Upside down. If she let go, she'd fall off…

Nia coughed. Everything spun even faster. She felt sick to her stomach. The spinning got slower and her vision got clearer. Something was being poured down her throat. It was cool. It felt good. The spinning stopped and her vision was back to normal. The ground she was holding onto was red with her own blood. She sat up to see someone with blonde hair and a white and red outfit on. person was covered in drying blood from the waist down. Her arms and hands were covered as well. Her hair was in a short ponytail pulled high up and she wore a hat with a red cross on it.

“Good! Haven't lost a patient yet. You almost broke my streak! There wasn't a pulse for about five minutes, so I had to stop growing your arm and give you some of my special serum. You were still bleeding when you came back. How much blood do you have, anyway? Well, you probably don't have much left now. You were bleeding for a half hour straight! Just wouldn't stop. And I do hope I didn't mess up your muscles… never been good at them. Plus, I was in a bit of a hurry. Anyway, my name is Allison.”

“Thank you, Allison. How much do I owe you?”

“First one's on the house, as long as you tell me how you got such an extraordinary wound.”

“I went into a marble cave and Medusa froze me.”

“Oh! Well that explains all the rock and marble I found in you. Plus the bleeding. Ya know that when she freezes and wounds you that you're wounds never stop bleeding unless properly healed? And you are so dumb! You went into a marble cave without any armor?”

“Well, yes. I have the stuff to make some...”

“Great! Your current equipment simply won't do.” Maxwell was there. She hadn't noticed him.

“Okay. I'll work on it.”

“Wait! We have some things to discuss, Nia,” Allison said as she started to get up.


“First off, you need a day or two of rest. Drink a lot of water. You lost a lot of blood. You look like a ghost!

“Secondly, after you get some bed rest, get some armor and Life Cystals. I can sense that you only have consumed one. That means you only have 120 points of health. By the way, we use points to describe how much health we have left. It just makes things easier.

“One more thing, I put the Inventory chip behind your ear. I installed something else, too. The Health Bar. It tells you your max health points and how many you have remaining. It's very handy. Oh yes, I also put a touch sensor on your left wrist. I would've put it on your right, but it was kinda gone. And it needs rest. You touch the sensor to bring up your inventory. Also, you can regenerate health if you stay still awhile.

“That's all! Have a good two day rest.”

Allison was nice, but she talked so much… ah well, just a trait she'd have to get used to. As long as she was useful and diligent.

Nia walked towards her house while clutching her arm. 'Eugh… two entire days of doing nothing? I don't think I'll be able to stand it…'

Nia opened the door and flopped down. It was nearing dusk. Her spine tingled… something was about to happen. She drank a health potion. There was a burning, bubbling feeling in her stomach. She knew that her body was telling her to not make the same mistake of drinking another potion. The muscles in her arm tightened into place and she was less sore. A minute went by. She drank another potion and felt great. 'Ha! Two days of rest… I'm not going to be caught on my bottom for that long!' It got darker outside. The hair on the back of her neck stood up on end.

Nia grabbed her bag and got out all the ores and bars. She got the bars out of the chest, too. She smelted all the ores she had gotten. She started to feel panicked as it got darker and darker. Quickly she fashioned armor of gold and a silver bow and sword. She collected her potions and put on her armor. All her arrows were in her inventory and her bow was strung. She had lit some of the arrows on fire just in case. The moon rose and all the denizens ran into their homes. She stepped outside to see that the moon peeking over the mountains was blood red. Quickly, she drank all the potions.

Monsters emerged from the surrounding forest.

Nia had never seen monsters like this before. There were stocky, short zombies that had no skin. They were bright red… oozing blood wherever they stepped. She shot at one with her bow and it started ambling towards her. The nearer it got the faster it ran. She shot continuously at it with her bow. Quickly she switched the stacks of arrows in her inventory so that the flaming arrows would shoot first. Hoards of zombies, dripplers (mutated, floating heads with eyes and popping blisters that fly about), crimtane bunnies (evil, mutated bunnies), viscous penguins, and crimtane goldfish (evil, mutated goldfish) came from the forest and hills. All the denizens were inside and would not come out to help. She was on her own in this battle.

Nia shot at the enemies around her with her flaming arrows. It weakened them significantly. When they got too close she pulled out her sword and stabbed them. Dripplers were a nuisance. They constantly swarmed around her head and tried to knock her over. They still did a fair amount of damage even with her armor. She looked up in the sky. It was only midnight. The monsters were getting closer. She knew that she couldn't fight them off forever. Her potions were beginning to wear off. She forced herself to shoot faster. A drippler came up and she hacked through it in a few hits. It's pieces wiggled on the ground. She stomped on them. A gurgle from behind alerted her of a blood zombie. She took a flaming arrow and stabbed it through it's neck then cut it's head off, but not before it bit her arm. The head stuck on her arm, and she had no time to rip it off.

Nia was constantly moving, which made regenerating health slow down. The regeneration potion was doing it's job, though.

It was a strict melee fight now. The monsters were to close to shoot with the bow. They were closing in on all sides of her. Nia took her sword and swung around in a perfect circle. It was hard to keep balance with the head still on her arm, but she stayed on the ground. Heads tumbled to the ground. The blood zombies were a bit tougher. They went down with a second hit. It was hard to breath with the awful stench of decay surrounding her. Disgusting bunnies came and bit her ankles and scratched her legs. Goldfish wormed under her boots, trying to make her fall. She stomped them down. Penguins were the real pest. They'd jump right up and bite your neck if you weren't careful. They went down easily. She felt her potions wear off. The battle got fierce. Even without her swiftness potion she moved with great speed and continued to lop of the heads of her enemies.

Nia tried a new tactic, slashing through in a straight line. She put the tip of the sword straight forward and ran though. It pierced thought the enemies and created a clear path. She let the zombies fall off her sword and cut through more that were right in front of her. She chugged another swiftness potion and cut through hundreds of enemies. The only thing that kept her going was adrenaline.

Sweat poured down Nia's bloody face. Her chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath. The night had to end soon. There was still a hoard of monsters in front of her, but it was not so big. Where did they even come from? She took out her bow and lit them on fire once more. Some that she had wounded previously fell soon after being hit. The ones left had been weakened by now. She ran into the crowd and took them out. Slash, cut, stab. Her armor was filled with blood. The ground was so soaked that it couldn't hold any more. There were puddles all around.

Nia was getting physically exhausted. Her breath was short. There were cuts all over her. Dawn would soon be breaking. There were ten enemies left. They came after her with all their might. She leaped up into the air. She pulled out her bow and shot them from the air. She hit the ground and charged straight froward into them with her sword. All of them were dead in a minute. Sunlight hit the ground and the few crimtane bunnies and goldfish fled.

Blood was spilling out of Nia's armor. She took it off and let it all flood out. It was crusted on her face, making her skin crack, soaked into her clothes and in her hair. Hopefully this would not happen again...

Nia headed over to the pond. She felt so gross. It began raining again, although it was more of a drizzle and faded out quickly. This time she was glad of it, anything to clean her up faster. Little flying fishes and large slimes holding umbrellas kept on annoying her. It was an easy few shots from her bow to get rid of them, but she was running out of arrows. It was getting harder to see… her eyes were glazed over and dry from the fight. She knew the area well enough by now to know that the pond would be right in front of her anytime….


Nia fell in the pond. She plunged deep down and twirled around underwater. It felt so good to get all the junk off her. She scrubbed her scalp and dug her finger nails into the gunk on her skin. Her hair got clean and sparkly once more, and her skin smooth and tan. Her legs were clean, her feet were clean, she was clean. She dried off her clothes in the sun while carefully washing her armor and making sure it didn’t rust.

The golden armor shone bright once more. It was very smooth and cold, like metal should be. She took the bottom of her now dry shirt and dried off her armor.

As Nia headed back to the town, she wondered where all the monsters came from. What caused the blood moon. What made this land. Who was she before? There were only whispers of memories in her mind. Hints of life before. Ghosts of people she had known prior to being here. She tried again and again to drag up memories and people that she had known and loved, but to no avail. All she could remember was screaming and crying… thunder rolling across the sky. A loud boom. Then nothing. But it was all foggy.

The the town came into view. She would have to build more to keep people coming. She just now realized how sore her arm was. She reached out to rub it but all her armor was on. She didn’t want to be caught off guard by surprise attacks. The armor wouldn’t even be taken off at night.

Nia was at Maxwells house now. She completely ignored his friendly greeting and fell into bed, just now becoming aware of how sleepy she was.

“Well good day to you too, jerk.”

She was too tired to acknowledge the snide remark and passed out right there, with her cold hard armor on.

The next day was rainy and dreary. The clouds on the horizon were very dark, almost pitch black. There must be a storm coming up. Nia decide to go underground and escape the worst of it. She took different routes that led her to different places. Water began to leak through cracks in the ceiling of the cave she was mining iron in. There was a faint pounding, spattering noise. It was very muffled. A deep muffled thunderous noise echoed throughout the small cave. The storm must have hit.

A faint glimmer caught her eye when Nia looked around after mining out a vein of iron. She knew what it was. A deep red crystal that seemed to natural glimmer from the depths of its cracked self. A crystal that gave life to those who were worthy. A life crystal. She carefully picked up the large crystal so that none of the dust would fall when it shattered.

Once Nia had the crystal held so that she was staring right into it’s gleaming center, it fell into fine granules. She tipped it into her mouth and it slid down her throat, right into her muscles and heart. The cool soothing powder made her feel strong. Approximately 20% stronger.

Cave to cave to cavern, Nia went deeper and deeper underground. Gems and gold, potions and weapons. Everything was looted. Chests were picked up and minerals were mined. She found three more life crystals and loads of ores. She stopped when she saw lava.

Nia’s inventory was totally loaded. She would never need stone or dirt or Blinkroot again. Or bombs or bottles or… well, she had a lot of stuff. Now back in Maxwell’s house, she decided to make a blacksmith house for smelting things without having plumes of smoke come up in her face. It took the rest of the day and a lot of smooth stone and beams and wood, but Nia got it finished. She moved the anvil and furnace over along with a chest for ores and bars and gems. Her shoes were muddy and wet from all the puddles. She put her socks and shoes on the rim of the furnace as she smelted ores into bars.

Not being smothered by smoke from the furnace was very refreshing. Nia made a pickaxe and ax along with a bow and sword, all made of gold. She had found a lot of gold. She polished her armor with some cloth and water while more potions were brewing. There were already a few nicks and scratches on the armor, especially the chest piece and arms. She put on her armor and took the green red and yellow potions with her.

It was evening by now. The ground had dried. Nia couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched… that something big and evil was coming. She made sure that her good arrows were first in her ammo slots and made some frost burn arrows. Night fell, and she saw something giant in the distance coming towards her very quickly.
this story is abandoned. I want it to just get out of my head. I want it to stop bugging me and stop making me feel guilty for not working on it.:guidetongue: I want to make room for a bigger and better project. something original. if you want to read the unfinished chapters/work on the story, here is the source file. you should be able to just download it.
Please read my Occult stories. I would appreciate it, as only SnailsAttack has really liked them. Advanced warning: Contains disturbing material and gore. Rated R.
honestly I do not appreciate the advertising as this story is closed and it is, after all, my thread about my story and I would like to keep it on the subject of the chapters (or lack thereof) of the story. in the future maybe you could PM/tag the people you want to see the story. I will still check it out though
Please read my Occult stories. I would appreciate it, as only SnailsAttack has really liked them. Advanced warning: Contains disturbing material and gore. Rated R.
Just like @Randomfox720 mentioned, it's not cool to go into someone else's story thread and advertise your own stories. Give it time and there likely will be more people reading your stories. Feel free to post about them on your own profile page.
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