tModLoader The Thorium Mod

Which version of modloader is this for?
Any mod compatible with at least 8.0.0 should be able to run on the current version of tModLoader. I think. Since the API hasn't really changed and all.

Basically, only worry about mods themselves having to update if the tModLoader devs (mostly bluemagic123) say they do.
Okay, was trying to build an AFK farm (pre-hardmode, in preparation for hardmode), and as I was testing the farm I notice a clot managed to glitch into where I am. Any chance you could 'fix' how they spawn after killing the hemorrhages?


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how to make the psycho knife ?
um, do you even vanilla bro:
1. the psycho knife is a vanilla item.
2. it is not crafted, and is dropped by psychos during a solar eclipse.
3. im pretty sure you should play vanilla more before playing mods if you are still unaware of certain vanilla items (exceept stupidly rare ones of course)
Balance, balance, balance...

Devil's Carapace and Beholder Staff are still too good. I've yet to, in 3 full playthroughs, find any reason to ever put them away. +4 life regen is huge. perma-hunter's potion and good damage (GREAT with feral armor) summon from the very beginning of hardmode makes it hard to ever consider spider, twins, pigmies, or hell, even the tempest staff. I can forgive spiders, it IS an expert drop so it should be pretty damn good, but not lasts-until-endgame good, I don't think.

Glacial Sting is another thing that is perhaps a bit too strong for its own good, if only because it has incredible base damage that gets even better because ammos have a damage value, too. It's rocking 90 base with hallowed ranged and ranger emblem, with an awesome rate of fire, and another thing...

Energy Catalyst. What's up with this thing, anyway? Don't we already have A. a bow that shoots lasers and B. an ammo type for bows that allow infinite shooting? This thing isn't THAT strong, but it does obsolete quite a number of things all at once. Infinite Quiver is demoted solely to bows that have a "transforms wooden arrows into" perk, there's never a reason to use Jester's Arrows again (which have a niche in crowd control) and Destroyer's Rage's perks of infinite laser ammo no longer means anything, because I can make about any bow into a better version of itself, now. Truth be told, I'm not sure how to "fix" this thing in a way that restores everything, but I'd go one of two ways; either make its ammo damage really bad or nonexistant, so that you're trading damage for crowd control vs infinite quiver, or move it up a bit in the progression somewhat just so Destroyer's Rage has at least a little while to see some use.

Edit: Whoa okay. Destroyer's Rage has some small amount of pierce too now? Was that always there? It sort of invalidates a lot of what I said if so. Destroyer's Rage is pretty good since it double-hits.
@DivermanSam hate to pester you with a mention, but could I get a response on this, please?
Yeah, my bad. I've been messing around with it, trying to make the cloud only appear while jumping, but at the moment you have to be holding jump to make the cloud appear... I'm still tinkering with it though, but I'll hopefully be able to make it not look awkward.
um, do you even vanilla bro:
1. the psycho knife is a vanilla item.
2. it is not crafted, and is dropped by psychos during a solar eclipse.
3. im pretty sure you should play vanilla more before playing mods if you are still unaware of certain vanilla items (exceept stupidly rare ones of course)
I've been playing terraria for 4 years :|, I don't know every 1.3 item though.
Silly question but how those "Life regen increased by X" items exactly work? Is that X HP per seconds, more or less? I can't figure it out :/
Is the black hole cannon meant to be craftable before killing Plantera? Its seems way too overpowered for an item you can craft right after beating the three mechanical bosses.
Silly question but how those "Life regen increased by X" items exactly work? Is that X HP per seconds, more or less? I can't figure it out :/

It's actually a lot more complicated than it appears, but the cliffnotes are this; if you use a lot of regen increasing items, like heart lantern, campfire, Well Fed, Regeneration Potion, and palladium armor all at once, you basically start recovering life at a rate that's about 20-40 times faster than if you had none of it. Look it up on the wiki for specifics, but basically, your life regen goes up exponentially the more of it you have.

Now, consider that most forms of regen boost are only 1-2 points. The ever-common camplantern with wellfed+regeneration potion totals up to 6 points of regen boost, and that much alone turns a character from regening 0.1HP a second after taking damage, to about 3-4HP a second right after taking damage. Now consider that there's certain things in Thorium that can raise your regen stat up well past 10.

There was a reason Berserker armor in this mod pre nerf was the best armor in the game, and why Terrarium armor is absolutely excellent. Also why Nebula armor is pretty broken af in vanilla.
It's actually a lot more complicated than it appears, but the cliffnotes are this; if you use a lot of regen increasing items, like heart lantern, campfire, Well Fed, Regeneration Potion, and palladium armor all at once, you basically start recovering life at a rate that's about 20-40 times faster than if you had none of it. Look it up on the wiki for specifics, but basically, your life regen goes up exponentially the more of it you have.

Now, consider that most forms of regen boost are only 1-2 points. The ever-common camplantern with wellfed+regeneration potion totals up to 6 points of regen boost, and that much alone turns a character from regening 0.1HP a second after taking damage, to about 3-4HP a second right after taking damage. Now consider that there's certain things in Thorium that can raise your regen stat up well past 10.

There was a reason Berserker armor in this mod pre nerf was the best armor in the game, and why Terrarium armor is absolutely excellent. Also why Nebula armor is pretty broken af in vanilla.

Thanks a lot for the complex answer! That also explains why the Terrarium Armor life regen was nerfed from riddiculous 15... Anyway great thanks for explaining this. As for the Devil's Carapace and it's regen... maybe the Carapace itself should lose the life regen, but be upgradable in post-Plantera time - as Sam stated that Underworld will get some love, maybe some post-Plantera enemies would drop item that would give the Carapace it's ife regen back?
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