tModLoader The Shapeshifter

Which Armor Set do you like the most?

  • Eye of Cthulhu

  • The Eater of Worlds

  • Brain of Cthulhu

  • Queen Bee

  • Skeletron

  • Wall of Flesh

  • Mecha Amalgam

  • King Slime

  • Plantera

  • Golem

  • Duke Fishron

  • Moon Lord

  • Lunatic Cultist

Results are only viewable after voting.
is still calamity updating??? because the last time that I heard from that mod drew abandon the forums but not the mod and he made the entire thread closed by tunnel king.

The thread is locked, but the mod itself is still being updated and has just had a huge update to 1.2. All new downloads to the Calamity mod can be found on the Calamity discord (Found on Drew's profile).
ohh...... ok then, I was wondering why drew quit on the forums when the new update was closed on his released (also why the option on new updates dosent give any update on calamity mod).
Impending doom approaches... It is finally time to distord reality and become the most powerfull being of the game.
V1.5 brings the Moon Lord armor!
Now I'll take some time to look at what armor sets could get a bit of rework, but consider the mod "completed"! I'm glad I was able to do it to the end. Feel free to enjoy it to the max!
Will you consider adding summons for certain bosses? Also, what about the Event Bosses? or even Lunatic Cultist and Betsy? (Betsy is considered a boss due to it's treasure bag)
Lmao do a fargos mutant mod thing and make an npc that sells stuff like souls and boss summons
Also make a set for the mechanical bosses
Hmmm and if you can try making modded boss sets might be hard but it'll be cool
Ill give more feedback once i've had a chance to play around with the mod
Updated to V1.5.2.
Updated some old sprites and added a placeholder mod icon.

If there is anyone who wants to try to make a more fitting mod icon for the mod, feel free to PM me!
Well, I just installed this mod today and I'm kinda disappointed. The idea is great, but it doesn't seem to work as described. I mean, I expected some overpowered things like the bosses have, such as bonus hp, higher upgrades or some influence over the enemies. I have some ideas, didn't think much about them but I get a new one every second lol for example when shapeshifted as Brain of Ctulhu/Eater of the Worlds, all enemies from Crimson/Corruption become friendly, like, that small confusion it inflicts for now it's like nothing for BoC, but the 18% damage reduction for EoW is great, combined with the scarf really cool idea you got there xD. Now I see the point is to use both the accessories/weapons and the new gears in order shapeshift but as I said before, bonus hp would be great. I can give more feedback
This is great but I think it would be nice if the armor sets could be equiped in the vanity slots and tweak it's stats so you can impersonate a boss as long as you want else the amount of def etc will probably make some armors less usable as time goes by. If that cannot be done you could make it so you can improve the armors with some boss drops or ores or weapons.
Woww I didn't think about that, upgrading armors with ores would be awesome, as you said, some armors become weak, like, it would be awesome if we could upgrade EoW armor so you get more damage reduction. OR beating the same boss makes it become more tankier every time you fight it, but also the armor is better. So the game remains challenging and rewarding, imagine having an EoW armor with let's say 50% damage reduction, insane.
Woah. so every boss has an armor now? except martian saucer, but still..... that's insanely impressive. Wow. what's the plan now?
Actually, a lot of bosses are missing armors, like the Lunatic Cultist and Betsy.
lunatic cultist isnt technically a boss, he missed betsy tho
[doublepost=1504744457,1504744378][/doublepost]what now? Boss weapons? accesories? Better abilities to mimic the actual boss? (shooting vile spit, and having mutiple lives (weaker each life) as the EoW?)
anything with over 1,000 hp in pre-hardmode is a boss, anything with over 10,000 hp in hardmode is a boss
What is this? A teaser? How unlikely of me...
Sans titre.png
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