Official The TCF 1st Anniversary Contest!

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I can't draw. I don't have a video editor nor a music editor. but I will try to make a good Screenshot.
Okay, I'm pretty sure writing has more because it is easier to do, and the others will catch up near the end of the contest. I'm still going to go with my plan. Also, where can I find the new Hell Music and the new Moon Lord music?
Okay, I'm pretty sure writing has more because it is easier to do

Great literature and art needs to be crafted carefully all the same. Most people are only good at one, but not the other. Though you are partially right, the skill floor for art is much higher than literature. But the skill ceiling is not debatable on whether or not one is higher than the other, and I very much doubt that entrants of the 'floor'-level will have much of a chance. That's not really harsh, it's just the way it is.

Of course, the reason why writing comes up quicker I guess is because of the 1000 word limit. You see paintings or professional art take months maybe to do. What about books? They're pretty much the equivalent, and 1000 words is not even a fraction of a book.

But the limit is justified of course, the judges I presume don't have hours to spend on individual submissions.
Question: is the 1000 word limit for the Writing section a hard limit? Because I've seen quite a few go over that.
@Kazzymodus : The limit is supposedly loose, but if the word limit exceeds the 1000 word limit by a large number, then it will have to be disqualified, or requested to be reduced in size. As much as us writers like to ramble on and pack a lot of content into our literature, the competition judges can't manage too many entries with such large word counts. Basically, if you were to pass the limit by, say, 40, it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

Which entries have exceeded the 1000 word limit, Kazzy?
Yeah, it's definitely not a hard limit. It's just like "Try to wrap things up in 1000 words or less. If you have to go over a little bit for the sake of relevancy / finishing, that's fine." I wouldn't be quick to say they'd disqualify for entries going too much over the limit, but I do believe they'd be judged according to how well they adhere to the limit and how well they can create an engaging short story with the limit given.
Just out of interest, why do the other musicians require the original music files to make a remix? (My approach has always been to do it completely from scratch)
This will not be my entry for obvious reasons, but I still want to share it.

Click this, then quickly open the spoiler and then start reading. It helps a lot if you know the original text.

Now this is a story all about how
My world got flipped-turned upside down.
And I'd like to take a minute, just listen to me.
I'll tell you how I became the king of Terraria point three.


West of the dungeon, spawned and based.
In the town with the Guide I spent most of my days.
Building and crafting and fighting all the time.
Farming the hell out of Skeleton Prime.

Then a couple of devs, they saw me owning Queen Frost.
They saw I had already owned every other boss.
Then they took some notes, and then they looked at me.
They said "We're updating your world to one point three".

I watched them spriting and coding new behaviour.
Making OP weapons like a Lunar Gatligator.
And they made this new boss who looked really wicked.
So I took my Terra Blade and thought "I might as well kick it!".

Up to the Dungeon, saw something foul.
There were all these weirdos wearing cloaks with a cowl.
Praying to this tablet and bowing their head.
So I killed a few of them and then they got real upset.

They rushed and attacked me, and I managed to kill
This one guy, wearing this mask with a bill.
And suddenly, an earthquake, and down came from space.
These massive pillars, all over the place!

One of these towers was burning real bright.
I could see it from miles away even though it was night.
I went to take a look and amidst the desolation
I saw a bunch of monsters preparing my cremation.


I killed some of these monsters, got into the flow.
And suddenly the pillar started to glow.
It had like this force field, but not any more.
I lifted my sword, and I shouted "FORE!".

Right through the core, and boom it went.
Sprayed this orange stuff all over the sand.
I scooped it up, and according to the Guide
You can make some cool weapons if you use this stuff right.

Went to the other three, and gave 'em hell.
Up until the last one, everything went pretty well.
But with the last one gone, the whole world went black.
And this guy with seven eyes went on the attack.

He had eyes in his hands, and eyes in his head.
But who cares where they were, they just wanted me dead.
I dodged the lasers they fired everywhere.
And shot my own lasers, right back in those stares.

The eyes went out, one by one.
Couldn't stand the assault of my trusty Chain Gun.
When I finally blinded that overgrown pest
This huge gaping hole appeared in his chest.

I shot a few rounds in it, and some missiles as well.
Got my Razorblade Typhoon, and gave that thing hell.
The guy exploded, and I got a really cool gun.
So I killed him a few more times, just for fun.

The Moon Lord gone, my quest was done.
Once again, I dominated everyone,
So now you know, and now you can see.
Why I'm the rightful king of Terraria one point three.
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